American History Quiz.txt

  1. EBRA:*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Emergency Reliefing Bank Act. Shut down banks and inspected themto decide whether or not they should stay open. RELIEF
  2. FDIC:*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Provded federal Insurance for individual bank accounts of up to 5,000 dollars it required banks to act cautiously with their customers money. REFORM
  3. SEC*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Securities and Exchange Commision. Prevented people with inside information about companies from rigging the stock market. Created June of 1934. REFORM
  4. FSA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Federal Securities Act. Passed in May 1933. Required corperations to provide complete information on all stock offerings. REFORM
  5. AAA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Agriculture Adjustment Act. Rose crop prices by lowering production. Payed farmers to leave part of their acres of farm unseeded payed cotton growers 200 million dollars to plow up 10 million acres of their crops. and hog farmers claughtered 6 million pigs. RECOVERY
  6. TVA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Tenesse Valley Authority. Established May 18, 1933. Focused on the badly depressed Tenesse River Valley it renovated five existing dams construected 20 news ones creating thousands of jobs. Provided flood control, hydro electric power and other benifets. RECOVERY
  7. CCC*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Civilian Conservation Corpshired 3 million men gave them 30 dolllars a month and 25 dollars of it went to the family. They worked in parks and created 200 million trees. RELIEF
  8. CWA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Civil Works Administration. Established November 1933. It provided 4 million emediate jobs during the winter of 1933-1934. It builts40,000 schools and paid more than 50,000 school teachers. It also built more than half a millionn miles of road. RELIEF
  9. PWA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Public Works Administration. independant same thing as CWA construction of schools- Hospitals, roads, airports, court houses. Etc... RELIEF
  10. NIRA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    National Industryial Recovery Act provided money to states to create jobs chiefly in the construction of schools and other community buildings. Not a job creator also set production limits and set price limits for industries. RECOVERY
  11. NRA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    National Recovery Administration. Set prices of many products and established standards. tried to interupts job layoffs and salary cuts.enforced the rules set by NIRA. RECOVERY
  12. HOLC*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Home Owners Loan Corperation. The HOLC provided government loans to home owners who faced foreclosure because they couldn't make loan payments. RELIEF
  13. FERA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Federal Emergency Relief Administration. Was funded with 500 million dollars to provide direct relief for the needy half was given to the states as direct grants-in-aids to furnish food and clothing to the needy the rest was distributed to the states to support work repief programs for everyone within the state program FERA donated 1 dollar. RELIEF
  14. WPA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Work Progress Administration. Headed by by Harry Hopkins. Between 1935 and 1943 it spent 11 billion dollars to give jobs to more than 8 million workers the workers built 850 airports constructed or repaired 651,000 miles of road and streetsand more than 125,000 public buildings. Women of the group made more than 300 million garments for the needy. Highered artists. RELIEF
  15. NYA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    National Youth Administration. Created to provide education, jobs, counseling, and recreation for young people. The NYA provided aid to highschool, college, and graduate students. In exchange students worked on part time positions at their schools. RELIEF
  16. NLRB*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Nation Labor Reations Board. Set up to hear testimony about unfair practices and to hold elections to find out if workers wanted union representation. REFORM
  17. FLSA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Fair Labor Standards Act. Set a mazimum of 44 hours per week, decreasing to 40 hours after 2 years it also set minimum wages at 25 cents an hour increasing to 40 cents by 1945. REFORM
  18. REA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Ruraly Electrification Admission. The REA financed electrical cooperatives to bring electricity to isolated areas by 1945 48% of American farms and rural homes had elecricity that figure rose to 90% by 1949. REFORM
  19. PUHC*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Public Utility Holding Company. Act of 1935 outlawed the ownership of utilities by multiple holding companies known as the pyramiding ofholding companies. REFORM
  20. FHA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Federal Housing Administration. This agency continues to furnish loans for home mortages and repairs today. REFORM
  21. USHA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    United States Housing Authority. Provided federal loans for low-cost public housing. REFORM
  22. RA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Ressetlement- Administration. Took farmers from the dust bowl and gave them a loan to buy new farm land somewhere else. RECOVERY
  23. SSA*name the program*describe...provide specific details ( types of jobs etc.)*identify if it is Relief, Recovery, or Reform program
    Social Security Association. Old age insurance for retirees age 65 (67) and over - retirement benefits, half come from worker, half from employer. Unemployment compensation-funded by taxes on business. id to families with dependent children-(welfare program) provides money, food stamps ,assistance with bills for families with children up to age 18 Disability - provides money for those with disabilities as well as providing services for the disabled REFORM
  24. Social Security Ages
    age 65 (67) and over
  25. Groups that recieved benefit
    Retirees. Unemployment compensation. Aid to families with dependent children. families with children up to age 18. Disability. Orphans.
  26. Where the money comes from.
    funded by taxes on business. retirement benefits, half come from worker, half from employer.
  27. Problems with the funding of it
    *Today there is 3.3 workers supporting every 1 retired person* Starting Jan. 1st of this year, 10,000 people reach retirement age every day and start collecting Social Security (3.5 million per year)* by 2014 there will be MORE retired workers than working Americans* by 2014 Medicare/Medicaid will be 98% of our current US budget*2017- Government will pay out more in Social Security than we collect*by 2027 the annual shortfall will be $200 billion per year* by 2042 the Social Security system will be bankrupt
  28. How to fix it
    Increased taxes cut benefits
  29. Lasting effects of the new deal
    Protects peoples money. Protects the stock market. Protects people who buy stock. Ensures housing for everyone. prevents strikes and settles disputes. Sets maximum work hours minimum wage. Ensures Americans can affor utilities.
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American History Quiz.txt
American History Flashcards