Foot and Peripheral Pulses

  1. State function of the foot
    • Supports body weight
    • Movement on uneven surfaces
  2. How many metatarsals are there in the foot?
  3. How many phalanges are there in the foot?
  4. How many tarsal bones are there in the foot?
  5. What are the three parts of the talus?
    • Head
    • Neck
    • Trochlea (superiorly)
  6. What are the two weight bearing bones in the foot?
    • Talus
    • Calcaneus
  7. Name three anatomical joints of the foot
    • Subtalar
    • Talocalcaneonavicular
    • Calcaneocuboid
  8. What kind of a joint is the Subtalar joint?
    Synovial plane joint
  9. What does the Subtalar joint do?
    Connects the talus with the calcaneus
  10. What type of joint is the talocalcaneonavicular?
    Synovial ball and socket joint
  11. What makes the ball and socket of the talocalcaneonavicular joint?
    • Ball is talus
    • Socket is calcaneus and navicular
  12. What type of joint is the Calcaneocuboid joint
    Synovial plane joint
  13. What does the calcaneocuboid joint do?
    Connects calcaneus with cuboid
  14. What is the midtarsal joint?
    It is the calcaneocuboid and talocalcaneonavicular joints put together
  15. What movements occur at the midtarsal joint?
    Inversion and eversion
  16. Which muscles invert the foot?
    • Tibialis posterior
    • Tibialis anterior
    • Flexor and extensor hallucis longus
  17. Which muscles evert the foot?
    • Peronius longus
    • Peronius brevis
  18. Which nerve supplies tibialis anterior
    Deep peroneal nerve (L4, L5)
  19. Which nerve goes to flexor hallicus longus?
    Tibial nerve (S2, S3)
  20. Which nerve supplies the peronei longus & brevis?
    Superficial peroneal nerve (L5, S1)
  21. Which nerve supplies extensor hallicus longus?
    Deep peroneal nerve (L5, S1)
  22. Which nerve goes to tibialis posterior?
    Tibial nerve (L4, L5)
  23. What are the 3 main ligaments of the foot
    • Spring
    • Bifurcate
    • Plantar
    • - Long
    • - Short
  24. Where does the spring ligament go?
    Goes from calcaneus to bottom of navicular
  25. Where does the bifurcate ligament go?
    • From upper calcaneus to navicular
    • From upper calcaneus to cuboid

    (it's Y shaped)
  26. Where does the long plantar ligament go?
    From bottom of calcaneus to cuboid and middle 3 metatarsals
  27. Where does the short plantar ligament go?
    Runs from bottom of calcaneus to bottom of cuboid

    (it's deeper than the long plantar ligament)
  28. What are the 2 terminal branches of the tibial nerve?
    • Medial plantar nerve
    • Lateral plantar nerve
  29. What does the medial plantar nerve supply?
    • Abductor brevis
    • Flexor hallucis brevis
    • Flexor digitorum brevis
    • Skin on the medial 3 ½ toes
  30. What does the lateral plantar nerve supply?
    • All other muscles
    • Skin on the lateral 1 ½ toes
  31. What are the three arches in the foot?
    • Medial longitudinal
    • Lateral longitudinal
    • Transverse
  32. Where is weight carried in the foot?
    • Heel
    • Metatarsal heads
  33. Which bones make up the medial longitudinal arch?
    • Calcaneus
    • Talus
    • Navicular
    • Cuneiforms
    • Medial 3 MTs
  34. Which muscle makes up the medial longitudinal arch?
    Flexor hallicus longus
  35. Which ligaments make up the medial longitudinal arch?
    • Plantar aponeurosis
    • Spring ligament
  36. What makes up the medial longitudinal arch?
    • Bones
    • Ligaments
    • Muscles

  37. What makes up the lateral longitudinal arch?
    • Ligaments
    • Muscles
  38. Which ligaments make up the lateral longitudinal arch?
    • Plantar aponeurosis
    • Long and short plantar ligaments
  39. Which muscle makes up the lateral longitudinal arch?
    Peroneus longus tendon
  40. What makes up the transverse arch?
    • Bones
    • Ligaments
    • Muscles
  41. Which bones make up the transverse arch?
  42. Which ligament makes up the transverse arch?
    Transverse ligament
  43. Which muscle make up the transverse arch?
    Peroneus longus
  44. Which nerve supplies the dorsum of the foot?
    • Saphenous nerve
    • Superficial peroneal nerve
    • Sural nerve
    • Deep peroneal nerve
  45. What are the 5 pulses you can find in the lower limb?
    • Femoral
    • Popliteal
    • Anterior tibial artery
    • Dorsalis pedis artery
    • Posterior tibial artery
  46. Where can you find the Femoral Pulse?
    Mid inguinal point
  47. Where can you find the Popliteal Pulse?
    Behind the knee when flexed
  48. Where can you find the Anterior Tibial Pulse?
    Between the two maleoli
  49. Where can you find the Posterior Tibial Pulse?
    Just behind and below the medial maleolus
  50. Where can you find the dosalus pedis?
    • Half way down the dorsum of the foot
    • Between the extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallicus longus tendon
Card Set
Foot and Peripheral Pulses
The foot