- David
- "Napolean crossing the st benard"
- --Actually crossed on a donkey
- Delacroix
- "Liberty leading the people"
- --Liberty is symbolized as a women
- Goya
- "The 3rd of May"
- --Man resembles the position of Jesus being crucified
- Millet
- "The gleaners"
- --Scene of extreme poverty and backbreaking labor
- Eakins
- "The gross clinic"
- --Controversial because of subject matter
- Manet
- "Olympia"
- --Model stares at viewer in challenge
- Monet
- "Rouen Cathedral"
- --Did over 30 versions at different times of day and year
- Cezanne
- "Mount Sainte-Victiore"
- Post Impressionist period
- Seurat
- "Sunday on La Grande Jatte"
- Used Pointiellism-Placing dots of paint together
- Van Gogh
- "Starry Night"
- Suffered from epilepssy and Pych zophrnia