Physiology 1

  1. Selectively permanable
    has pores that let hydrophobic in but hydrophilic has to come in some other way.this is possible through diffusion and active transport.
  2. Phosolipid
    A phosphate (which is charged) and a lipid (no charge) The phosphate is hydrophilic the lipid is hydrophobic
  3. Hydrophobic
    Doesnt dissolve in water but in lipid layer. Non polar example H20 and CO2 like olive oil.
  4. Hydrophilic
    Attracted, dissolves in and transported by water. It can't get through the lipid layer of the cell membrane because it is polar so it has to have active transport or active diffusion to get through usually ions like K+ and Na-.
  5. Diffusion
    the spontanious movement of a substance from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentrations without the need of ATP. SPONTANIOUS!
  6. Concentration gradiant
    The amount of something from one region to the other. (ex higher Na outside the cell then inside the cell)
  7. Equilibrium
    When the concentration gradiant is equal between the 2 regions. not a good thing when talking about the human body, this stops diffusion.
  8. Gradiant
    it is the different between the 2 regions (high and low) determines the direction and the amount that will be diffused.
  9. chemical concentration
    one of the strengths of the gradiants. it just looks at the concentration of the number of gradiants not the charge. just the shear numbers from the 2 regions
  10. Electrical concentration
    the different charge that the ion has if its already positive inside then more wont want to flow in but if its more positive inside then outside then it will flow pretty good sense they are attracted. way more influentale then the chemical concentration.
  11. Electrochemical gradiant
    Both the strengths of the charge of the 2 regions with the help or hindering with the concentration of the chemical concentration until there is no net diffusion that doesnt always mean that its equilibrium.
  12. gated channel
    doesnt let ions flow freely in and out
  13. leaky channel
    lets the ions flow freely from the cell to the outside
  14. transporter
    dont use energy facilitates diffusion ex. GLU transporter glucose hydrophilic stuff. works like a reflex it goes to the binding site and it makes it change shape. It's a 2 way door
  15. active transport
    opposite of diffusion, goes againest concentration gradiant which is why it needs ATP because its pumping againest the concentration gradiant.
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Physiology 1
moffats first lecture