Fire Science Basics

  1. Spontaneous combustion is the result of what type of reaction?
  2. Name 11 factors which effect the ignition and combustibility of wood (and its products).
    • physical form
    • thermal inertia
    • moisture content
    • species
    • ignition temperature
    • piloted ignition temperature
    • arrangement
    • time/exposure to heat
    • heat source
    • rate of heating
    • oxygen
  3. Wood will be very difficult to ignite when moisture content rises above_______.
  4. The minimum temperature a material must be heated for it to ignite and be self-sustaining without an external heat source is commonly referred to as a material's _______.
    Ignition temperature
  5. Helium is an example of what type of gas?
  6. Name two examples of reactive gases.
    • Flourine
    • Vinyl Chloride
  7. Wood and paper contain within their structure approximately how much heat energy (in BTU) per pound?
  8. The temperature of an object is clearly and accurately stated as______________ (phrase).
    ...a measure of how fast molecules are moving within a material.
  9. Raidiated heat waves will travel through space until they are absorbed by_________. opaque object.
  10. A rapid self containing oxidation process generating heat and light.
  11. The approximate percentage of oxygen in air at sea level.
  12. A rapid expansion of gases that have premixed prior to ignition.
  13. A detonation propagates at approximately what speed?
    1088 feet per second in air (speed of sound)
  14. The primary flammable gas that ignites during a backdraft from the sudden influx of air into an oxygen starved room is...
    Carbon Monoxide
  15. A mechanical explosion caused by the weakening of a container shell due to heat via contact with fire is referred to as...
    BLEVE (boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion)
  16. A decomposition reaction.
  17. Another term for heat as denoted in the fire triangle model.
    Thermal energy
  18. Fourth element of Fire Tetrahedron model.
    Chemical chain reaction.
  19. Three states of matter.
    Solid, liquid, gas.
  20. Resistance to heating.
    Thermal inertia.
  21. Wood will become very difficult to ignite when the moisture content rises above...
  22. Minimum temperature a material must be heated to for it to ignite and be self-sustaining without and external heat source is commonly referred to as a materials...
    Ignition temperature.
  23. Wood and wood products are classified as what type of fuel?
    Class A
  24. Plastics formed by heat and pressure and can be reshaped repeatedly by heat and pressure.
  25. Combustible metals are classified as what type of fuel?
    Class D
  26. Gasoline is an example of a...
    Flammable liquid
  27. Liquids that burn are classified as what type of fuels?
    Class B
  28. The minimum temperature of a liquid at which it emits vapors to form an ignitable mixture with air.
    Flash point.
  29. A liquid is classified as combustible if it's flash point is...
    100 degrees F or more.
  30. The specific gravity of a liquid is most accurately described as...
    the ratio of the weight of the liquid to the weight of an equal volume of water.
Card Set
Fire Science Basics
Questions on the review