Exam 1

  1. Ageism
    Discrimination against people because of increasing age.
  2. Alzheimer's Disease
    One of the four major typs of dementia. Most recognized.
  3. Delirium
    Acute confusional state, potentially reversible cognitive impairment due to a physiological cause.
  4. Dementia
    Generalized impairment of intellectual functioning that interferes with social and occupational functioning.
  5. Depression
    Not normal part of aging. A treatable medical illness.
  6. Geriatrics
    The branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and problems affecting older adults.
  7. Gerontic Nursing
    A seldom-used term, considers the nursing care of older adults to be the art and practice of nursing.
  8. Gerontological Nursing
    Concerned with assessment of the health and function status of older adults; diagnosis, planning, and implementing health care and services to meet the identified needs; and evaluating the effectiveness of such care.
  9. Gerontology
    The study of all aspects of the aging process and its consequences.
  10. Nonstochastic Theories
    Genetically programmed physiological mechanisms within the body control the process of aging.
  11. Reality Orientation
    A communication technique that makes an older adult more aware of time, place, and person.
  12. Reminiscence
    Recalling the past.
  13. Stochastic Theories
    View aging as the result of random cellular damage that occurs over time.
  14. Validation Therapy
    An alternative approach to communication with a confused older adult.
  15. Graying of America
    • -We are living longer
    • -Baby boomers are starting to "gray"
  16. Categories of Old
    • -Young Old=65-74
    • -Old Old=75-84
    • -Oldest Old or Frail Elderly=85+
  17. Chronic Illness
    Diminishes the wellbeing and threatens the independence of older adults.
  18. Myths About Aging
    • -To be old is to be sick
    • -You can't teach an old dog new tricks
    • -The secret to successful aging is to choose your parents wisely
    • -Older people don't pull their own weight
  19. Creative Aging
    • -Aging as living (adaptation/participation)
    • -Aging as education (life-long learning)
    • -Aging as art (self expression)
    • -Aging as a peak experience (wisdom)
    • -Aging as a spiritual journey
    • -Aging as a developmental process
  20. Spirituality
    • Purpose and meaning in life.
    • -Believe prayer assists with healing.
    • -Use religious beliefs as a means of coping.
  21. Myths About Sexuality
    • -Sexual desires diminish with age
    • -Mostly due to medication or disease process
    • -Sexual intercourse is mainly a younger persons activity for the purpose of procreation
    • -Older adults need to touch and be touched.
  22. Osteoporosis
    • Chronic disorder of decreased bone mass that leads to fragility, and incresed risk of fracture, a diminished stature.
    • -porous bone
    • -bone lost more quickly than replaced.
  23. Risk Factors for Osteoporosis
    Smoking, diet lacking calcium, lack of sun exposure (vitamin D), imbalance of sodium or protein, too much caffeine or alcohol, lack of exercise, female sex, norther European or Asian decent, small lean frame, small bones, family history, early menopause, prolonged amenorrhea, decreased estrogen, impaired eyesight, inadequate physical activity, poor health, steriod use.
  24. Interventions and Treatment for Osteoporosis
    • 1500mg per day of Calcium
    • 15 minutes of sun exposure per day for Vitamin D
    • Regular weight bearing exercise
    • Hormone replacement therapy
    • Prevent falls
  25. Physiological Changes
    Loss of skin elasticity, thinning hair, slower nail growth, decreased cough reflex, decreased vital capacity, fewer alveoli, thickening of blood vessel walls, loss of vessel elasticity, decreased cardiac output, increased systolic bp, decreased peristalsis, decrease neurotransmitters, presbyopia, loss of acuity for high-frequency tones, fewer taste buds
  26. Psychosocial Changes
    Retirement, social isolation, sexuality, housing and environment, death
  27. Health Assessment and Promotion
    Participation in health screenings, regular exercise, weight reduction, lowfat balanced diet, regular dental visits, stop smoking, immunizations

    Creativity assessment, spiritual assessment, functional assessment
  28. Nursing Process
    • Assessment
    • Diagnosing
    • Planning
    • Implementing
    • Evaluating
  29. Assessment
    • Data collecting
    • -Review clients chart, interview client, physical assessment, validating data, clustering data, facusing data
    • *Client always primary source of data
  30. Types of Data
    • Subjective- Client tells you
    • Objective-signs, what you see
    • Secondary-Family tells you
  31. Functional Health Patterns
    • 1. Health Perception and Management: Delayed growth and devlopment, risk for injury
    • 2. Nutritional and Metabolic: Body temp
    • 3. Elimination
    • 4. Activity and Exercise
    • 5. Sleep and Rest
    • 6. Cognitive and Perceptual: Comfort, Confusion, thought process
    • 7. Self perception: Anxiety, fear, powerlessness, fatigue, hope
    • 8. Role and Relationship: Grieving, social, lonliness
    • 9. Sexuality and Reproductive
    • 10. Coping and Stress Tolerance
    • 11. Value and Belief: Moral, spiritual, religion
  32. Nursing Diagnosis
    • Statement of nursing judgement; a condition that nurses are licensed to treat
    • Wellness
    • Risk
    • Actual
    • Promotion of Health
    • Syndrome: 2 or 3 diagnoses together
  33. Etiology
    • "Related to" factors
    • Factors that cause or contribute to problem
    • Directs how problem should be managed
  34. Planning
    • Setting priorities
    • Writing goals and outcomes
    • Establishing interventions
  35. Implementing
    • -Carrying out plan of care
    • -Making independent or dependent interventions
  36. Types of Nursing Interventions
    • -Direct care
    • -Teaching
    • -Counseling
    • -Coordination
    • -Collaboration
    • -Monitoring
    • -Health promotion
    • -Disease prevention
    • -Health maintenance
    • -Restoration
    • -Rehabilitation
    • -Easing transition of dying
  37. Group Life Cycle
    • 1. Forming-trust-infancy
    • 2. Storming-forming judgements and competition-adolescence
    • 3. Norming-trust in the abilities of their peers-early adulthood
    • 4. Performing- optimal functioning as a team-maturity
    • 5. Transforming- end- transfer learning to the next group
  38. Humor
    The quality that makes something laughable or amusing
  39. Supression
    Conscious exclusion of unacceptable desires, thoughts, or memories from the mind
  40. Repression
    The unconscious exclusion of painful impulses, desires, or fears from the conscious mind
  41. Denial
    an unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings
  42. Identification
    A person's association with or assumption of the qualities, characteristics, or views of another person or group
  43. Altruism
    Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflesness
  44. Sublimation
    To divert the expression from its primitive form to one that is considered more socially or culturally acceptable
  45. Passive
    Accepting or submitting without objection or resistance
  46. Aggressive
    Inclined to behave in an actively hostile fashion
  47. Passive-Aggressive
    • Passive listening
    • Moves in slow motion when ased to do something
    • Purposeful forgetting
    • Accidental destruction
    • Frequently out of seat
  48. CARE Frontation
    • Clarify-describe the behavior or message
    • Articulate-your feelings about the behavior and its effects
    • Request-a specific change in behavior
    • Encourage- emphasize benefits or changed behavior
  49. Adaptation
    Adjustment of living to other living things and environmental conditions
  50. Homeostasis
    Various physiologic and psychologic mechanisms respond to changes in the internal and external environment to maintain a balanced state
  51. Anxiety Levels
    • Mild
    • Moderate
    • Severe
    • Panic
Card Set
Exam 1