The Constitutional Underpinnings

  1. Articles of Confederation
  2. Shay's Rebellion
  3. New Jersey Plan
  4. Virginia Plan
  5. Great Compromise
  6. Three-Fifths Compromise
  7. federalism
  8. dual federalism
  9. Federalists
  10. Anti-Federalists
  11. Federalist Papers
  12. Bill of Rights
  13. Judicial Review
  14. Representative Democracy
  15. Delegated Powers
  16. Reserved Powers
  17. Concurrent Powers
  18. Full faith and credit clause
  19. Privileges and immunities clause
  20. extradition
  21. supremacy clause
  22. categorical grants
  23. block grants
  24. seperation of powers
  25. checks and balances
  26. veto
  27. override
  28. amendment
  29. ratify
  30. establishment clause
  31. selective incorporation
  32. cabinet
  33. governor
  34. line-item veto
  35. pardons and reprieves
  36. bicameral legislature
  37. revenue sharing
  38. Northwest Ordinance
  39. confederation
Card Set
The Constitutional Underpinnings
Key Terms for Chap 5