hist early western art

  1. Animal from Apollo 11 cave, ca. 23, 000 bce, namibia
  2. human with feline head, ca 30,000-28,000 bce, southern germany
  3. venus of willendorf, ca. 28,000-25,000bce, austria
  4. two bison in relief, ca. 15,000-10,000 bce, le tuc d'audoubert france
  5. bison from painted ceiling, ca. 12,000-11,000 bce, altamira spain
  6. hall of bulls, ca 15,000-13,000bce, lascaux france
  7. rhinoceros, man, bison, ca 15,000-13,000 bce, lascaux
  8. great stone tower of jericho, ca 8000-7000 bce
  9. human figure, ca 6750-6250 bce, ain ghazal, jordan
  10. catal hoyuk, ca 6000-5900 bce
  11. deer hunt, ca. 5750 bce, catal hoyuk
  12. stonehenge, ca 2550 bce, salisbury plain, england
  13. white temple at uruk, ca 3200-3000 bce, uruk, sumer
Card Set
hist early western art
hist early western art 1