Vocabulary (A)

  1. Taken Aback
    (adv) taken by surprise.

    Syn= surprised

    Ex= I was taken aback by her insults.
  2. Abashed
    (adj) Embarrassed or ashamed.

    Syn= embarrassed

    Ex= I felt abashed by my child's behavior.

    Syn= embarrassed
  3. Abate
    v. formal. to become less strong or intense.

    Ex= Public anger does not appear to be abating.

    The baby's cry does not seem to be abating.
  4. Abdicate
    v. to officially give up the position of being king or queen.

    Syn= renounce

    Ex= the king abdicated when he married a divorcee.
  5. Abduct
    v. to take someone away by force.

    Syn= kidnap

    Ex= the presidents's son was abducted.
  6. Aberration
    n. something that is completely different from what usually happens or from what someone usually does.

    Ex= the teacher said my poor performance on the test was an aberration.
  7. Abet
    v. assist or encourage, usually in some wrong doing.

    Syn= aid

    Ex= the convict abetted his parner in prison to escape.
  8. Abhor
    v. formal. to hate something, especially because you think it is morally wrong.

    Syn= hate, destest, despise, loathe.

    Ex= I abhor discrimination of any kind.
  9. Abhorrent adj

    Abhorrence n
    adj. formal. behavior or beliefs that are abhorrent are unnaceptable because they are morally wrong. abominable.

    Ex=her nudity was an abhorrent insult to her neighbors.
  10. Abide
    v. (cant't abide) to tolerate

    Ex= I can't abide his stupid jokes
  11. Abiding
    adj. literary. continuing for a long time and not likely to change.

    ex= our father had an abiding love for nature.
  12. Abject
    adj. abject poverty/ failure/ terror/ despair.. the state of being extremely poor, unsuccessful..

    Ex= 3% of the population admitted to be succumbed in adject poverty.
  13. Ablaze
    adj. written. on fire

    ex= during the riot, a police car was set ablaze.
  14. Abode
    n. formal. the place where you live.

    Syn= residence

    Ex= You can send the letter to my current abode.
  15. Abound
    v. To exist in large numbers. be abundant or plentiful.

    Ex= Coffee shops abound in American small towns.
  16. Aboveboard
    adj. honest and legal.

    Ex= the agreement seems to be aboveboard.
  17. Abrasive
    adj. rude and annoying.

    Syn= harsh

    Ex= an abrasive personality/character
  18. Abreast
    adv. to make sure that you know the most recent facts about a subject.

    Ex= please keep us abreast of his progress.
  19. Abridge
    adj. an abridge form of a book, play, etc. has been made shorter.

    Ant= unabridge

    Ex= an abridge version of the dictionary.
  20. Abrupt
    adj. sudden and unexpected.

    Ex= the car stopped abruptly.
  21. Abscond
    v. formal. to leave a place without permission, or to leave somewhere after stealing something.

    Ex= the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe.
  22. Absentee
    n. formal. someone who is supposed to be in a place but is not there.

    Ex= there were 3 absentees in today's class.
  23. Absently
    adv. in an abesent-minded manner; inattentively.

    Ex= He read the letter absently.
  24. Abstain
    v. to deliverately not vote for or against something.

    ex= three members of the committee abstained.
  25. Abstract
    adj. based on ideas rather than real events or proof.

    Ex= Beauty is an abstract idea.
  26. Absurd
    adj. unreasonable, ridiculous.

    Ex= it's absurd to pay all that money for something you're only going to use once.
  27. Abysmal
    adj. extremely bad

    Ex= the thief has made abysmal moral decisions.
  28. Abyss
    n. literary. a very dangerous or frightening situation. hell. abismo.

    ex= the country might plunge into the abyss of economic ruin.

    after he abducted the witness, she was led into the abyss of nervous breakdown.
  29. Acclaim
    v. to praise someone or something publicly.

    Ex= Massiel was accaimmed as the best student in RCC.
  30. Acclimate
    v. to become used to the weather, way of living, etc. in a new place, or to make someone do this.

