SS Definitions

  1. Polis
    The Greek word for city-state
  2. Classical Age
    Is one that is marked by great achievements
  3. Acropolis
    High hill
  4. Democracy
    A type of government in which people rule themselves
  5. Aristocrates
    Rich landowners
  6. Oligarchy
    A government in which only few people have power
  7. Citzen
    People who held power through the use of force
  8. Pericles
    he led the government from about 460bc to 429bc he encouraged athenians to take pride in thier country
  9. Cyrus the Great
    Persian emeror he created the Persian Empire by conquering most of southwest Asia
  10. Xerxes 1
    Darius son tried to conquer Greece
  11. Alliance
    An agreement to work together
  12. Pelopnnesian War
    War between Athens and Sparta that threatened to tear all of Greece apart
  13. Athens and Sparta
    Were both part of Ancient Greece they were two independent city-states
  14. Freemen
    Were wealthy men who owned property
  15. Thete
    Were craftsman and men who did manual labor
  16. Oligarchy
    A government that is led by a few people
  17. Helok
    Spartan slaves
  18. Delian League
    Was a group of many Greek city-states including formen to fight the Persian Army whenthey invaded Athend in 460bc
  19. Thucydides
    was a general in the Athenian army
  20. Peloponnesus League
    Greek city-states who allied with Sparta they ncluded Coninth and MAcedonia
  21. Philip 2nd
    King of Macedonia he was Alexander the Great father
  22. Phlanx
    Was a group of warriors who stood close together in a square
  23. Alexander the Great
    Macedoian ruler was a millitary commander the son of Philip 2nd
  24. Hellenistic
    Greek-like culture
  25. Socrates
    Thinker Greek philosopher
  26. Plato
    Greek philsopher student od Socrates wrote the republic
  27. Aristole
    Platos student theinker and philosphere
  28. Reason
    Clear and ordered thinker
  29. Euclid
    Studied mathematics
  30. Hippocrates
    A doctor and tried to find duseases
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SS Definitions