
  1. Affirmations: Ask Yourself the Right Questions. Some people repeat
    affirmations such as "I am self confident," which is fine, but you can
    improve your affirmation results by using leading questions such as,
    "why am I so confident?" The subconscious mind operates in a very
    simple manner. When you ask it a question like this, it will
    immediately go to work looking for the answer, and it will report back
    to you all of the ways you already are confident.
  2. Focus Your Attention Outward. Lack of confidence often causes people to
    focus an inordinate amount of attention inward, on the "self." Make it a
    point to focus more attention on others than you do on yourself.
    Remember, confident people focus outward -- insecure people focus
  3. Be a Giver. There is an old proverb that says "you only get what you
    give." With that in mind, start giving what you want to receive in
    life. Make other people feel as confident and worthwhile as you can.
    By helping to build up confident feelings in others, you are sure to get
    back the same thing. Call it karma or what ever you like -- it always
  4. Affirmations: Ask Yourself the Right Questions. Some people repeat
    affirmations such as "I am self confident," which is fine, but you can
    improve your affirmation results by using leading questions such as,
    "why am I so confident?" The subconscious mind operates in a very
    simple manner. When you ask it a question like this, it will
    immediately go to work looking for the answer, and it will report back
    to you all of the ways you already are confident.
  5. "Model" Other Confident People. One way to improve self-confidence is
    to model the behavior of people whom you consider to be supremely
    confident. If you can befriend a very confident person, that's great.
    But if not, just find an actor or other celebrity who is confidence
    personified, and study their behavior. Do this several times a week,
    and some of their confident mannerisms are bound to rub off on you.
  6. Confident = Hands
    Relaxed, at the sides, on table, etc.
    Insecure = Constantly touching something or himself
  7. Talks About people they are around rather than themselves.
  8. Sitting down with the hands and arms clasped behind the head This
    is a superior gesture or exhibits extreme confidence sometimes
    bordering on arrogance. It can also be accompanied by the chin held
  9. Leg lock – when one ankle is crossed over the knee of the otherThis
    denotes a dominant and competitive personality. The higher the leg is
    crossed over the more dominant and competitive. If the person is also
    holding his leg this means he is stubborn and unmoving, he’s made his
    mind up.
  10. If the thumbs are on display in an upward position this
    shows that they are in charge! This is often a familiar stance of a
    barrister in a courtroom. Some speakers also adopt this posture, which
    can be rather intimidating towards the audience.
  11. Stand by what you say As soon as you make a declaration,
    internally resolve to stand by it. In other words, when the period
    appears at the end of your statement, cut yourself off from making any
    additions, amendments, corrections, or qualifying conditions.
    Self-assured people project confidence when their statements are said
    with conviction.
  12. Greatness is not this esoteri, elusive, god-like feature that only the special among us can taste...I know who i am and i know what i believe and im willing to die for it.
  13. Talent - is natural
    Skill - is developed
    Sick ridiculous work ethic
  14. The David you are sculpting is You and you do so with your thoughts.
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