    Ex. it took me a week to get acclimated to the new neighborhood.
  31. Accolade
    n. award. high praise.

    Ex= she received an accolade for best singer of the year.
  32. Accost
    v. formal. to go up to someone you do not know and speak to him in a impolite or threatening way. to comfront.

    Ex= I was accosted by a guy asking for money.
  33. Accrue
    v. to increase over a period of time. to accumulate.

    Ex= I have $300 accrued on my savings account.
  34. Accustomed
    adj. formal. to be used to something.

    Ex= my eyes got quickly accostumed to using contact lenses.
  35. Ace
    v. spoken. to do very well on a test, a piece of written work.

    Ex= Danny aced her spelling test.
  36. Acerbic
    adj. sour or bitter in taste. harsh in tone

    Ex= gratefruits have an acerbic flavor.

    a barrage of acerbic comments.
  37. Acquaint
    v. acquaint yourself with sth. formal. to deliverately find out about something. to make known or familiar.

    Ex= We have already acquanted ourselves with the facts.

    Why don't you two get acquainted?
  38. Acquaintance
    n. someone you know but not very well.

    Ex= he's an old acquaintance of mine from school.
  39. Acquiesce
    v. formal. to agree to do what someone wants without protest.

    Ex= the teacher acquiesced to he request for an assistant although he thinks he doesnt need one.
  40. Acquit
    v. to decide in a court of law that someone is not guily of a crime.

    Ex= jose was acquitted of murder.
  41. Acrid
    adj. having a very strong and bad smell that hurt your nose or throat.

    Ex= a cloud of acrid smoke.
  42. Acrimonious
    adj. an acrimonious meeting, argument, etc. involves a lot of anger and disagreement.

    Ex= an acrimonious divorce
  43. Acrimony
    n. formal. very angry feelings between people, often strongly expressed.

    Ex= she let her acrimony out.
  44. Acumen
    n. the ability to think quickly and make good judgements.

    Ex= even though she's just 7, she had excellent acumen skills.
  45. Acute
    adj. very serious or severe.

    Ex= the patient presents in acute pain
  46. Adage
    n. proberb
  47. Adamant
    adj. formal. determined not to change your opinion, decision, etc

    Ex= Massiel has remain adamantly opposed to moving out from Rockland
  48. Adept
    adj. good at doing something that needs care or skill.

    Ex= he has become adept at cooking.
  49. Adequate
    adj. enough in quantity or in quality for a particular purpose.

    • Ex= we have not given adequate information.
    • Her icome is hardly adequate to pay the bills.
  50. Adherence
    n. the act of behaving according to particular rules, ideas, or beliefs.

    Ex= a strict adherence to religious beliefs.
  51. Ad hoc
    (ad jok)
    adv. adj. done when necessary, rather than planned or regular.

    Ex= an ad hoc reunion
  52. Adjacent
    adj. formal. next to something.

    Ex= the building adjacent to the library.
  53. Adjoining
    adj. next to something, and connected to it.

    Ex= or bedroom has an adjoining bathroom.
  54. Adjourn
    v. to stop a meetin or a legal process for a short time or until a later date.

    Ex= this court is adjourned until 3pm tomorrow.
  55. Adjudicate
    v. to settle a dispute judicially.

    Ex= After long arguments, we've decided to adjudicate the case to court.
  56. Adjunct
    1. n. formal. something that is added or joined to something else, but is not part of it.

    Ex= medication can be a useful adjunct to physical therapy.

    2. adj. adjunct preofessor/instructor =works part time at a college
  57. Ad-lib
    v. to improvise (speech, performance).

    Ex= great dancers ad-lib regularly.
  58. Admissible
    adj. formal. accepted or allowed, especially in a court of law.

    Ex= lies are unadmissible in the court
  59. Admittance
    n. permission to enter a place.

    Ex= most paparazzies were unable to gain admittance backstage.
  60. Admonish
    v. leterary. to tell someone that s/he has done something wrong.

