PMK: BMR CH 05.txt

  1. Which of the following structural components is the backbone of a ship?
  2. Which of the following structural components divides the interior of a ship into compartments?
  3. Which of the following structural components form the ship's hull?
  4. The vertical distance from the bottom of the keel to the waterline of the ship is identified by what nautical term?
  5. Which of the following terms defines the first complete deck below the main deck?
    Second deck
  6. The device that bears up tight on wedges and holds watertight doors closed is identified by which of the following terms?
  7. Which of the following terms defines the horizontal openings for access through decks?
  8. Which of the following terms defines the solid part of a ship above the main deck?
  9. Which of the following is a type of mast?
    • Mizzenmast
    • Mainmast
    • Foremast
  10. What is the purpose of running rigging?
    To hoist, lower, or control booms or boats
  11. Commissioned ships of the U.S. Navy fly a commission pennant that is secured to what point?
    To a pigstick and hoisted to a truck
  12. What term identifies the port and starboard halves of a yard?
  13. The national ensign is flown from what part of a ship when it is anchored or moored?
  14. What is the additional ship control space used by the squadron commander or admiral called?
    Flag bridge
  15. In what part of a ship is main control normally located?
    Boiler or machinery spaces
  16. Ships of the U.S. Navy are divided into how many categories?
  17. How many types of ships are included in the warship category?
  18. What type of ship is the center of a modern naval task force or task group?
    Aircraft carrier
  19. Approximately how many aircraft are embarked on Nimitz class CVs?
  20. What class of cruiser is designated as battle force capable?
  21. Which of the following is a principle mission of a destroyer?
    Both 1 and 2 above
  22. What class destroyer represents a return to all-steel construction?
    Arleigh Burke class
  23. Which of the following is the mission of frigates?
    Open ocean escort and patrol
  24. What class of submarines has the quietest operation?
  25. The Ohio class ballistic submarine has how many Trident missile tubes?
  26. The LHA carries what means of defense against surface and air attack?
    5-inch guns and Mk 38 machine guns
  27. How many troops can be embarked in, transported by, and landed by the Wasp class LHDs?
  28. What is the purpose of dock landing ships?
    To transport a variety of amphibious craft and vehicles with embarked crews and troops
  29. An ammunition supply ship.
  30. Ship that can supply dry and refrigerated stores.
  31. Combat support ship.
  32. A separation of what approximate distance is maintained between the replenishment ship and the ship it's replenishing?
    100 feet
  33. The AOE is designed to operate at what approximate distance between itself and the ship it's replenishing?
    200 feet
  34. Most fleet tugs are operated by which of the following organizations?
    Military Sealift Command
  35. Combatant craft usually operate in what areas?
    In coastal waters
  36. Support craft designations start with what letter?
  37. Fixed-wing aircraft are divided into how many basic parts?
  38. What is the primary lifting device of an aircraft? 1. Tail
  39. What are the three main parts of a helicopter?
    Main rotor, fuselage, and tail rotor
  40. What class of aircraft is generally used to gain air superiority?
  41. The E-2C Hawkeye belongs to what class of aircraft?
  42. The S-3 Viking belongs to what class of aircraft?
  43. What helicopter is designated for ASW use?
    • SH-60B Seahawk
    • What helicopter operates and tows mine countermeasures devices?
    • CH-53D Sea Stallion
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PMK: BMR CH 05.txt