
  1. What are the bones of the leg
    Tibia and fibula
  2. What cocnnects the tibia and fibula?
    Interreus membrane
  3. What is the weight bearing bone?
  4. What are the muscles in lateral compartment?
    • Peroneus longus
    • Peroneus brevis
  5. What does the lateral compartment do?
    It everts the foot
  6. State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of peroneus longus:
    • Origin: upper fibula
    • Insertion: medial cuneiform
    • Nerve supply: Superficial peroneal nerve (L5, S1)
    • Action: everts foot
  7. State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of peroneus longus:
    • Origin: lower fibula
    • Insertion: 5th metatarsal
    • Nerve supply: Superficial peroneus (L5, S1)
    • Action: everts foot
  8. Peronius Brevis Tendon lies _________ the peroneus longus tendon?
  9. The peroneus tertius is ________ to the lateral malleolus
  10. What are the muscles in deep posterior compartment?
    tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallicus longus
  11. What are the muscles in superfiscial posterior compartment?
    • gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris
  12. What is the insertion of the superficial posterior compartment?
  13. What is the action of the superficial posterior compartment?
    Plantar flexion (gastroc and plantaris help kneww flexion)
  14. What is the origin of plantaris?
    Supracondylar line of femur
  15. What is the origin of soleus?
    • medial tibia
    • posterior fibular head, neck, and shaft
  16. What is the nerve supply of superfiscial posterior compartment?
    Tibial nerve (S1, S2)
  17. What is the origin of gastrocnemius?
    medial and lateral distal femur
  18. State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of flexor digitorum longus:
    • Origin: posterior tibia
    • Insertion: base of distal 4 phalanges
    • Nerve supply: Tibial nerve (S2, S3)
    • Action: flexes toes, plantarflexion
  19. State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of flexor hallicus longus:
    • Origin: posterior fibula
    • Insertion: base of big toe
    • Nerve supply: Tibial nerve (S2, S3)
    • Action: flexes hallux, plantarflexion
  20. State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of Tibialis Posterior:
    • Origin: posterior interosseous membrane
    • Insertion: navicular and medial cuneiform
    • Nerve supply: tibial nerve (L4, L5)
    • Action: inverts and plantarflexion
  21. What does the flexor retinaculum hold?
    • from medial to lateral:
    • Tibialis posterior
    • Flexor Digitorum Longus
    • Posterior tibial artery,
    • Posterior tibial vein
    • Tibial nerve
    • Flexor Hallicus longus
  22. What does the flexor retinaculum do?
    keeps the tendons from posterior compartment in one place
  23. Where does the flexor retinaculum go?
    medial maleolus to calcaneus
  24. Name the muscles of anterior compartment of leg
    • Tibialis Anterior
    • Extensor Hallucis longus
    • extensor digitorum longus
    • peroneus tertius
  25. State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of Tibialis anterior:
    • Origin: lateral tibia
    • Insertion: medial cuneiform
    • Nerve supply: Deep peroneal nerve (L4, L5)
    • Action: Dorsiflexes and inverts foot
  26. State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of Extensor hallicus longus:
    • Origin: medial fibula
    • Insertion: upper big toe
    • Nerve supply: deep peroneal nerve (L5, S1)
    • Action: big toe extension, dorsiflexion
  27. State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of Extensor digitorum longus:
    • Origin: medial fibula
    • Insertion: upper phalanges
    • Nerve supply: deep peroneal (L4, S1)
    • Action: toe extension, dorsiflexion
  28. State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of peroneus tertius:
    • Origin: medial fibula
    • Insertion: 5th metatarsal
    • Nerve supply: deep peroneal (L5, S1)
    • Action: dorsiflexion and EVERSION of foot
  29. What does the extensor retinaculum do?
    Keeps the tendons of anterior compartment in one place
  30. What are the parts of the extensor retinaculum?
    • Superior (straight)
    • Inferior (Y-shaped)
  31. Where does the superior extensor reinaculum go?
    from fibula to tibia
  32. Where does the inferior extensor retinaculum go?
    • upper band: from calcaneus to medial malleolus
    • lower band: fuses with plantar apaneurosis
  33. What is the extensor retinaculum? Describe its shape
    • Band of fascia, keeps the tendons of the anterior compartment confined to their proper location
    • Has superior and inferior band:
    • superior band: goes from fibula to tibia just above malleoli - goes from calcaneus to medial malleolus
    • Inferior band: is Y-shaped - blends with plantar apaneurosis
  34. What supplies the first cleft of the foot?
    Deep peroneal nerve
  35. What nerve supplies posterior compartment?
  36. What are the cutaneous branches of tibial nerve?
    • Sural nerve
    • medial calcaneal nerve
  37. What nerve supplies the anterior compartment?
    Superficial peroneal
  38. What is the blood supply to the anterior compartment?
    Anterior tibial artery
  39. What are the branches of the popliteal artery?
    Anterior and posterior tibial arteries
  40. What are the branches of the posterior tibial artery?
    • Fibular
    • Circumflex fibular
    • Medial plantar
    • Lateral plantar
Card Set
Leg, Retinaculums