Government: Chapter 1

  1. What are the four characteristics of a state?
    • 1.) Population
    • 2.) Territory
    • 3.) Sovereighty
    • 4.)Government
  2. What are four theories of the origins of a state?
    • 1.) The Force Theory
    • 2.) The Evolutionary Theory
    • 3.) The Divine Right Theory
    • 4.) The Social Contract Theory
  3. What are six purposes of the American system of government?
    • 1.) Form a more perfect union
    • 2.) Establish justice
    • 3.) Insure domestic tranquility
    • 4.) Provide for the common defense
    • 5.) Promote the general welfare
    • 6.) Secure the blessings of liberty
  4. Government
    institution through which a society makes and enforces it's public policies.
  5. Public Policy
    all of the things a government decides to do.
  6. Legislative Power
    the power to make law and to frame public policies
  7. Executive Power
    power to execute, enforce, and administer law.
  8. Judicial Power
    power to interpret laws, determine their meanings and settle disputes that arise within the society.
  9. Constitution
    body of fundamental laws setting out the principles, structures, and processes of a government.
  10. Dictatorship
    where everything is run by a single person, or a small group
  11. Democracy
    when the respondsibility for the exercise of these powers rest with a majority of the people, that form a government.
  12. State
    a body of people, living in a defined territory, organized politically and with the power to make and enforce law without consent of higher authority.
  13. Sovereign
    supreme and absolute power within its own territory and can decide its own foreign and domestic policies
  14. Unitary Government
    a government in which all power belongs to a central agency
  15. Federal Government
    a government in which power is divided between a central government and other local governments
  16. Confederation
    an alliance of independent states
  17. Presidential Government
    a government in which the executive and legislative branches are separate and coequal
  18. Parliamentary Government
    a government in which members of the executive branch are also members of the legislative branch and are subject to the legislature's direct control.
  19. Division of Powers
    structuring a government so that power is shared by a central and several local governments
  20. Oligarchy
    a government in which a small, usually self-appointed, group has the power to rule
  21. Autocracy
    a government in which a single person holds unlimited power
  22. What are the basic concepts of democracy?
    • 1.) Worth of the Individual
    • 2.) Equality of all Persons
    • 3.) Majority Rule, Minority Rights
    • 4.) Necessity of Compromise
    • 5.) Individual Freedom
  23. Compromise
    the matter of agreeing on something
  24. What are four factors underlying the free enterprise system?
    • 1.) Competition
    • 2.) Private Ownership
    • 3.) Individual Initiative
    • 4.) Profit
  25. Law of Supply and Demand
    as goods and services become plentiful, then prices drop; when goods and services become scarce, then prices increase.
  26. Mixed Economy
    an economy in which private enterprise exists in combination with a considerable amount of government regulation and promotion.
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Government: Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Exam