FF 1.1

  1. What information is needed to complete the TOLD card?
    • W&B
    • Takeoff and landing performance
    • Field Conditions
  2. What should you do if winds are reported as either gusty or variable?
    Use the strongest crosswind and weakest headwind component
  3. What are the six variables used to compute takeoff distance using the takeoff distance chart?
    • Temp
    • Pressure altitude
    • Weight
    • Runway slope
    • Wind
    • Obsticle
  4. What should you do before entering the computed headwind component into the appropriate block on the TOLD card?
    Verify crosswind component is within limits
  5. What are the two categories of flight instruments?
    Control and performance navigation
  6. What is coordinated flight?
    Flying without a skid or slip
  7. What is the standard pitch correction for altitude deviations less than 300 feet?
  8. Turns involve the coordination of which aircraft control surfaces?
    • Aileron
    • Rudder
    • Elevator
  9. In a constant airspeed and power climb, how will your attitude in a climbing turn compare to a wingslevel climb?
    It will be lower because of the lost in lift
  10. When accelerating, how will the aircraft tend to react?
    It will seek a trimmed airspeed by climbing.
  11. As the takeoff roll progresses, why will smaller rudder inputs be needed?
    Controls become more effective
  12. What control inputs should be made during a no-wind takeoff?
    Right rudder
  13. What is a skid in a turn?
    Using to much rudder. The ball will be outside of turn
  14. In a turn, how do you compensate for loss of lift?
    Apply back stick pressure
  15. What information should be included in a standard request for taxi clearance?
    • Aircraft ID
    • Current position
    • Type of operation
    • Intended first destination
  16. When must you normally proceed straight through initial and NOT execute a break? What do you do after executing straight through?
    • Insufficient spacing w/ACFT on inside downwind.
    • ACFT on straight-in between 5 and 2 miles.
    • ACFT on ELP between high key and low key.
    • Turn crosswind at departure end or as directed locally
  17. What factors would preclude you from requesting a closed pattern?
    • Straight-in between 5 and 2 miles
    • Aircraft on initial
    • Spacing with aircraft on closed downwind
    • ELP between “request high key” and “low key”
  18. During a straight-in, when do you make your gear down radio call?
    At 2NM point
  19. Where is the entry point for the 360° overhead pattern?
  20. When do you perform the Before Landing Check?
    On downwind
  21. During the high-speed portion of the touchdown and rollout, how should directional control be maintained?
    Rudder (aileron in crosswind)
  22. What visual illusions might affect your landing/flare?
    • Runway width/length/slope
    • Terrain feature
  23. How do you perform a breakout from an Air Force overhead pattern?
    Climbing turn away from the pattern, at 200KIAS and proceed to re-entry point
  24. While landing, what effect will a wide runway have?
    Flare to high or short of runway, you think you are lower then what you are.
  25. While landing, what effect will a narrow runway have?
    Flare is late, you think you are higher then what you are
  26. What effect will landing on a long runway have if you are use to a short runway?
    you will think you are closer then you are
  27. What effect will landing on a short runway have if you are use to a long runway?
    you will think you are farther then you are
  28. While landing, what effect will a upward slopping runway have?
    you will think you are high and flare to low
  29. While landing, what effect will a downward slopping runway have?
    You will think you are low and flare high
  30. Define dynamic hydroplaning.
    Tires ride on a layer of water
  31. Define viscous hydroplaning.
    Tires ride on a film of oil, rubber deposits, or foreign matter, happens on smooth runways.
  32. Define rubber reversion hydroplaning.
    Tires ride on a layer of steam generated burning rubber caused by locked brakes
Card Set
FF 1.1