PMK: A-500--0100 LCPO LEAD. COURSE.txt

  1. Name the CPO Core Competencies.
    • (1) Leading
    • (2) Developing
    • (3) Communicating
    • (4) Supporting
  2. What year did the Navy commission research related to the factors that distinguished average performers?
  3. What are the 3 Situational Communications?
    • Relationships with Peers
    • Relationships with Seniors
    • Relationships with Juniors
  4. Guidelines for establishing a good working relationship with your seniors:
    • Clarify Your Relationship
    • Read Your Seniors
    • Organize for Your Division Officer
    • Morning Meetings
    • Offer Constructive Feedback
    • Determine the CO�s Priorities
  5. What is the value to a leader in using personality typing?
    • (1)helping an individual understand him or herself, and thus relate better.
    • (2)helping an individual understand others so he or she is better able to relate to them.
    • (3)helpful aid when learning to work with others in an organization or on a team.
  6. Personality typing assumes important personality features can be divided into four areas or scales:
    • energizing
    • attending
    • deciding
    • and living.
  7. ENERGIZING: In what two ways can an individual find and draw energy?
    • Extroversion
    • Introversion
  8. ATTENDING: In what two ways do people pay attention?
    • Sensing
    • Intuition
  9. DECIDING: In what two ways does a person decide?
    • Thinking
    • Feeling
  10. LIVING: What 2 basic life-styles can a person adopt?
    • Judgment
    • Perception
  11. What are the different types of naval writing?
    • Organized Writing
    • Natural Writing
    • Compact Writing
    • Active Writing
  12. What is Netiquette?
    • Netiquette is the etiquette governing
    • communication on the
  13. Name the major elements of communicating?
    • Sender
    • Receiver
    • Message
    • Barriers
    • Transmission medium
    • Feedback
  14. What are the two types of Barriers in communication?
    • Physical Barriers (External)
    • Psychological Barriers (Internal)
  15. What are the three modifiers in a face-to-face oral exchange?
    • intonation
    • eye contact
    • body language
  16. Intonation covers the set of voice qualities called �paralanguage,� and consist of what seven separate elements?
    • Resonance
    • Volume
    • Inflection
    • Clarity
    • Rhythm
    • Speed
    • Pitch
  17. What are the Elements of Effective Listening?
    • Attending
    • Reflecting
    • Responding
    • Pseudo-listening
  18. Ten Commandments of Listening?
    • Stop talking!
    • Put the talker at ease.
    • Look and act interested.
    • Remove distractions.
    • Empathize with the talker.
    • Be patient.
    • Hold your temper.
    • Refrain from arguments and criticism.
    • Ask questions.
    • Stop talking!
    • Eye Communication
    • Posture and Movement
    • Gestures
    • Facial Expressions
    • Dress and Appearance
    • Voice and Vocal Variety
    • Language, Pauses, and Non-Words
    • Listener Involvement
    • Humor
    • The Natural Self
  20. What are the five conflict management approaches?
    • Walk Away
    • Avoidance
    • My Way
    • Competition
    • Your Way
    • Accommodation
    • New Way/Collaboration
    • Half Way/Compromise
  21. Describe the Walk Away/Avoidance conflict strategy approach?
    It involves supporting neither your point of view nor the other person�s point of view.
  22. Describe the My Way/Competition conflict strategy approach?
    It involves pushing your point of view and excluding the other point of view.
  23. Describe the Your Way/Accommodation conflict strategy approach?
    It provides support for the other person�s point of view.
  24. Describe the New Way/Collaboration conflict strategy approach?
    It requires the persons in conflict to create a new alternative that includes both of their positions.
  25. Describe the Half Way/Compromise conflict strategy approach?
    It involves compromise that meets some, but not all, of the needs of both parties.
  26. The CPO�s role can be divided into what two areas?
    Leadership Responsibility and Personal Responsibility.
  27. The responsibilities and authority of the LCPO are addressed where?
    Article 364 of the SORM
  28. Specific positional authority (CO, XO, DH, CDO, OOD, LCPO, etc.) is discussed in what instruction?
  29. Where does it state, "The delegation of authority and the issuance of orders....shall not relieve such a person from any responsibility....."?
    U.S. Navy Regulations, Article 1022
  30. Where does it state, �All persons are required to aid, maintaining good order and discipline. All persons have the right to exercise proper authority...all persons are charged to obey all lawful orders..."?
    SORM, Article 141.4 LCPO Guide A-500-0100 says 141.1
  31. Where does it state, "The exercise of authority is by the issuance of orders. Orders must be lawful, as subordinates are only charged to obey lawful orders.�
    U.S. Navy Regulations, Article 1132.
  32. Where can you find the U.S. Navy Regulations on-line?
    The Department of Navy Issuances
  33. Where does it state, "Leadership must ensure equity for each member of the organization. Concerning actions in his or her area of responsibility, the leader should never allow a subordinate to be criticized or penalized exceptby himself or such other authorityas the law prescribes.�?
    SORM, Article 141.2
  34. Where does it state, "Each individual,regardless of rank or position, is fullyaccountable for his or her own actions,or failure to act when required.?
    SORM, Article 141.6
  35. Where does it state, "Leaders and supervisors have a duty to assign clear lines of authority and responsibility, reaching to the individual level, for all activity within their organization.?
    SORM, Article 141.6
  36. What naval instruction covers Hazing?
    SECNAVINST 1610.2
  37. Name the Stages of Team Development and Dynamics?
    • Forming
    • Storming
    • Norming
    • Performing
  38. Which section of the EDVR covers Prospective Gains?
    Section 1
  39. Which section of the EDVR covers Prospective Losses?
    Section 2
  40. Which section of the EDVR covers Personnel Onboard for Temporary Duty?
    Section 3
  41. Which section of the EDVR covers Total Personnel Onboard in Distribution Community Sequence?
    Section 4
  42. Which section of the EDVR covers Personnel Status Summary?
    Section 5
  43. Which section of the EDVR covers Distribution Navy Enlisted Classification Code (DNEC) Management?
    Section 6
  44. Which section of the EDVR covers NEC Billet and Personnel Inventory?
    Section 7
  45. Which section of the EDVR covers NEC Inventory Section?
    Section 8
  46. Which section of the EDVR covers Officer and Enlisted Diary Message Summary?
    Section 9
  47. Which section of the EDVR covers Duty Preference Listing?
    Section 10
  48. Which section of the EDVR covers Security and Data Validation Section?
    Section 11
  49. Which section of the EDVR covers TAD and Embarked Personnel?
    Section 12
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PMK: A-500--0100 LCPO LEAD. COURSE.txt