1. What report is OPNAV 5350/7?
    Drug and Alcohol Abuse Report (DAAR)
  2. What report is OPNAV 5350-4?
    Report of Laboratory Urinalysis
  3. What report is OPNAV 5350/1?
    • Drug and Alcohol Abuse
    • Statement of Understanding
  4. What document is DD 2624?
    Specimen Custody Document
  5. What document is DD 1384?
    Transportation Control and Movement Document
  6. Each command will drug test what percent of it's personel monthly?
    10 to 20
  7. Commands shall submit one unit sweep of all assigned personnel how often?
  8. Except for unit sweeps, submissions in excess of 40 percent of assigned personnel in any given month require what prior approval?
    Echelon THREE
  9. NDSP
    Navy Drug Screening Program
  10. Once a CO has set the perameters, what does NDSP do?
    randomly selects the test day and individuals to be tested
  11. What is ALCOHOL-AWARE?
    • basic alcohol awareness
    • training for use at Navy commands
  12. All navy personnel will complete ALCOHOL-AWARE within how many years of completion of recruit training?
  13. ALCOHOL-AWARE course completion shall be documented as what?
    page 4 entry
  14. PREVENT 2000 covers what 5 items?
    • alcohol and drug abuse
    • interpersonal responsibility
    • financial responsibility
    • health and wellness
    • important life skills such as
    • communications and decision making
  15. Who is responsible for Navy Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program policy, and interfaces with the Department of Defense (DoD) and other agencies?
    Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Manuower & Personnel)
  16. Who is designated as program sponsor, responsible for implementation?
    Commander, Naw Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM)
  17. Who is responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring the medical aspects of the program?
    Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surqerv (BUMED)
  18. Who provides drug and alcohol abuse prevention training to all USNA midshipmen.
    Superintendent, U.S. Naval Academv (USNA)
  19. Who provides enlisted recruit, �A� school, and apprentice school education programs in drug and alcohol abuse prevention?
    Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET)
  20. Who reviews, as part of the Naval Command Inspection Program, second echelon drug and alcohol abuse prevention and control programs to ensure program implementation, policy compliance, and appropriate use of assigned resources throughout the claimancy?
    The Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN)
  21. Who develops guidance and provides assistance to commands in implementing and maintaining DUI/DWI countermeasure programs?
    Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NAVCRIMINVSERV)
  22. Who provides statistical data and collaboration, as required, to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-6) for the purpose of drug and alcohol abuse prevention and control programs evaluation and assessment?
    Commander, Naval Safetv Center (COMNAVSAFECEN)
  23. A NADAAC must consist of whom?
    • Installation CO or representative Staff Judge Advocate
    • Family Service Center director
    • Chaplain
    • MWR director
    • Medical department representative
    • Tenant command representatives
    • Base security representative
    • NAVCRIMINVSERV representative
  24. If found guilty of a DUI your on base driving privleges will be revoked for a minimum of...?
    1 yr
  25. The primary DAPA coordinator should be a min. of what rank.
  26. The assistant DAPAs should be a min. of what rank.
  27. The DAPA (and assistant DAPAs) shall not have had an alcohol incident within the ___ prior to appointment, andshall have at least ___ remaining in the command after appointment.
    2 yrs, 1 yr
  28. COS may appoint as many DAPAS and assistants as they deem necessary, but what ratio is recommended?
  29. Can a DAPA be assigned urinalysis program coordinator (UPC) duties?
  30. What shall be completed after every command- or self-referral, drug or alcohol incident, and final disposition determination?
  31. Commanders, COS, and OICS shall submit initial DAARs within ___ days of the referral or incident (reserve units must submit initial DAARs within ___ days).
    30, 90
  32. What DAARs are filed in the member�s permanent servicerecord?
  33. What DAARs are not filed in the member�s permanent service record?
  34. Who is responsible for identifying members at risk, obtaining a medical evaluation, and ordering members into appropriate intervention and/or treatment?
    Commands are
  35. Is a command or self referal considered an incident?
  36. Referals recieve treatment as prescribed by whom?
    an appropriate medical officer (MO) or licensed independent practitioner (LIP) .
  37. Members who desire counseling or treatment for alcohol problems may initiate the process by disclosing the nature and extent of their problem to whom?
