
  1. bourgeoisie
    Own the means of production in industrial society
  2. conflict perspective
    A view that society is composed of groups with clashing interests who engage in a stuggle over control of valuable social resources.
  3. functionalist perspective
    A view that society is a relatively stable and orderly system composed of interdependent and interrelated parts.
  4. industrialization
    The process by which societies are transformed from agricultural-based economic activity to manufacturing-based economic activity.
  5. latent function
    The largely unintended and unrecognized conseuences of an activity or social institution.
  6. macro-level
    A focus on the social institutions and large-scale social processes that shape society as a whole.
  7. manifest function
    The intended, expected, or overtly recognized consequences of an activity or social institution.
  8. micro-level
    A focus on the dynamics and meanings of face-to-face interactions between people and small groups.
  9. proletariat
    People who own only their labor power,which they sell to the bourgeoisie to earn a living.
  10. social dysfunction
    The undesirable consequences of an instituation or activity for the social system.
  11. social facts
    Patterned ways of behaving, thinking, and feeling beyond the individual.
  12. social structure
    The stable, organized patterns of social relationships and social institutions that exist within a particular group or society.
  13. society
    A large social grouping of people who occupy and interact together in the same geographic area; are organized by and subject to a common political authority and dominant cultural expectations; and whose members share a sense of identity, loyalty, and purpose.
  14. sociological perspective
    The ability to see the general in the particular.
  15. sociology
    The systematic study of human society and social interaction.
  16. symbolic-interaction perspective
    A view of society as the ongoing product of the everyday interactions and shared meanings of people and groups.
  17. theoretical perspective
    A basic overall image of paradigm used to organize a way of understanding society.
  18. theory
    A set of logically interrelated statements that attempts to explain, describe, and occasionally predict how two or more social phenomena are related.
  19. urbanization
    The process by which an increasing proportion of a society's population lives in cities instead of rural areas.
  20. Auguste Comte
    Coined the term sociology and believed that the application of the scientific method to the study of industrial society would lead to its improvement.
  21. C. Wright Mills
    Identified the term sociological imagination to descrive the link between an individual's experiences and the society in which the individual lives.
  22. Charles Horton Cooley
    Symbolic-interactionist who identified the concept of looking glass self, in which one's sense of self is based on the imagined reactions of others.
  23. Emile Drkheim
    Conducted well-kn own studies on social facts using suicide pattern statistics.
  24. Erving Goffman
    Symbolic-interactionist who used dramaturgical analysis to explain social roles.
  25. George Herbert Mead
    Symbolic-interactionist who explored the social influences on the devellopment of a sense of self.
  26. Karl Marx
    Founded the conflict perspective by dividing society into the bourgeoisie and proletariat.
  27. Robert Merton
    Functionalist who discerned between manifest and latent functions.
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Sociolgy: Chapt 1 The Sociological Perspective