Marine Science

  1. Forams and radiolarians are Zooplankton.
    This organisms are unicellular. How do we called to this organisms?
  2. We know that Forams and Radiolarians are Protozoans. The Protozoans are classified within the kingdom of? and they are along wiht the algae.
  3. The Protozoa are subdivided into three major groups: The ciliophora, Zoomastigina, and Sarcodina. So let's say that the next Protozoa are the largest groups of Protozoa, composed of thousands of freshwater and marine spicies, all having cilia. Which one the 3 major groups above is the correct?
    The Ciliophora
  4. Are free-swimming and use their cilia for locomotion and this Animal is member of the phylum Ciliophora.

    A. Spirostomum
  5. Use their cilia like tiny feet to crawl on substrates and is a memeber of the phylum Ciliophora.

    D. Stylonychia
  6. Live attached to a substrate, where they use their cilia for feeding rather then locomotion and is a member of the phylium Ciliophora.

    A. Vorticella
  7. Consist of a group of animal-like protist that move through the water by means of whiplike flagella. Members of this groups live in freswater, salt water, and also a parasites within the bodies of other organisms and is one of the 3 major groups of Protozoa
    The Zoomastigina
  8. Are the protozoan group that includes the forams and radiolarians, as well as the amebas and this is part of one of the 3 majors group of Protozoa.
    The Sarcodina
  9. As we know the Sarcodina, Which is one of the 3 majors group of Protozoa live on the surface of subtrates and move by means of cytoplasmic extensions. How do we called this?
  10. We know that the Pseudopods means "false feet" and they move by means of cytoplasmic extensions, this is a king of movement, typical of the ameba. If the Ameba move like that, How do we called at this movement?
    Ameboid Movement
  11. Organisms that live attached to substrates are called
    sessile organisms
  12. Verticella carry out the life function of ingestion by sweeping toward the Verticella's "mouth" by moviments of its ring of cilia, when food get ingested by the vorticella, they are broken down into smaller particles through the process called?
  13. Digestion that takes place inside a cell is called?
    intracellular digestion
  14. We know that Protozoa take oxigen and combine it with glucose to produce chemical energy, the energy that cannot be use is trasformed to the usable form chemical energy. How do we call to this chemical energy?
    Adenosine triphosphate know as ATP.
  15. We know that the ATP is the energy that cannot be use by the Protozoa. So then, How do we called to this process, which ossurs inside the cell of the Protozoa?
    Cellular Respiration
  16. Oxygen enters the mitochondria and for every molecule of glucose that is burned in the cell. How many molecules of ATP are produce?
  17. Trasnport of a Protozoa are the movement of substances into, out of, and within the cell. The movement of molecules from an area or higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is called?
  18. A Vorticella has a food vacuoles move about and distribute nutrients inside the cell as a result of the flowing of cytoplasm. How do we called to this process?
  19. The movement of water molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration across a cell membrane is called? and is also an example of passive transport.
  20. What prevent a Protozoan from swelling up and bursting as a result of inward osmosis is the excess of water and is pumped out of the cell through a structure called the?
    contractile vacuole
  21. We know the Protozoan respond to changes of its environment called sensitivity. How then a vorticella respond of the life function of sesitivity?
    by Touch.
  22. The Protozoa can reproduce asexually and sexually. For instance, in the Vorticella one cell divides to form 2 cells called the daughter. In an asexually, The Verticella divides into 2 daughter cells of = size and at the end are IDENTICAL. How do we called to this process of asexually reproduction of the Verticella?
    Binary Fission
  23. The Protozoa can reproduce asexually and sexually. For instance, in the Vorticella one cell divides to form 2 cells called the daughter. In asexually reproduction, the division of the cytoplasm is uneven but the DNA remains the same. How do we called to this asexually reproduction?
  24. In an sexually reproduction of the Protozoa, 2 cells come into contact to exhange hereditary material and at the end of this process the reproduction parents are not identical to either parent. How do we called to this sexually reproduction?
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Marine Science