B-777 Limitations.txt

  1. The 777 is what category for straight-in approaches?
    Category C
  2. The 777 is what category for circling approaches?
    Category D
  3. Max. TO & LND pressure alt.?
  4. Runway slope?
  5. Max. unrestricted TO & LND tailwind component?
    10 knts.
  6. TO with tailwind components up to 15 knts. are permitted with what restrictions?
    • 1. Specifically authorized by PWM.
    • 2. Runway is clear and dry.
    • 3. Antiskid and thrust reversers are fully operational.
    • 4. Max TO thrust is used.
  7. LND with tailwind components up to 15 knts. is permitted with what restrictions?
    • 1. Landing weights are verified by reference to LANDING FIELD LIMIT WEIGHT chart.
    • 2. Antiskid and thrust reversers are fully operational.
    • 3. Flaps 30 LND
    • 4. Auto spoilers are used (unless correction is taken).
    • 5. Braking action reported at least good.
  8. What are the Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits for Flaps Up?
    +2.5g to -1.0g
  9. What are the Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits for Flaps Down?
    +2.0g to 0.0g
  10. Vfe1?
    255 knts.
  11. Vfe5?
    235 knts.
  12. Vfe15?
    215 knts.
  13. Vfe20?
    195 knts.
  14. Vfe25?
    185 knts.
  15. Vfe30?
    170 knts.
  16. Vlo/Mlo and Vle/Mle?
    270 knts./.82 mach
  17. Mmo?
    .87 mach
  18. Max. Operating Pressure Altitude?
    43,100 ft.
  19. Turbulent Air Penetration Speed (in severe turbulence)?
    • 1. 270 knts. below 25,000 ft.
    • 2. 280 knts./.82 mach (whichever is lower) at or above 25,000 ft. Maintain a min. speed of 15 knts. above Vmin. (top of amber band) at all altitudes when airspeed is below .82 mach.
  20. Recommended LND crosswind components (not autoland)?
    • 1. DRY- 40 knts.
    • 2. WET- 40 knts.
    • 3. STANDING WATER/SLUSH- 20 knts.
    • 4. SNOW (no melting)- 35 knts.
    • Notes: *Applicable for 148 ft. runways or greater.
    • * Also valid for 1 engine inop.
    • * Reduce values by 5 knts. on wet/contaminated runways whenever asymmetric reverse thrust is used.
    • * Applicable for all weights and C.G. values.
  21. Recommended TO crosswind components. SEE CHART p.1.4.
    See chart p.1.4
  22. LAHSO?
    • 1. Below 2000 MSL- 8100 ft.
    • 2. 2000 MSL and above- 8700 ft.
  23. Max. Ramp Wt.?
    657,000 lbs.
  24. Max. TO Wt.?
    656,000 lbs.
  25. Max. Landing Wt.?
    470,000 lbs.
  26. Max. Zero Fuel Wt.?
  27. Max. Differential Press. (relief valves)?
    9.1 psi
  28. Max. Differential Press. for TO and LND?
    .11 psi
  29. Min. alt. for A/P engagement with TAC operative?
    200 AGL
  30. Min. alt. for A/P engagement with TAC inop?
    1000 AGL
  31. On visual approaches/RNAV arrivals (no published instrument approach lateral and vertical guidance), the A/P must be disengaged prior to?
    500 ft. above TDZE (unless in G/A mode).
  32. On non-precision approaches the A/P must be disengaged by?
    50 below the MDA/DA.
  33. With a NO AUTOLAND annunciation, the A/P must be disengaged by what HEIGHT AGL if couple to an ILS glideslope and localizer?
    200 AGL
  34. Max. headwind for autoland?
    25 knts.
  35. Max. tailwind for autoland?
    15 knts.
  36. Max. crosswind for autoland?
    25 knts.
  37. Max. crosswind for autoland while shooting an ILS approach to 2400 RVR or lower is?
    15 knts.
  38. Max. tailwind for autoland during a CAT II or CAT III ILS approach is?
    10 knts.
  39. Max. ILS glideslope angle?
    3.25 degrees
  40. Min. ILS glideslope angle?
    2.5 degrees
  41. Max. number of APU starts (electric motor) within 1 hour?
  42. Min. oil quantity prior to engine start?
    22 qts.
  43. Min. oil quantity after engine stabilized and prior to flight?
    18 qts.
  44. Max. oil temp. Continuous?
  45. Max. oil temp. for 15 min.?
  46. Max. Continuous EGT?
  47. Max. 5 min. EGT?
  48. Max. starting EGT (ground)?
  49. Max. starting EGT (flight)?
  50. Min. oil press.?
    10 psi
  51. Vmin?
    Vref30+80 knts.
  52. Max. EGT continuous?
  53. Max. EGT for 5 min.?
  54. Max. start EGT (ground)?
  55. Max. start EGT (flight)?
  56. Do not use speed brakes below?
    1000' AGL
  57. Do not extend flaps above?
    20,000' MSL
  58. For RVSM, on the ground, max. difference between CA or FO altimeter and field elevation?
  59. For RVSM, max. allowable difference between CA and FO altimeter in flight?
  60. Do not align ADIRU at North/South latitudes greater than?
  61. RNP down to what value is allowed with GPS updating (autopilot on & LNAV)?
    .11 RNP
  62. RNP down to what value is allowed without GPS updating (autopilot on & LNAV)?
    .28 RNP
  63. What type fuels are prohibited?
    JP-4 and Jet B
  64. Max. fuel temp.?
  65. Min. fuel temp.?
    3*C above fuel type freezing point
  66. CAT III operations and autoland are not approved with what flap setting?
    Flaps 25 (20 & 30 are approved)
Card Set
B-777 Limitations.txt
Questions about limitations.