    • Ex= I admonished him not to go too far.
    • They admonished me for taking risks with my health
  61. Adrift
    adj. adv. floating without anchor.

    Ex= an adrift boat.
  62. Adroit
    adj. smart and skillful, especially in the way you use words and arguments.

    Ex= Chris is an adroit negotiator.
  63. Adulation
    n. formal. praise and admiration for someone that is more than what s/he really deserves.

    Ex= because she has money, all she gets is pure adulation
  64. Advent
    • n. the advent of sth. the time when something first begins to be widely used.
    • arrival.

    Ex= the advent of the computer.
  65. Adverse
    adj. formal. not good or favorable

    Ex= the recesion will have an adverse effect on the economy.
  66. Adversity
    n. difficulties or problems that seem to be caused by bad luck.

    Ex= we remained hopeful in the face of adversity.
  67. Advocate
    v. to extremely support a particular way of doing things.

    Ex= Extremists were openly advocating violence.
  68. Aesthetic, Esthetic
    adj. relating to beauty and the study of beauty.

    Ex= aesthetically pleasing.
  69. Afar
    adv. literary. from afar from a long distance away.

    Ex= she came from afar.
  70. Affable
    adj. friendly and easy to talk to.

    Ex= an affable guy
  71. Affectation
    n. an action or type of behavior that is not natural or sincere.

    Ex= the waitress served my food with affectation
  72. Affinity
    n. the feeling you have when you like and understand someone or something.

    Ex. they have a natural affinity for each other.
  73. Afflict
    v. formal. to make some have a serious illness or experience serious problems.

    • Ex= a country afflicted by famine.
    • people afflicted with AIDS.
  74. Affront
    • 1) n. insult.
    • Ex= turning his back on me was a deliberate affront.

    2) v. to offend.
  75. Afloat
    adj. having enough money to operate or stay out of debt.

    Ex= they are struggling to stay afloat.
  76. Afresh
    adv. formal. if you do something afresh, you do it again from the beginning.

    Ex= we decided to move to Texas and start afresh.
  77. Aggregate
    adj. technical. total amount of something, especially money.

    Ex= aggeagate income and investment
  78. Aggrieved
    adj. angry or unhappy because you think you have been treated unfairly.

    Ex= the team felt aggrieved when they didnt get the award after all the efforts they made.
  79. Aghast
    adj. horrified.

    Ex= the witness was aghast when she found all the bodies.
  80. Agnostic
    n. someone who believes that it is impossible to know whether God exists or not.

    Ex= he was an agnostic man.
  81. Agonize
    v. to think about a decision very careful and with a lot of effort.

    Ex= for a long time she had agonized about/over what she should do.
  82. Ailing
    adj. weak or sick.

    • Ex= the country's ailing economy.
    • her ailing mother
  83. Ailment
    n. an illness that is not very serious.

    Ex= the patient is receiving medication for his ailment.
  84. Airborne
    adj. carried through the air.

    Ex= the airborne package arrived last night.
  85. Ajar
    adj. a door or window that is ajar is not completely closed.

    Ex= an ajar window
  86. Akin
    adj. akin to sth. formal. similar to something.

    Ex= his music is muc more akin to jass than rock.
  87. Alas
    interjectation. literary. said in order to express sadness. =unfortunately, unluckily.

    Ex= Alas, I can't stay.
  88. Albeit
    conjunction. formal. =although.

    Ex=albeit the car is old, it runs pretty good.
  89. Alderman
    n. a city or town government official who is elected.

    Ex= alderman usualy represents city wards.
  90. Alienate
    v. to make someone stop feeling friendly or stop feeling like s/he belongs in a group.

    Ex= she alienated her friends when she became fanatically religious.
  91. Alight
    • 1) v. formal. if a bird, insect, etc. alights on something, it stops flying in order to stand on a surface.
    • Ex=the downy woodpecker alights on
    • the tree branches to rest.

    • 2)adj. burning.
    • Ex= several cars were set alight by rioters.

