If a strong tailwind is encountered while taxiing you must _____to keep the tail from rising.
Keep the control stick forward
In the T-6 expect to need ____ right rudder on takeoff
During takeoff roll brakes are used for ____
Stopping not steering
If you receive a light gun signal from the tower you can acknowledge by _______
Moving ailerons and rudder
On takeoff, abrupt application of power may cause the airplane to yaw sharply. To help counteract torque effect, hold the stick_____ to counter the nose from digging in
Aft and slightly to the right
In the T-6 the tendency for the aircraft to yaw left will help counteract the weathervane tendency caused by a crossed wind from the_____
While in the rotation attitude with the main gear still on the ground, directional control with the
Rudder and ailerons
If you observe a flashing green light from the tower you should?
Continue taxi.
You are allowed to use differential braking with the NWS engaged. True or False
Takeoff with LDG FLAPS is not recommended with a greater than ____ knot crosswind component
If you are issued a ________taxi, you will be given instructions on what to do once you reach the hold short point
Usually, a crosswind takeoff requires ____ to maintain aircraft directional control
Downwind rudder
When flying the T-6 with a left crosswind on takeoff, you must anticipate the need for _______ to maintain directional control
Increased right rudder
When taxiing, ____________ will counter weathervaning and deflecting the ailerons into the wind will prevent the upwind wing from rising
Nose wheel and rudder steering
Because of loss of vertical lift in a climbing turn, what procedure should you follow if you must turn in a climb?
Use shallow banks turns, decrease pitch and increase airspeed to make up for loss of lift
When you roll into a turn the loss of ____ increase as the bank angle increase.
Vertical lift
A VFR departure is flown using ____ for navigation
Ground references
IFR departure procedures are published in the flight information publications (FLIP). True or false?
A good pitch picture for the best rate of climb at 140 Knots indicated airspeed is maximum power at approximately ____ nose up pitch.
While climbing after takeoff an initial pitch attitude of approximately ____ will maintain 160 knots indicated airspeed.
As a starting composite pitch reference from 10-12*, place the horizon between the top of the glareshield and the _______.
Base of the AOA indexer.
With a headwind on final, you will need to roll off the perch ______ since the wind will tend to blow you away from the runway
When pulling closed you will probably get to pattern altitude while still in the turn. Use a lead point of about 200 feet and roll toward ______ of bank without increasing G load. This decreases your vertical lift and allows the nose to start falling.
You don’t execute a breakout if there is an aircraft on a straight in between 5-2 miles. True or false?
The closed pattern maneuver begins on takeoff leg at a minimum of ___ KIAS and end with the aircraft on downwind at a minimum of ___ KIAS
140, 140
Breakout altitude from an overhead pattern is normally____ above normal pattern altitude
500-1000 AGL
For configuring on closed downwind, once abeam the break zone, reduce power to aprox ____, slow to ____KIAS, lower gear, set flaps to desired position.
20%, 120
After a 90* bank in pulling closed, as the nose gets to the level flight picture for 45* of bank, you will roll out to 45* of bank and continue the turn to downwind. True or false.
Describe the final turn Go-around procedure
Power MAX
500 AGL
Flaps/Gear UP
200 KIAS
Offset runway (as required)
When using the wing low approach, using too much aileron will result in ____.
An uncoordinated turn into the wind.
Which are the “hot spots” in the pattern?
45 to initial
Perch point
Break point
Takeoff leg
VFR entry point
To compensate for a tailwind on final, you must descend ______ to land on the proper point of the runway
After you receive approval for a straight in, descend at the locally designated point from _____ . You should also begin slowing down the airplane to be at 150KIAS at the _____ mile point
1000 to 500 feet AGL , 5
Normally you don’t request closed if there is an aircraft on initial. True or false
Most traffic patterns can be divided into two segments ______.
Outside and inside.
_____ is used to sequence aircraft in as they return from the working area or auxiliary fields
Radar entry
After initiating a Go-around what are the three options available.
Request closed
Turn crosswind
Depart the pattern
What are the three points where you can request a straight in?
VFR entry
Outside downwind
Radar entry
What aircraft have the lowest priority entering the pattern?
Aircraft at the VFR entry point
When establishing the wing low method on final, in what order do you utilize the controls?
When pulling closed, use approximately____ of bank to establish the correct downwind displacement and set about ____ nose high for the climb.
60*, 15-25
With gear and landing flaps aprox what torque will maintain 120KIAS?
Concerning closed downwind, maintain 150-120 KIAS on downwind and delay configuring until____.