Chapter 7 Verbs

  1. acabar de
    to just (have done something)
  2. acostarse (ue)
    to go to bed
  3. afieitarse
    to shave
  4. banarse
    to bathe
  5. despertarse (ie)
    to wake up
  6. encontrar (ue)
    to find
  7. entrenarse
    to work out
  8. estar listo(a)
    to be ready
  9. estirarse
    to stretch
  10. lavarse
    to wash
  11. levantar pesas
    to lift weights
  12. maquillarse
    to put on makeup
  13. peinarse
    to comb your hair
  14. ponerse
    to put on
  15. prepararse
    to get ready
  16. quitarse
    to take off
  17. secarse
    to dry
  18. vestirse (i)
    to get dressed
  19. mantenerse (ie) en forma
    to stay in shape
  20. dormirse (ue)
    to rest
  21. bajar (de peso)
    to lose (weight)
  22. buscar (un pasatiempo)
    to find (a hobby)
  23. caminar
    to walk
  24. dejar (de fumar)
    to stop (smoking)
  25. enojarse
    to get angry
  26. seguir (i)
    to follow
  27. sentirse (ie)
    to feel
  28. subir
    to gain
  29. cuidar
    to take care of
Card Set
Chapter 7 Verbs
verbs of spanish