    • 3)adj. someone whose face or eyes are alight is happy or excited
    • Ex. she had an alight face after he proposed.
  92. Align
    v. to work together with another person or group because you have the same aims.

    Ex= five Democrats have aligned themselves with the Republicants on this issue.
  93. Alimony
    n. money that someone has to pay regularly to his/her spouse after a divorce.

    Ex= my ex is giving me $500/m on alimony.
  94. All-around
    adj. good at doing many different things, especially in sports.

    Ex= the best all-around player.
  95. Allay
    v. allay sb's fears/concerns/worries, etc. to make someone fell less afraid, worried, etc.

    Ex=She was worried that I was going to steal her sandwich. But I allayed her fears by explaining that I had already eaten a dozen raw carrots.
  96. Allegation
    n. a statement that someone has done something illegal, which has not been proven. =accusation.

    Ex= allegations of child abuse.
  97. Allegiance
    n. loyalty to or support for a leader, country, belief, etc. =commitment, loyalty.

    Ex= his long allegiance to public service.
  98. Allegory
    n. a story, poem, painting, etc. in which the events and characters represent abstract ideas.

    Ex= The blindfolded man carrying a set of scales is an allegory of justice.
  99. Alley
    n. a narrow street between buildings.

    Ex= she got rapped while she was walking on the alley.
  100. Alliteration
    n. the use of he same sound at the beginning of several words, to make a special effect, especially i poetry.

    Ex= Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where's the peck of pickled? peppers Peter Piper picked?
  101. Allocate
    v. to decide to use a particular amount of money, time, etc. for a particular purpose.

    Ex= the money allocated to low income housing.
  102. Allot
    v. to use a particular amount of time for something, or give a particular share of something to someone or something.

    • Ex= two hours were allotted for each interview.
    • Each person was allotted 4 tickets.
  103. Allowance
    n. an amount or somethin that is acceptable or safe.

    • Ex= a baggage allowance.
    • The recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
  104. Allude
    v. allude to sb/sth. formal. to talk about something indirectly.

    Ex= he alluded to the problem but did not mention it.
  105. Allure
    n. a pleasant or exciting quality hat attracts people. =fascination

    • Ex= the allure of travel.
    • I see no allure in men with long hair.
  106. Allusion
    n. formal. something said or written that mentions a subject, person, etc. in a way that is not direct.

    Ex= his poetry is full of allusions to the Bible.
  107. Ally
    n. pl allies. a person or country that helps another, especially in war.

    Ex= The US and its European allies.
  108. Alma mater
    n. the school, college, or university where I used to study.

    Ex= Salome Urena School is my alma mater.
  109. Almanac
    n. a book giving information about a particular subject or activity.

    Ex= the Almanac of American Politics.
  110. Almighty
    • 1) adj. having the power to do anything.
    • Ex= almighty God.

    • 2) adj. very important or powerful.
    • Ex= the almighty dollar
  111. Aloft
    adv. literary. high up in the air.

    Ex= eagles flew aloft that afternoon
  112. Aloof
    adj. adv. apart from other people and deliberately not doing things with them.

    Ex= he held himself somewhat aloof from the others.
  113. Altercation
    n. formal. a noisy argument. angry dispute.

    Ex= after their altercation, Massiel and Sarah refused to sit next to each other.
  114. Altogether
    adv. completely or entirely.

    • Ex= he uses an altogether different method.
    • there were five people altogether.
    • I did rain a lot, but altogether it was a good trip.
  115. Altruism
    n. the practice of caring about the needs of other people before dealing with your own needs.

    Ex= the priest is an altruist.
  116. Amalgamate
    v. formal. to join in order to form one larger organization.

    Ex= due to financial reasons, the two companies amalgamated in 1843
  117. Ambiance/ambience
    n. the way a place makes you feel. =atmosphere.

    Ex= the restaurant's friendly ambiance
  118. Ambidextrous
    adj. able to use both hands with equal skill.

