connective tissue

  1. What are the three types of connective tissues?
    • 1. Cells
    • 2. Protein Fibers
    • 3. Ground Substance (matrix)
  2. Fibroblast
    Produce protein fibers and ground substance
  3. Adipocytes
    Storage, reserve. (fat cells)
  4. Fixed Macrophage
    • Phagocytosis: the cellular process of phagocytes and protists of engulfing solid particles
    • White blood cells
  5. Mesenchymal Cells
    Divide due to injury, fix and repair
  6. Mast Cells
    Release Histamine and Heparin
  7. Plasma Cells
    Form Antibodies
  8. Free Macrophage
    • Phagocytosis: the cellular process of phagocytes and protists of engulfing solid particles
    • White blood cells
  9. Other Leukocytes
    Immune Response
  10. Collagen
    Strong, very abundant. 25% of total protein in body
  11. Elastic
    Stretches to 150% of length.
  12. Reticular
    Small net
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connective tissue
Connective tissue