Human Geo 8

  1. State
    Area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over its internal foreign affairs
  2. Sovereignty
    Independence from control of its internal affairs by other state
  3. Microstates
    states with small land areas
  4. city state-
    sovereign state that comprises a town and the surrounding countryside
  5. colony
    territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state rather than being completely independent
  6. colony
    territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state rather than being completely independent
  7. colonialism
    effort by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political economic and cultural principles on such territory
  8. Imperialism
    control of territory already occupied and organized bt an indigenous society
  9. compact state
    distance from the center to any boundary does not vary significantly
  10. prorupted state
    compact state with a large projecting extension
  11. elongated states
    states with a long and narrow shape
  12. perforated state
    state that completely surrounds anothr one
  13. landlocked state
    lacks direct outlet to the sea bc it is completely surrounded be several other countries
  14. frontier
    zone where no state exercises complete political control
  15. unitary state
    most power in the hands of the central gov officials
  16. federal state
    allocates strong power to units of local gov within country
  17. gerrymandering
    process of redrawing legislative boundaries for the purpose of benefiting the party in power
  18. balance of power
    a condition of roughly equal strength between opposing alliances
  19. boundary
    seperation of states and its neighbors
  20. fragmented state
    several discontinuous peices of territory
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Human Geo 8