    Ex= an ambidextrous surgeon
  119. Ambiguous
    • adj. open to two or more interpretations.
    • Ex= their response was somewhat ambiguous.
  120. Ambivalent
    adl. not sure whether you want or like something or not.

    Ex= his wife was ambialent about having another child.
  121. Amble
    v. to walk slowly in a relaxed way.

    Ex= we ambled along/down the beach.
  122. Ambush
    n. sudden attack on someone by people who have been hiding and waiting to attack.

    Ex= two soldiers were killed in a ambush.
  123. Ameliorate
    v. formal. to make something better.

    Ex= the editor ameliorated the manuscript with his changes.
  124. Amenable
    adj. disposed or willing to comply.

    Ex= my child is amenable to suggestions.
  125. Amend
    v. to make small changes or improvements, especially in the wars of a law.

    Ex= the act was amended to protect wildlife.
  126. Amends
    n. make amends. to do something that shows you are sorry for something.

    Ex= there must be some way I can make amends.
  127. Amiable
    adj. friendly and pleasant.

    Ex= an amiable child
  128. Amicable
    adj. feeling friendly and ddoing things without arguments.

    Ex= an amicable divorce
  129. Amid
    prep. formal. among or in the middle of.

    Ex= life amid the horrors of war.
  130. Amiss
    adj. be amiss. formal. to be wrong. not functioning properly.

    • Ex= she sensed something was amiss.
    • something is amiss with the engine
  131. Amok/Amuck
    adv. run amok. to behave or happen in an uncontrolled way.

    Ex= children shouldnt be allowed to run amok and cause chaos.
  132. Amorphous
    adj. formal. having no definite form or distinct shape.

    • Ex= an aggregate of amorphous particles.
    • an amorphous mass of protoplasm.
  133. Amphibian
    n. an animal such as a frog that can live on land and in water.
  134. Ample
    adj. more than enough.

    Ex=there will be ample opportunity to ask questions.
  135. Anachronism
    n. someone or something that belongs to a time period other than that in which it is placed.

    Ex= today, small farmers are almost an anachronism.
  136. Anagram
    n. a word or phrase made by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase.

    Ex= silent is an anagram of listen.
  137. Analogous
    adj. formal. similar to another siuation or thing.

    Ex= the system works in a way that is analogous to a large clock.
  138. Analogy
    n. something that seems similar in two situations, processes, etc.

    Ex= we can make/draw an analogy between the brain and a computer.
  139. Anarchy
    1)n. a situation in which no one obeys rules or laws. 2) situation in which there is no government in a country.

    Ex= the period of anarchy before and after the riots.
  140. Anathema
    n. formal. a detested person. solemne curse.

    • Ex= he is an anathema to me.
    • The plague that swept through the village acted as an anathema upon the local people.
  141. Androgynous
    adj. having both masculine and femine characteristics.
  142. Android
    n. a robot that looks completely human.
  143. Angst
    n. strong feelings of anxiety and sadness because you are worried about your life.

    Ex= Global financial experts expressed their angst at the crumbling world economy.
  144. Anguish
    n. suffering caused by extreme pain or worry.

    • Ex= no! cried her mother with anguish.
    • her anguished parents.
  145. Animosity
    n. formal. strong dislike or hostility.

    Ex= she looked at her competition with animosity.
  146. Annals
    n. in the annals of history/science. in the whole history of a particular subject.

    Ex=Throughout the annals of history, there has never been a presidential election as intriguing as the one occurring in 2008.
  147. Annex
    v. to take control of a country or area next to your own, especially by using force.

    Ex= the US government annexed the hawaiian islands to the country in 1900
  148. Annihilate
    v. kill in large numbers.

    Ex= the plague annihilate an entire population.
  149. Anoint
    v. to put oil or water on someone's head or body during a religious ceremony.

    Ex= the priest laughed while he was anointing me.
  150. Antagonism
    n. strong opposition to or hatred o someone else.

    Ex= Britney's antagonism toward the press.
  151. Anthology
    n. a set of stories, poems, etc. by different people collected together in one book.

