CSCS Vocabulary

  1. Adduction
    The movement of a body part toward the midline of the body.
  2. Absolute
    The actual weight of body fat even thou your body is composed of both muscle and fat.
  3. Abduction
    The movement of a body part away from the midline of the body.
  4. Aerobic Capacity
    The total amount of work that can e performed by the aerobic energy system.
  5. Aerobic Fitness
    The ability to perform prolonged periods of work without getting tired. During aerobic exercise, you should be able to carry on conversation.
  6. Ambient heart rate
    Your heart rate during the day when you aren't really doing anything, but it's not truly resting either. Take it at the same time, in the same circumstances, daily.
  7. Amino Acids
    Refer to the building blocks of protein.
  8. Anaerobic Exercise
    Exercise done for a short period of time usually 1 to 2 minutes, uses a lot of oxygen, develops speed, but does not develop overall fitness.
  9. Antioxidants
    Specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that protect the body against free radicals.
  10. Basal metabolic rate or BMR
    The rate at which the body burns calories over a 24-hour period, while at complete rest.
  11. Blood pressure
    refers to the pressure within the arterial system caused by blood flow.
  12. Body composition
    Refers to the make up of lean and fat tissue in the body.
  13. Body mass index (BMI)
    Numerical equivalent of over or underweight, derived from an equation utilizing body weight and height.
  14. Calisthenics
    Exercises that use body weight as resistance.
  15. Calorie.
    Measure of the energy value of food.
  16. Carbohydrates
    Refer to one of the six nutrients used by the body for energy. Dietary sources of carbs include sugars, grains, rice, potatoes and beans. 1 gram=4 cals.
  17. Cardiorespiratory fitness
    Health-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability of the circulatory respiratory systems to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity.
  18. Cardiovascular
    Refers to the heart and blood vessels.
  19. Carotid pulse
    pulse located on the carotid artery that is located down from the corner of the eye, just under the jawbone.
  20. Cellulite
    Subcutaneous fat.
  21. Cellulose
    Type of Carb that is composed of glucose Sugars.
  22. Cholesterol
    refers to the lipids found only in animal products and produced by the body.
  23. Circuit training.
    Refers to a training technique that involves moving form one exercise to another usually 10 to 12. Each exercise works a different muscle group until each muscle has been worked.
  24. Cool down
    Refers to the part of an exercise program that follows the workout and reduces the heart rate.
  25. Crunches
    Isolate the abs reducing stress on the lower back
  26. Dehydration
    refers to the loss of fluids from the body to below normal levels
  27. Diuretic
    refers to any agent that increases the flow of urine.
  28. Dynamic Stretching
    stretching movement performed at gradually increased speed.
  29. Ectomorph
    refers to a body type that is characterized by a light build and slight muscular development
  30. Electrolytes
    refer to minerals such as chloride, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
  31. Empty Calorie
    A term used to indicate food-contributin calories with little food value and nutrients. Ex: alcohol and simple sugars
  32. Endomorph
    refers to a body type that is characterized by a stocky build, wide hips, and heavy fat storage
  33. Endorphins
    substances in the brain that induce "runner's high" or good feelings during prolonged exercise.
  34. Endurance
    ability to maintain a physical activity over time.
  35. Energy balance
    Energy balance refers to the relationship between energy intake (input of food) and energy output (energy expenditure)
  36. Energy expenditure
    The energy cost to the body of physical activity, usually measure in kilocalories.
  37. Extension
    refers to the straightening of a body part away from the body. An example is straightening the elbow.
  38. Fat
    Essential nutrient that provides energy, energy storace and insulation to the body.
  39. FITT
    Theory governing proper frequency, intensity, time and type of exercise.
  40. Flexibilty
    refers to the ability to flex and extend the body's joints through their full range of motion.
  41. Free radicals
    refer to highly reactive molecules that are known to damage muscle fibers, causes inflammation and fatigue and the suppression of the immune system.
  42. Frequency
    Refers to the number of times
  43. Functional Living
    The ability to successfully and to safely perform activities related to daily routine with sufficient energy, strength/endurance, flexibility, and coordination.
  44. Glucose
    Refers to a simple sugar, the form in which all cars are used as the body's principle energy source.
  45. HDL
    High-Density lipoproteins, the good cholesterol that returns unused fat to the liver for disposal.
  46. High impact aerobics
    exercises in which both feet leave the ground simultaneously.
  47. Hyperextension
    Extension of the angle between bones of a joint to a greater degree than normal.
  48. Hypertrophy
    an increase in muscle size
  49. Insulin
    the hormone that is essential for the correct maintenance level and metabolism of blood sugar.
  50. Intensity
    refers to the rate of performing work.
  51. Interval Training
    Measured periods of exercise followed by measured periods of rest.
  52. Isometric Action
    Refers to the contraction of a muscle without significant movement, also referred to as static tension
  53. Isotonic contraction
    refers to the alternate contraction and relaxation of large muscles against a natural resistance.
  54. LDL
    Low-density lipoprotein also known as the "bad" cholesterol.
  55. Kegel exercises
    exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor which leads to more control and prevent urine leakage.
  56. Lean body mass
    all body tissue except stored fat. Includes water, muscle, bones, and other body organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys.
  57. Low-impact aerobics
    type of exercise in which one foot always stay in contact with the floor.
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CSCS Vocabulary
CSCS Vocabulary