Psychoanalytic CT

  1. Classical Psychoanalysis
    the theory of psych established by Sigmund Freud
  2. Repression
    the expunging from consciousness
  3. Oedipal Conflict
    competition with the parent of the same gender for the attention and the affection of the parent of the opposite gender
  4. Sibling Rivalry
    competition with siblings for the attention and affection of parents
  5. Selective Perception
    hearing and seeing only what we feel we can handle
  6. Selective Memory
    modifying our memories so that we don’t feel overwhelmed by them, or forgetting painful events entirely
  7. Denial
    believing that the problem doesn’t exist or the unpleasant incident never happened
  8. Avoidance
    staying away from the people or situations that are liable to make us anxious by stirring up some unconscious experience or emotion
  9. Displacement
    “taking it out” on someone or something less threatening than the person who caused our fear, hurt, frustration, or anger
  10. Projection
    ascribing our fear, problem, or guilty desire to someone else and then condemning him or her in order to deny that we have it ourselves
  11. Regression
    the temporary return to a former psychological state, which is not just imagined, but relived
  12. Active reversal
    the acknowledgement and working through of repressed experiences and emotions because we can alter the effects of a wound only when we relive the wounding experience
  13. Anxiety
    What we experience when our defenses momentarily break down
  14. Core issues
    issues that stay with us throughout life and unless effectively addressed, they determine our behavior in destructive ways of which, we are usually unaware
  15. Fear of intimacy
    the chronic and overpowering feeling that emotional closeness will seriously hurt or destroy us and that we can remain emotionally safe only by remaining at an emotional distance from others at all times.
  16. Fear of abandonment
    the unshakeable belief that our friends and loved ones are going to desert us (physical abandonment) or don’t really care about us (emotional abandonment)Fear of betrayal – the nagging feeling that our friends and loved ones can’t be trusted (ex. Can’t be trusted not to lie to us / not to laugh at us behind our backs / not to cheat on us by dating others)
  17. Low self-esteem
    the belief that we are less worthy than other people and, therefore, don’t deserve attention, love, or any other of life’s rewards. We often believe that we deserve to be punished by life in some way.
  18. Insecure / unstable sense of self
    the inability to sustain a feeling of personal identity, to sustain a sense of knowing ourselves. This core issue makes us very vulnerable to the influence of other people and we may find ourselves continually changing the way we look or behave as we become involved with different individuals or groups.
  19. Oedipal fixation (oedipal complex)
    a dysfunctional bond with a parent of the opposite sex that we don’t’ outgrow in adulthood and that doesn’t allow us to develop mature relationships with our peers.
  20. Latent content
    the dreams underlying meaning or “the message” are unconscious expresses in our dreams
  21. Dream displacement
    occurs whenever we use a “safe” person, event, or object as a “stand-in” to represent a more threatening person, event, or object
  22. Condensation
    occurs during a dream whenever we use a single dream image or event to represent more than one unconscious wound or conflict.
  23. Primary revision
    what displacement and condensation are collectively called
  24. Manifest content
    the dream’s latent content
  25. Secondary revision
    forgetting certain parts of the dream or remembering parts differently from how they actually occurred when we are awake
  26. Phallic symbols (male imagery)
    anything that stands upright or goes off
  27. Female imagery
    anything that is an enclosure or container that represents the womb
  28. Death drive
    Freud’s theory that death is a biological drive and is an act of physical self-destruction
  29. Superego
    the social values and taboos that we internalize and experience as our sense of right and wrong
  30. Id
    the psychological reservoir of our instincts
  31. Libido
    sexual energy
  32. Ego
    the conscious self that experiences the external world through the sense
  33. Penis envy
    the desire to have a penis
  34. Castration anxiety
    the fear that boys will lose their penises
  35. Mirror Stage
    When an infant begins to see itself as a whole rather than formless and fragmented mass because the child can see the whole image reflected in a mirror
  36. Imaginary Order
    world of images or perception; the world the child experiences through images rather than through words
  37. Desire of the Mother
    the desire of the mother for the child and the child’s desire of the mother
  38. Symbolic Order
    universal structure encompassing the entire field of human action and existence and it involves the function of speech and language
  39. “Objet petit a”
    the a stands for autre which makes the phrase read “object small other” which influences me and only me, whereas the Other with the capital O influences everyone. Also refers to anything that puts me in touch with my repressed desire for my lost object
  40. Real
    the uninterpretable dimension of existence; it is existence without the filters and buffers of our signifying or meaning-making, systems
  41. The trauma of the Real
    the realization that the reality hidden beneath the ideologies society has created is a reality beyond our capacity to know and explain and therefore certainly beyond our capacity to control
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Psychoanalytic CT
Psychoanalytic Critical Theory