    Ex= my english book is an anthology of american literature.
  152. Anticlimax
    n. something that seems disappointing because it happens after something that was much better.

    Ex= after all the advertising, the concert itself was kind of an anticlimax.
  153. Antics
    n. behavior that seems strange, funny, silly, or annoying.

    Ex= we are all growing tired of his childish antics
  154. Antler
    n. one of the two horns that look like tree branches in the head of some animals such as deer.
  155. Apartheid
    n. a system in which the different races in a country are separated from each other.

    Ex= Apartheid has decreased in South Africa, but still is there, just in smaller portions.
  156. Apathetic
    adj. not interested in something.

    Ex= students who are apathetic about learning.
  157. Aperitif
    n. a small alcoholic drink that you have before a meal.

    Ex= I ordered pina colada as a aperitif.
  158. Apex
    • n. the top or highest part of something.
    • Ex= the apex of the pyramid.

    • the most successful part of something.
    • Ex= the apex of her career.
  159. Aphorism
    n. a short expression that says something true.

    • Ex= Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
    • Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation.
  160. Aplomb
    n. formal. with aplomb. in a confident or skillful way, especially in a difficult situation.

    Ex= she answered all the questions with aplomb.
  161. Apoplectic
    n. so angry you cannot control yourself.

    Ex. mr. smith was apoplectic when he found out about his wife's affair.
  162. Appalled
    adj. very shocked and upset.

    Ex the boy's mother was appalled at/by the violence of the game.
  163. Appalling
    adj. shocking and terrible.

    Ex= animals were kept in appalling conditions.
  164. Appeal
    • 1)v. to make an urgent public request for something.
    • Ex= the water company appealed to everyone to save water.
    • Charities appealing for money.

    • 2)appeal to sth. to seem attractive or interesting to someone.
    • Ex= the program should be appealing to older viewers.
  165. Appease
    v. to pacify.

    Ex= a goat was killed to appease the spirits.
  166. Append
    v. formal. to add something, especially a separate part, to a piece of writing.

    Ex= the results of he survey are appended to this document.
  167. Appendage
    n. a part that is joined to something larger.

    Ex= Increasingly, the mass media are becoming major corporate concerns, rather than just appendages of business empires.
  168. Appoint
    • 1)v. formal. to arrange or decide a time or place for something to happen. Ex= they met at the appointed time.
    • massiel appointed a new time for the trial.

    • 2) to choose someone for a job, position, etc.
    • Ex= chris was appointed to the Board of Trustees.
  169. Apportion
    v. to decide how something should be devided between various people.

    • Ex= The payment of the secretaries salaries will be apportioned accordingly.
    • The money will be apportioned on a fair shares basis.
    • The same paragraph gives him the power to apportion liability for the payment of his fees by the parties.
  170. Appraisal
    n. an official judgement about how valuable, effective, or successful someone or something is.

    • Ex= an appraisal of a ring. (=finding out how much it is worth).
    • a performance appraisal (=judging how well someone does a job)
  171. Apprehensive
    adj. worried or anxious, especially about the future.

    Ex= she was apprehensive about the demands of the job.
  172. Apprised
    v. formal. to formally or official tell someone about something.

    Ex= Mrs. sawyer has been apprised of her medical condition.
  173. Apron
  174. Apropos
    • 1) apropos of sth. formal. relating to something just mentioned. with reference to; in respect or regard to.
    • Ex= a funny story apropos of politics.

    • 2) apropos of nothing. not related to anything previously mentioned.
    • Ex= apropos of nothing, he suddently asked me if I like cats!
  175. Apt
    apt to. adj. likely to do something.

    Ex= A sentitive child is apt to become overwhelmed in busy situations.
  176. Aptitude
    n. a natural ability or skill, especially in learning.

    Ex= he never had much aptiude for business.
  177. Arbiter
    • n. person empowered to decide or judge.
    • Ex= when my sister and I argued for something, my mom is always the arbiter.
  178. Arbitrary
    adj. decide or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly.

