History Chapter 17

  1. Charles V
    grandson of ferdinand and isabella, inherited throne to spain and hapsburg, caused constant warfare, devout catholic, couldn't handle both so he gave hapsburg lands to his brother Ferdinand and Spain to his son Philip
  2. Philip II
    spain, catholic, absolute ruler, divine right, made spain the foremost power in europe, very focused, turned inquisition against protestants, made spanish armanda and lost to english, end of spanish power in europe
  3. Henry IV
    hugenot prince that inherited the french throne, made edict of nantes, laid foundation for royal absolutism, government officials reached into every aspect of french life to improve it
  4. Richelieu
    france, Louis XIII's chief minister, destroyed power of huguenots, tied nobles to king, picked his successor mazarin, extended royal power
  5. Louis XIV
    sun king, france, dealt with the fronde which was an uprising of peasants, nobles, merchants, and urban poor, created strong government, hired intendants, had colbert to increase french economy, built versailles, increased emphasis on monarch, fought a lot of wars, lost a lot of wars, persecuted huguenots, philip V was his successor
  6. Stuarts
    scottish family that took english throne after elizabeth
  7. James I
    first stuart monarch, england, divine right, clashed with parliament, disputes with dissenters, new translation of bible
  8. Charles I
    england, absolutist, signed and ignored the petition of right, dissolved parliament, leader of cavaliers, lost to roundheads, was later executed
  9. Oliver Cromwell
    leader of roundheads, became lord protector of england, not absolutist, puritan religion, ruled like calvin, his death ended england's kingless decade
  10. Charles II
    took over after Cromwell, accepted petition of right
  11. James II
    took over after Charles II, flaunted catholic faith, clashed with parliament, parliament overthrew him by having his puritan daughter and son in law Mary and William come, this bloodless overthrowing is known as the glorious revolution
  12. Maria Theresa
    first woman ruler of Hapsburg, unable to stop Frederick of Prussia from invading Silesia; however, got nobles and clergy to pay taxes and her son Joseph II continued many of her reforms
  13. Frederick II
    prussia, harsh military training, made prussia a great power, became frederick the great
  14. peter the great
    russia,l westernized russia, strengthened military, expanded russian borders, centralized royal power, absolutist, spread serfdom in russia, adopted mercantilist ways, won land along Baltic sea from Sweden, built st petersburg
  15. catherine the great
    russia, absolutis, westernized, reorgapnized provincial government, begain state-sponsored schools for boys and girls, partioned poland with frederick the great and joseph II of austria
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History Chapter 17
absolute monarchs