What is declarative memory?
involves memories for facts or events, such as scenes, stories, words, conversations, faces, or daily events. We are aware of and can recall, or retrieve, these kinds of memories
What is a cognitive interview?
is a techique for questioning people, such as eyewitnesses, by having them imagine and reconstruct the details of an event, report everything they remember without holding back, and narrate the event from different viewpoints.
What does storing mean?
is the process of placing encoded information into relatively permanent mental storage or long-term storage.
What is repression?
the process by which the mind pushes a memory of some threatening or traumatic event deep into the unconcious. Once in the unconcious, the repressed memory cannot retrieve at will and may remain there until something releases it and the person remembers it
What is Network Theory?
says that we store related ideas in separate categories, or files, called nodes. As we make associations among information, we create links among thousands of nodes, which make up gigantic interconnected network of files for storing and retrieving information.
What is photographic memory?
occurs in adults, is the ability to form sharp, detailed visual images after examining a picture or page for a short period of time and to recall the entire image at a later date.
What is recognition?
involves identifying previously learned information with the help of external cues.
What is the method of loci?
is an encoding technique that creates visual associations between already memorized places and new items to be memorized
What is Echoic memory?
is a form of sensory memory that holds auditory information for 1-2 seconds.