    Ex= Trujillo impossed arbitrary rules over DR's citizens.
  179. Archery
    n. the sport of shooting arrows from a bow.

    Ex= Robin Hood practice the archery.
  180. Ardent
    • adj. having very strong feelings of admiration about someone or something.
    • Ex= the team's ardent fans.
  181. Ardor
    n. very strong feelings of admiration, excitement, or love.

    Ex= the ardor of the bride.
  182. Arguable
    adj. doubtful, questionable.

    Ex= he won the campaign by using arguable meanings.
  183. Arguably
    adv. used when giving your opinion to say that there are good reasons why something might be true.

    Ex= Wagner is arguably the best student in the school.
  184. Arid
    adj. getting very liltle rain, and therefore very dry.

    Ex= arid land/ an arid climate
  185. Armband
    n. a band of material that you wear around your arm, for ex to show that someone you love has died.

    Ex= she was wearing an armband in the funeral.
  186. Armful
    n. the amount of something that you can hold in one or both arms.

    Ex= an armful of books.
  187. Armistice
    n. an agreement to stop fighting, usually for a specific period of time.

    Ex= the 2 countries signed an armistice for 10 years.
  188. Armpit
    n. the hollow place under your arm where it joints your body.
  189. Around-the-clock
    adj. continuing or happening all the time, both day and night.

    Ex= a station where you can get around-the-clock news.
  190. Arouse
    v. to make someone have a particular feeling.

    Ex= Her behavior aroused the suspicions of the police.
  191. Arraign
    v. law. to bring before a court.

    Ex= the serial killer was arrigned yesterday.
  192. Array
    n. impressive group.

    Ex= a dazzling array of acting talent.
  193. Arrears
    1) be in arrears. n. to owe someone money because your regular payment to him/her is late. Ex= We're 3 weeks in arrears with the verizo bill.

    • 2) money that is owed and should already have been paid.
    • Ex= the prime mimister promised that all wage arrears would be paid in May.
  194. Arson
    n. the crime of deliberately burning a building.

    Ex= He was accussed of arson.
  195. Artsy
    adj. informal. interested in art, or seeming to know a lot about art.

    Ex= an artsy investor.
  196. Ascertain
    v. formal. to find out the truth about something.

    Ex= the police have ascertained that the killer did not act alone.
  197. Ascetic
    adj. living a simple life with no physical comforts.

    Ex= The priest lead a very ascetic existence. (a life void of common worldy pleasures like sex, consumerism, etc.)
  198. Ascribe
    v. ascribe smth to smth. formal. to say that something is caused by a particular person or thing.

    Ex= Ana ascribed her problems to a lack of money.
  199. Ashen
    adj. very pale because of shocked or fear.

    Ex= her face was ashen when she saw her husband's ghost.
  200. Ashore
    adv. onto or toward the shore of a lake, river, sea, or ocean.

    • Ex= the body washed ashore on a remote beach.
    • We came ashore at the Seven Lakes.
    • We invited them ashore.
  201. Askance
    adv. look askance (at sb/smth). if you look askance at something, you do not approve of it or think it is good. with suspicion or disapproval.

    Ex= He looked askance at the offer.
  202. Askew
    adv. not straight or level.

    Ex= His coat was wrinkled and his hat was askew.
  203. Aspersion
    n. formal. to criticize someone or something, or make an unfair judgement. a disparaging remark.

    Ex= in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion.
  204. Assailant
    n. formal. someone who attacks someone else.

    Ex= The tough young girl fought to get away from her assailant, but she finally gave in when he threatened her with a knife.
  205. Assent
    n. formal. official agreement.

    Ex= The court gave its assent.
  206. Assert
    • 1) v. to state firmly that something is true.
    • Ex= Prof. Ross asserts that American schools are not strict enough.

    • 2)to behave in a determined and confident way to make people respect you.
    • Ex= the president tried to assert his power over the military.
    • Don't be afraid to assert yourself in the interview.
  207. Assertion
    n. something that you say or write that you strongly believe.

