
  1. The basic model from which all patterns are formed. In literature a recurrent symbol or motif which may be a character type, theme, image or particular pattern of events
  2. The process of releasing and providing release from strong emotions such as pity and fear by watching the same emotions being played out in a story or drama. Aristotle believed that watching tragic plays provided the audience with this.
  3. A sudden and important realization or revelation, often while observing a commonplace object; a special moment of sudden insight
  4. A recurrent element in a piece of literature
  5. A seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement from which comes a truth
  6. The emotional quality in a work that arouses pity, sadness or compassionate sympathy
  7. A poetic device originating in the ancient tragedy in which the individual lines of verse dialogue are assigned to alternate speakers. This was a technique for providing contrast to the many lengthy speeches and choral passages. It generally occured at moments of high tension and often provided an appropriate form for argumentation, thus heightening audience emotion.
    Stichomythic dialogue, or stichomythia
  8. A universal statement that must go beyond the text into advice or wisdom for human beings of many ages
  9. An imitation of a single, unified action that is serious, complete, probable and of a certain magnitude. The key perception of the __________ is the inevitability of the main character's destruction as he/she struggled against insurmountable odds, testing the strongest mettle of man's spirit and revealing the paradox of man's inability to endure and the inevitability of his death. The enlightened audience appreciates the irony of the tragedy, mourning the fall of man, yet celebrating the return of balance to nature.
  10. The main idea of any essay, implied throughout the text by the author
  11. One or two words to indentify the issue of the writing
  12. The main idea of the essay, stated directly by the author in a sentence or two. Usually found in the introduction, this statement (or two, if the idea is complex) contains the issue plus the way the author treats the issue
    Thesis statement
  13. The reason the author writes the selection. May include to explain, to entertain, to persuade, to convince, to show, to ridicule or poke fun or to inform. Always has a specific _______, such as to explain something, a further step than just explaining
  14. Verse which tells a story focusing on the ________ elements of plot, character, setting and theme
    Narrative poetry
  15. Verse which recreates sensation evoking the use of imagery and figurative language
    Descriptive poetry
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