rad tech ch 8

  1. Anode:
    positive electrode of the x-ray tube
  2. Bucky Mechanism:
    grid that is an integral part of the x-ray table, located below the tabletop and above a cassette tray; decreases the amount of scatter radiation reaching the image receptor, which increases contrast; moves during exposure so that no grid lines appear on the image
  3. Cassette:
    light-proof holder for the image receptor; for computed radiography, the cassette holds the reusable photostimulable phosphor imaging plate; for conventional film-screen radiography, the cassette contains intensifying screens and a sheet of film
  4. Cathode:
    negative electrode of the x-ray tube
  5. Collimator:
    diaphragm or system of diaphragms made of an absorbing material; designed to define the dimensions and direction of a beam of radiation
  6. Fluoroscope:
    device used for dynamic radiographic examinations; usually consists of an x-ray tube situated underneath the x-ray table and an electronic image intensifier situated over the x-ray table
  7. Fluoroscopy:
    examination by means of the fluoroscope
  8. Longitudinal:
    lengthwise; along the long axis
  9. Spot Film Device:
    equipment that permits the acquisition of static images during a dynamic fluoroscopic examination
  10. Transverse:
    placed crosswise; situated at right angles to the long axis of a part
  11. Tube Angulation:
    pivoting the tube at the point where it is attached to its support
  12. Vertical:
    perpendicular to the plane of the horizon
  13. X-ray Tube:
    device that produces x-rays
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rad tech ch 8
ch 8 vocabulary