    Ex= He repeated his assertion that he was innocent.
  208. Assess
    v. to evaluate.

    Ex= psychologist will assess the child's behvior.
  209. Asset
    • 1) a company's assets are the things it owns.
    • Ex= a company with $1.3 millions in assets.

    • 2) something or someone that helps you to succeed.
    • Ex= a sense of humor is a real asset.
    • You're an asset to the company, George.
  210. Assured
    • 1) adj. showing confidence in your abilities .
    • Ex= an assured manner.

    • 2) certain to be achieved.
    • Ex= victory was assured.
  211. Astound
    v. to make someone feel very surprised.

    Ex= my brother's decision to join the army stounded us all.
  212. Astray
    • 1)go astray. adv. formal. to be lost.
    • Ex= one of the documents we sent them has gone astray.

    2)lead sb astray. to encourage someone to do bad or inmoral things.
  213. Astride
    adv. prep. having one leg on each side of something.

    Ex= a young girl sitting astride a horse.
  214. Astringent
    adj. criticizing someone very severely.

    Ex= astringent remarks about how overweight she was.
  215. Atone
    • v. formal. to do something to show that you are sorry for doing something wrong.
    • Ex= Reilly would like to atone for his mistakes.
  216. Attest
    v. to show or prove that something is true.

    Ex= th crowd of people waiting outside his door attests to this young star's popularity.
  217. Attuned
    be/become attuned to sth. adj. to be familiar with someone or something that you know how to deal with him, her, or it.

    Ex= it took me a while to become attuned to the strong southern accent.
  218. Audible
    adj. loud enough to be heard.

    Ex= he voice was barely audible.
  219. Augment
    v. formal. to increase the size or value of something.

    • Ex=You could use sugar to augment the taste of coffee.
    • the recent speech of the president augmented tensions in the Near East.
  220. Auspices
    under the auspices of sb/sth. formal. with the help and support of a person or organization.

    Ex= the research was done under the auspices of Harvard Medical School.
  221. Austere
    • 1) adj. very strict and serious.
    • Ex= a cold, austere woman.

    • 2) very plain and simple.
    • Ex= an austere style of painting.

    • 3) without a lot of comfort or enjoyment.
    • Ex= they lived an austere life.
  222. Austerity
    n. bad economic conditions in which people do not have enough money to live.

    Ex= the austerity of the war world one in Europe.
  223. Avail
    • 1) to no avail. n. without success.
    • Ex= we searched everywhere to no avail.
    • 2) avail yourself of sth. formal. to accept an offer or use an opportunity.
    • Ex= avail yourself of every chance to improve your english.
  224. Avenge
    v.literary. to punish someone because s/he has harmed you, your family, or friends.

    Ex= plans to avenge his father's death.
  225. Averse
    not be averse to sth. adj. to like to do something.

    Ex= I don't drink much, but I'm not averse to the to the occasional glass of wine.
  226. Aversion
    n. a strong dislike of something or someone.

    Ex= Mary has an aversion to cats.
  227. Avert
    v. to prevent something bad from happening.

    Ex= the whole thing could have been averted if you'd listened to us.
  228. Avow
    v. formal. to say or admit something publicly.

    Ex= the singer avowed the accusations of cheating.
  229. Awash
    awash with/in sth. having too much of something.

    Ex= TV is awash with talk shows.
  230. Awe
    • 1) n. a feeling of great respect for someone or something.
    • Ex= we were in awe of our father.

    2) Awed. adj. an awed of silence.
  231. Awestruck
    adj. feeling great awe.

    Ex= we gazed awestruck at the pyramids.
  232. Awry
    go awry. adj. to not happen in the way that was planned.

    Ex= my carefully laid plans had already gone awry.
  233. Axiom
    n. formal. a rule or principle that is considered by most people to be true.

    Ex= it is an economic axiom that goods and services can be paid with only goods and services.
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Vocabulary (A)
English vocabulary for international students