PMK: BMR CH 1.txt

  1. An overall plan that contains general goals and broad guidelines. It provides the end to be attained, not the means of getting there.
  2. A plan or system under which action may be taken towards a goal. It provides the means to reach the end stated by the policy.
  3. The altering of the natural environment in an adverse way.
    Environmental Pollution
  4. Pollutants include insecticdes, herbicides, pesticides, natural and chemical fertilizers, drainage from animal feedlots, salts from field irrigation, and silts from uncontrolled soil erosion.
  5. Pollutants include acids from mines and factories, thermal discharges from power plants, and radioactive wastes from mining certain ores.
  6. The primary _____ pollutants are raw or inadequately treated sewage.
  7. Create most of our air pollutants through their release of unburned fuel vapors.
    Motor Vehicles
  8. Pollution produces physical and biological effects that vary from mildly irritating to lethal. The more serious of the two are the _____ effects.
  9. The primary pollution concern of Navy personnel involves pollution produced by _____ _____.
    Shiboard Wastes
  10. What causes steel to erode two to four times faster than normal?
    Sulfur Oxides
  11. Most pesticides are categorized into what category?
  12. Under the Clean Air Act, each _____ has the primary responsibility for assuring air quality.
  13. What type of marine sanitation device retains sewage on board for disposal at a later time?
    CHT Systems
  14. Vessels may not discharge unpulped trash at sea within _____ NM from the U.S. coastline.
  15. Vessels may not discharge pulped trash within _____ NM of the U.S. coastline.
  16. Submarines may discharge negatively buoyant compacted trash not less than _____ NM from the U.S. coastline and only if the water depth is greater than _____ fathoms.
    12, 1,000
  17. Vessels may not discharge any trash within _____ NM of any foreign coastline.
  18. What is the Navy's policy on energy conservation?
    will make all possible efforts to improve the way it uses energy resources.
  19. What form is used to request a sponsor?
    NAVPERS 1330/2
  20. What program provides information and support to help personnel who are guests in foreign lands?
    Overseas Duty Support Program
  21. MILCAP provides monetary recognition awards of up to what amount?
  22. Convalescent leave is normally what length of time?
    6 weeks
  23. Intentional misleading or deceitful conduct that deprives the government of its resources or rights.
  24. The extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of government resources.
  25. The intentional wrongful or improper use of government resources.
  26. Whose job is it to inquire into and report on any matter that affects the discipline or military effienc of the DON.
    Naval Inspector General
  27. Under the Privacy Act, if you make an unathorized disclosure, you may be fined up to what amount?
  28. What is the purpose of the Integrity and Efficiency Program?
    To deter fraud, waste, and abuse.
  29. What is offered to everyone under Article 1164?
    Equal Opportunity
  30. Service members must complete what forms for family care?
    • Family Care Plan Certificate, NAVPERS 1740/6 &
    • Family Care Plan Arrangements, NAVPERS 1740/7
  31. Who provides guidance and policy for the CMEO Program?
  32. Telling a sexist or racial joke is an _____ _____.
    Insensitive Practice
  33. Before a first-term sailor can reenlist or extend, he/she must have _____ approval.
  34. If you leave the Navy, your _____ _____ tells whether you can reenlist.
    Reenlistment Code
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PMK: BMR CH 1.txt