Jackson Vocabulary.txt

  1. Universal Male Suffrage
    There was fewer limitations on the requirements for voting, owning property was not necessary in order to vote. All white males were granted suffrage.
  2. Anti-Masonic Party
    A movement that was a response to widespread resentment to an undemocratic society know as Freemasons. Both Jackson and Van Buren were Freemasons that attempted to stop the frenzy.
  3. Indian Removal Act 1830
    Passed by Jackson; forced the Native Americans westward in return for federal money.
  4. Corrupt Bargain
    When Adams was voted to be president after the House of Representatives were required to vote and were persuaded by Henry Clay (speaker of the house) to vote for Adams
  5. Specie Circular
    This meant that there were no bank notes, only the use of gold and silver was permitted for the purchase of land. This caused people to rush to banks to exchange their notes for gold and silver.
  6. 2 Party-System
    The two party system was basically the same two parties the Democrats or as they were now called the Jacksonians and the Federalists who were now called the Whigs. The Jacksonians were based on Jefferson�s ideas and the Whigs were based on Hamilton�s ideas.
  7. Proclamation to the People of South Carolina
  8. State�s Rights
    John Calhoun created the nullification theory which stated that states were sovereign, and since the thirteen states approved the constitution they had the right to declare acts of congress illegal and could secede if it continued to happen.
  9. William Henry Harrison
    Chosen at the party nominating convention to run for president by the Whigs.
  10. Party Nominating Convention
    First nominating convention held by the Whigs in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  11. Workingmen�s Party
    First labor-oriented U.S. political party. It was formed in Philadelphia (1828) and New York (1829) by craftsmen, skilled journeymen, and reformers who demanded a 10-hour workday, free public education, abolition of debtor imprisonment, and an end to competition from prison contract labor.
  12. Tariff of 1828
    A protective tariff passed by the Congress of the US on May 19, 1828 designed to protect industry in the northern United States,The goal of the tariff was to protect industries in the northern United States which were being driven out of business by low-priced imported goods by putting a tax on them
  13. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
    This case occurred when Jackson attempted to move the Cherokee nation westward. They appealed to the Supreme Court and were told that they were considered a sovereign nation so there was no jurisdiction.
  14. Nullification Crisis
  15. Democrats; Whigs
    The two parties that were created under the ideas of Jefferson (Democrats) and Hamilton (Whigs)
  16. Log Cabin/ Hard Cider Campaign
    William Henry Harrison was portrayed as a simple man of the people who loved log cabins and hard cider. Van Buren on the other hand was accused of being an aloof aristocrat who used cologne, drank champagne and ate from gold plates.
  17. John Tyler
    Nominated for vice president by the Whigs at the first national nomination convention.
  18. King Caucus
    Refers to the process taken to choose a candidate for each party for the national party convention. The origin of this name it is because of the undemocratic choice of the candidate.
  19. Spoils System
    Stated that any elected president had the right to choose people to fill certain positions without any congressional interviews.
  20. Trail of Tears
    The journey that the Native Americans had to take in order to get to the reservation at which they were being forcefully relocated.
  21. Webster-Hayne Debate
    In this debate Hayne wanted to lower the tariff and argued that the south and west were both victims of the tyranny of the northeast. Webster retaliated with John Calhoun�s nullification theory which brought the argument further into the powers of the state and national government.
  22. Bank of the US
    Jackson did whatever he could to destroy the bank and in the end he succeeded. He refused the recharter the bank, he took all of federal funds out of the bank, eventually the bank ceased to exist.
  23. Roger Taney
    Appointed as the new chief justice in 1835 by Jackson after the bank war.
  24. Panic of 1837
    This occurred after the specie circular, where bank notes could no longer be used, only gold and silver. People rushed to banks to exchange their notes for gold and silver but people had more notes than they did gold and silver in the bank. This led to bank failures.
  25. Popular Election of President
  26. John Quincy Adams
    One the election against Jackson because he received more votes from the House of Representatives. He served one term where he made internal improvements such as expanding voting rights.
  27. Peggy Eaton Affair
    The Petticoat Affair (also known as the Eaton Affair ) was an 1831 U.S. scandal involving members of President Andrew Jackson's Cabinet. Margaret "Peggy" O'Neale's first husband attempted suicide because Peggy was apparently flirtatious and sexual at a time when "respectable" women weren't.
  28. Worchester v. Georgia
    A court case between Native Americans and Georgia in which the court stated that Georgia had no right to force Native Americans westward.
  29. Nicholas Biddle
    The president of the Bank of the United States. He was trying to save the bank with the help of Henry Clay and Webster. They applied to recharter the bank early so that it would become an issue in the election of 1832 but didn't succeed.
  30. Pet Banks
    Small state banks in which Jackson deposited the federal funds.
  31. Martin van Buren
    Supported the idea of the two party system which allowed him to enter the government through Jackson.
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Jackson Vocabulary.txt