African American CT

  1. cultural hegemony
    dominance of white America
  2. racialism
    belief in racial superiority, inferiority, and purity based ont he conviction that moral and intellectual characteristics, just like physical characteristics, are biological properties that differentiate the races
  3. racism
    the unequal power relations that grow from the sociopolitical domination of one race by another and that result in systematic discriminatory practices
  4. institutionalized racism
    incorporation of racist policies and practices in the institutions by which a society operates
  5. Eurocentric universalism
    literary work shave been defined as great art, as "universal" and included in the canon only when they reflect European experience and conform to the style and subject matter of the European literary tradition
  6. Eurocentrism
    the belief that European culture is vastly superior to all others
  7. internalized racism
    the psychological programming by which a racist society indoctrinates people of color to believe in white superiority
  8. intra-racial racism
    discrimination within the black community against those with those with darker skin and more African features
  9. double consciousness (vision)
    the awareness of belonging to two conflicting cultures: the African culture and the the European culture imposed by white America
  10. Black Vernacular English
    a nonstandard form of American English spoken by some Black people in the United States
  11. Black Arts Movement
    literary and artistic offshoot of the Black Power Movement
  12. Afrocentricity
    primacy of their relationship to African history and culture
  13. everyday racism
    common, ordinary experience for people of color in the United States (nonvisible forms of racism)
  14. interest convergence
    racism converges, or overlaps, with the interest - with something needed or desired - of a white individual or financial interest of upper-class whites who exploit black laborers by paying them less than their white counterparts, and its in the psychologicial interest of the working-class whites whose own experience of being underpaid and exploited by wealthy whites makes them need to feel superior to someone else
  15. material determinism
    the desire to advance oneself in the material world (financially or psychologically) determines the ways in which the dominant society practices racism
  16. the social construction of Race
    definition of race change as economic and social pressures change
  17. differential racialization
    the dominant society racializes (defines the racial characteristics of) different minority groups in different ways at different times in response to its shifting needs
  18. intersectionality
    no one has a simple, uncomplicated identity based on race alone (intersects with class, sex, sexual orientation, political orientation, and personal history in forming each person's complex identity)
  19. voice of color
    the belief that minority writers and thinkers are generally in a better position than white writers and thinkers to write and speak about race and racism because they experience racism directly
  20. white privilege
    the myriad of social advantages, benefits, and courtesies that come with being a member of the dominant race
  21. racial realism
    the conviction that racial equality will never be achieved in the United States and that African Americans should, therefore, stop believing that it will
  22. orality
    the spoken quality of its language
  23. signifyin(g)
    various indirect, clever, ironic, and playful ways of giving your opinion abut another person without saying explicitly what you mean
  24. Africanism
    white conception of African and African American people on which white authors have projected their own fears, needs, desires, and conflicts
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African American CT
African American