Hip Joint and Popliteal Fossa

  1. What is a synovial joint?
    Connection between bones seperated by a cavity
  2. What covers the surfaces of bones in a synovial joint?
    Hyaline cartilage
  3. What is a solid joint?
    Connection between bones by connective tissue
  4. What kind of movement is in a synovial joint?
    • Uniaxial
    • Biaxial
    • Multiaxial
  5. What kind of joint is the hip joint?
    Synovial ball and socket joint
  6. What takes part in the hip joint?
    • Head of the femur
    • Acetabalum
  7. Where does the ligament of the head of the femur go?
    From the fovia to the acetabular fossa
  8. What does the acetabular labrum do?
    Deepens acetabalum
  9. What is the acetabular ligament?
    Continuation of the labrum
  10. What are the relations of the hip joint capsule?
    • Superiorly: acetabulum
    • Inferiorly: neck of femur
    • Anteriorly: intertrochanteric line
    • Posteriorly: intertrochanteric crest
  11. What does the hip joint capsule do?
    Pulls femoral head into acetabalum
  12. What are 4 main ligaments of the hip joint?
    • Iliofemoral
    • Pubofemoral
    • Ischiofemoral
    • Ligament of head of femur
  13. Where does the iliofemoral ligament go?
    From AIIS to the intertrochanteric line
  14. Where does the pubofemoral ligament go?
    Pubis to intertrochanteric line
  15. Where does the ischiofemoral ligament go?
    From ischium to greater trochanter
  16. What is the blood supply to the hip joint?
    • Trochanteric anastomosis
    • cruciate anastamosis
    • small artery of ligamentum teres
  17. What takes part in the trochanteric anastomoses?
    • Ascending branches of medial circumflex femoral
    • Ascending branches of lateral circumflex femoral
    • Ascending branches inferior gluteal artery
    • Descending branches of superior gluteal artery
  18. Where is the trochanteric anastomoses?
    base of femoral neck
  19. What takes part in the cruciate anastomosis?
    • descending branch of inferior gluteal artery
    • transverse branches of medial circumflex femorals
    • transverse branches of lateral circumflex femorals
    • ascending branch of first perforating artery
  20. Where is the cruciate anastomoses?
    lesser trochanter
  21. What are the movements of the hip joint?
    • Flexion
    • Extension
    • Abduction
    • Adduction
    • Internal and External rotation
    • Circumduction
  22. Describe movements of the hamstring muscles
    • Flexion
    • Extension
    • Abduction
    • Adduction
    • Internal and External rotation
  23. Name the 3 muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh
    • Biceps femoris (2 heads)
    • Semimembranousis
    • Semitendinosus
  24. Describe the origin, insertion, action and innervation of biceps femoris.
    • Origin: long head- ischial tuberosity short head- lateral lip of linea aspera
    • Common insertion: head of fibula
    • Action: flexes leg, extends thigh. When knee is flexed, it laterally rotates that joint
    • Innervation: Long head: tibial division of sciatic (L5, S1, S2) & Short head: common peroneal division of sciatic (L5, S1, S2)
  25. Describe the origin, insertion, action and innervation of semitendinosis.
    • Origin: ischial tuberosity
    • Insertion: proximal tibia
    • Action: flexes leg, extends thigh. When knee is flexed, it medially rotates that joint
    • Innervation: tibial divison of sciatic (L5, S1, S2)
  26. Describe the origin, insertion, action and innervation of semimembranosous.
    • Origin: ischial tuberosity
    • Insertion: medial condyle (of tibia)
    • Action: flexes leg, extend thigh. When knee is flexed, it medially rotates that joint
    • Innervation: tibial division of Sciatic (L5, S1, S2)
  27. What are the boundaries of the popliteal fossa
    • Boundaries:
    • upper medial: semimembranosis/tendinosous
    • upper lateral: biceps femoris
    • lower medial: medial head of gastrocnemius
    • lower lateral: lateral head of gastrocnemius
    • floor: capsule of knee joint
    • Roof: deep fascia
  28. What are the contents of the popliteal fossa?
    popliteal artery, popliteal vein, tibial nerve, common fibular nerve
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Hip Joint and Popliteal Fossa