Patriarchal woman
a woman who has internalized the norms and values of patriarchy
any culture that privileges men by promoting traditional gender roles
Traditional gender roles
cast men as rational, strong, protective, and decisive; they cast women as emotional (irrational), weak, nurturing, and submissive
promotes the belief that women are innately inferior to men
Biological essentialism
based on biological differences between the sexes that are considered part of our unchanging essence as men and women
striking illustration of biological essentialism; the word derives from the Greek word for womb (hystera) and refers to psychological disorders deemed peculiar to women and characterized by overemotional, extremely irrational behavior
our biological constitution as female or male
our cultural programming as feminine or masculine
Social constructionism
gender categories are constructed by society
Materialist Feminism
interested in the social and economic oppression of women
Psychoanalytic Feminism
concentrates on women’s psychological experience
Sexual Difference
what patriarchy believes are essential, or inborn, differences between women and men
Patriarchal Binary thought
seeing the world in terms of polar opposites, one of which is considered superior to others
Ecriture feminine (feminine writing)
a new feminine language that undermines or eliminates the patriarchal binary thinking that oppresses and silences women
Male Gaze
the man looks, the woman is looked at
the way to get beyond patriarchy is by means of language. The women only groups are necessary for the development of non patriarchal ways of thinking and speaking.
the part of language that in contrast, consists of such elements as intonation, rhythm, and the body language that occurs as we speak, which reveals our feelings and bodily drives
symbolic dimension
the domain in which words operate and meanings are attributed to them
Gender Identity
implies that one gender may not match one’s biological sex