BANGS are adjectives that go..
in front of the noun
To look like something
How much of something
Combien de
What can you invert with?
- Noun with pronoun.
- NOT noun with verb.
- Ou` vas-tu?
When two vowels are next to each other when inverting
Using forms of "what"
- Quoi- with other words or alone
- Que- in est-ce que
- Comment- Alone
Boire conjugation
- Je bois nous buvons
- tu bois vous buvez
- il boit elles boivent
Prendre conjugation
- je prends nous prenons
- tu prends vous prenez
- il prend elles prennent
to bless
benir (uphill on e)
ete (uphill on both e's)
-ir verb congugation
- -is -issons
- -is -issez
- -it -issent
To play an instrument
jouer de
Irregular -ir conjugation
Il/elle conjugate the same as..
To leave (and don't come back)
To leave behind (person/thing)
to leave (go out/exit)
To leave (you'll come back, or you weren't physically there)
it snoes, it is snowing, it does snow
Il neige
It rains really heard
Il pleut des cordes
What's the temperature?
- Qulle temperature fail-il
- Il fait # degres
On Mondays (regular, scheduled, every week)
le lundi