Immunosuppressants 2

  1. Discuss the role of histamines in allergy. Then state two anti-histamine
    • Triple response via H1 receptor
    • Vasodilation, flare, wheal
    • Loratidine
    • Cetrizine
  2. Discuss the cause, signs, and treatment of multiple sclerosis
    • Cause: T-cell activation in brain; demylanation; destruction of BBB
    • Signs: gondolinum enhancing lesions shown in MRI
    • Treatment:
    • Glatiramer: increases tolerance, increases supressor cells, reduces relapse
    • Fingolimod: activates and ternalizes ___ receptor; decreases level of lymphocytes
    • Interferon: prevent Tc activation; apoptosis; cytokine alterations
  3. Discuss mechanism of action of Thalidomide. Side effects?
    • What is it: immunosuppressant
    • Inhibits B2 and B3 integrins
    • -- Which inhibits leokocyte adhesion
    • Inhibits TNF-a

    • S/e: it has two isomers: S and R
    • R is responsible for birth defects
  4. Discuss mechanism of action of mycophenolate mofetil
    • What is it: immunomodulator
    • Inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase
    • Inhibits guanine synthesis
    • Used with calcineurin inhibitors
  5. Discuss 3 kinds of biological response modifiers
    • Imiquimod
    • Increases cytokines
    • Increases immune cell activity
    • Apoptosis
    • Synthetics
    • Antihelminthics: coumarin and levamisol: activates macrophages; lymphodema and elephantitis
    • Isoprinosine: synthetic purine; enhances WBC proliferation; used in AIDS
    • Microorganisms
    • Bacillus of Calmette-Guerin
    • Its an attenuated virus
    • Bring local immune response against tumor
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Immunosuppressants 2