    • DAPA
    • CO, OIC, Executive Officer, or CMC
    • Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselor
    • DOD medical personnel
    • Chaplain
    • Family Service Center Counselor
  38. A command-referral is initiated by the member�s chain of command and may be based on any credible factor such as...
    • hearsay
    • personal observation
    • noticeable change in job performance
  39. What can a CO do with someone they suspect of alchohol abuse if no offense has been committed?
    • COs may refer members of their command to a Medical Treatment
    • Facility/Alcohol Treatment Facility (MTF/ATF) screening
  40. Some events for which COs are strongly encouraged to consider referral for members are:
    • Medical record of alcohol-related involvement
    • History of Monday or Friday absences
    • History of financial problems
    • Domestic disturbance/family concerns
    • Peer/co-worker concerns
    • Accident history
    • History of heavy drinking
    • Alcohol-related injury
    • Alcohol-related victim of a crime
  41. What is an alcohol incident?
    alcohol incident is an offense, Punishable under the UCMJ or civilian laws, committed bv a member, to which, in the iudqment of the member�s CO, the offender�s consumption of alcohol was a contributing factor.
  42. In the case of a referal or incident the command should foward what to the MTF/ATF?
    • A statement of reason for referral (for non-incident) or DAAR (for incident)
    • The member�s health and service records
    • The DAPA screening package
  43. If in the US, or in a host country without an established legal drinking age, what is the approved age for the consumption of alcohol in the Navy?
  44. Whose responsibility is it to ensure that underaged Sailors do not consume alcohol? All Navy personnel
  45. When may COs deviate from the proscription that members must be ADSEPd when incurring a second ARI after having received treatment for a prior ARI?
    • If the member is an officer or E5 or above for whom:
    • - 3 years have passed since the prior ARI
    • - the CO marks as possessing "exceptional potential for further useful Naval service"
  46. Does IMPACT qualify as treatment for ADSEP purposes?
    • No; it is an early-intervention program.
    • However, if someone has gone through IMPACT twice and incurs an additional ARI, it satisfies the treatment requirements for ADSEP.
  47. After how many DUIs/DWIs in a person's overall career will he or she be ADSEPd?
  48. Who is the program sponsor for Drug & Alcohol treatment programs?
    OPNAV N135 (CNO Personal & Family Readiness)
  49. True or false: your on-base driving privileges will be suspended if you refuse a BAC test.
    True, pending resolution of the situation.
  50. May a person who has undergone alcohol-related treatment be appointed as DAPA or Assistant DAPA?
    Yes, as long as he or she has been sober for at least two years following treatment.
  51. True or false: the Command DAPA may also serve as the UPC.
  52. Within how many days must appointed DAPAs and Assistant DAPAs complete DAPA training?
    90 days, unless DAPA training was completed within the past 3 years.
  53. Commands of how many personnel or more should have a full-time DAPA?
    500 personnel
  54. What are the minimum and maximum percentages of command personnel who should be tested in a monthly period?
    • Minimum: 15%
    • Maximum: 40%
  55. How many tests must be performed in a monthly period?
  56. True or false: commands are required to conduct end-of-year unit sweeps to ensure that 100% of personnel are tested within the period of a year.
  57. Up to how many unit sweeps per year may be conducted?
  58. True or false: you canNOT be charged under the UMCJ for failing to promptly report an ARI arrest by civilian authorities.
    False. You can be charged under Article 92.
  59. Can a person be charged under the UCMJ for knowing about, but not reporting, drug-related violations?
    Yes, under Article 92.
  60. True or false: if you self-refer for an alcohol issue after having been treated, it is a treatment failure and you can be ADSEPd.
    False. Unless it is related to an additional ARI, it does not count as a treatment failure.
  61. What is the Urinalysis Premise code for a sample collected during a random monthly test?
    IR (Individual Random)
  62. What is the Urinalysis Premise code for a sample collected during a unit sweep?
  63. If there is probable cause to collect a urine sample, what is the premise code that is used if the person refuses to provide a sample and the CO orders that a sample be collected?
  64. What is the premise code used for samples obtained during search & seizure with the individual's consent?
  65. What premise code is used for a sample that is obtained by the CO's command, when the member has not consented, and when there is no legal probable cause but there is a reasonable suspicion that the individual has consumed drugs illegally?
  66. What premise code is used to mark urine samples collected during a mishap investigation?
  67. What is the minimum quantity of urine that must be collected from an individual during urinalysis testing?
  68. What happens if an individual can't provide a sample during the test time?
    The person is turned over to the MAA for observation for 24 hours. If the person is still unable to provide a sample after 24 hours, he or she is sent to Medical for a medical evaluation.
  69. True or false: ADAMS for Supervisors is required for any person serving in a first-line leadership position.
  70. How often must the ADAMS for Supervisors course be taken?
    Once every five years
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