CSCS Vocabulary

  1. Adduction
    The movement of a body part toward the midline of the body.
  2. Absolute
    The actual weight of body fat even thou your body is composed of both muscle and fat.
  3. Abduction
    The movement of a body part away from the midline of the body.
  4. Aerobic Capacity
    The total amount of work that can e performed by the aerobic energy system.
  5. Aerobic Fitness
    The ability to perform prolonged periods of work without getting tired. During aerobic exercise, you should be able to carry on conversation.
  6. Ambient heart rate
    Your heart rate during the day when you aren't really doing anything, but it's not truly resting either. Take it at the same time, in the same circumstances, daily.
  7. Amino Acids
    Refer to the building blocks of protein.
  8. Anaerobic Exercise
    Exercise done for a short period of time usually 1 to 2 minutes, uses a lot of oxygen, develops speed, but does not develop overall fitness.
  9. Antioxidants
    Specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that protect the body against free radicals.
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CSCS Vocabulary
CSCS Vocabulary