Lab techniques.txt

  1. Derived from cell wall of gram neg bacteria
  2. Used more broadly as any contamination by product from bact
  3. Cannot be used for injections
    PW purified water
  4. Has to be with lower level of chemicals, micro and pyrogens than PW
    WFI water for injections
  5. Vaporizing and condensing for water purification
  6. Uses resins to deionize water removing neg and pos ions and replacing them with OH and H ions
    Ion exchange purification
  7. Water purification using activated carbon
    Carbon adsorption
  8. Inexpensive method of filtration to remove particles larger than 10th
    Depth filters
  9. Synthetic polymer filters with specific spore size. Effectively removes bacteria
    Microfilters/screen filters
  10. Filtration that can remove viruses and pyrogens
  11. Filtration that removes solute with diameter of .001um
  12. Removes materials down to molecular weight of 300
    Reverse osmosis (RO)
  13. Three methods of water purification
    • UV oxidation
    • Chlorination
    • Ozonation
  14. 4 ways to test water purification
    • Resistivity-ionic contamination
    • Bacterial counts
    • Pyrogens
    • Total organic carbon
    • pH-pure water is at pH 6.0 or below
  15. Glass that is most common general purpose in the lab
    Borosilicate glass (pyrex, kimax, and cortex)
  16. Passing solutions that are heat sensitive through a small pore size filter for sterilizing
  17. Sterilization by heating to generate steam and pressure
  18. 4 steps for storing proteins
    • Refridgerate for short periods in buffer or salts to prevent degradation
    • Rapid freeze protects proteins
    • Store concentrated
    • Use additives to protect
  19. Storing DNA and RNA
    • Refridgerate short term
    • Freeze long term with additives
  20. Storing intact cells
    Stored at temps below -130 degrees. Most of the time in liquid nitrogen at -196C
Card Set
Lab techniques.txt
Basic Lab Techniques