FMF - Chapter 128

  1. 1. What is a naval aviation mishap?
    An unplanned event or series or events involving naval aircraft/UAVs
  2. 2. Define a class A mishap.
    • -Cost of damage exceeds $1m,
    • - an aircraft being destroyed/missing,
    • - any fatality/permanent total disability
  3. 3. Define a class B mishap.
    • -Cost exceeds $200k but is less than
    • $1million
    • -permanent partial disability,
    • -hospitalization of 3 or more personnel
  4. 4. Define a class C mishap.
    • -Cost is more than $20K but less than $200K
    • -an injury requiring 5
    • -more lost workdays
  5. 5. What does NATOPS stand for?
    Naval Air Training Operating and Procedures Standardization
  6. 6. What is the purpose of NATOPS?
    Prescribes general flight and operating instructions/procedures applicable to the operation of all naval aircraft and related activates
  7. 7. What is the allotted amount of rest and sleep flight personnel should have in a in a 24 hours period?
  8. 8. What is amount of rest a crew should get if they exceed 18hrs or flight or alert time?
    15hrs unbroken off time
  9. 9. What is the max daily flight time for single piloted aircraft? Personnel of other aircraft?
    3 flights or 6 ½ hours; 12 hours
  10. 10. What is the max weekly flight time for single piloted aircraft? Personnel of other aircraft?
    30 hours; 50 hours
  11. 11. Define drugs.
    Any chemical that causes a physiological response when taken/used
  12. 12. Give five examples of legal drugs.
    • -Prescription drugs
    • -over the counter drugs
    • -alcohol
    • -tobacco
    • -caffeine
  13. 13. What are the two types of oxygen?
    • -Type 1 gas
    • -type 2 liquid
  14. 14. What is technical oxygen?
    Both gaseous and liquid
  15. 15. What is hypoxia?
    A medical condition resulting from a lack of oxygen
  16. 16. What is the indifferent stage? What are the symptoms?
    No observed impairment;

    only adverse effect is on dark-adaptation
  17. 17. What is the compensatory stage? What are the symptoms?
    Physiological adjustments are adequate defense against affects of hypoxia

    increase pulse rate/ respiratory rate/ blood pressure/cardiac output, increase in fatigue, irritability, headache, and decrease in judgment
  18. 18. What is the disturbance stage? What are the symptoms?
    Physiologic responses are inadequate to compensate for lack of oxygen

    headache, fatigue, lassitude (physical or mental weariness), somnolence (drowsiness), dizziness, air hunger, and euphoria, muscular coordination is reduced, peripheral and central vision are impaired and visual acuity is diminished
  19. 19. What is the critical stage? What are the symptoms?
    Acute hypoxia, almost complete mental and physical incapacitation

    rapid loss of consciousness, convulsions, and respiratory failure and death
  20. 20. What are the five steps in treating hypoxia?
    • -a. Go to 100% oxygen
    • -b. Check oxygen equipment
    • -c. Control breathing-reduce the rate and depth
    • -d. Descend below 10, 000 feet
    • -e. Communicate problem
  21. 21. What are the four primary forces that affect flight?
    • -a. Lift
    • -b. Weight
    • -c. Thrust
    • -d. Drag
  22. 22. What does APU stand for and what is it used for?
    Auxiliary power unit

    allows systems to be started without the engine on or external power/ allows engines to be started without external power
  23. 23. What is a bomb?
    Large dropped explosive ordinance
  24. 24. What is a rocket and what are the two types used by the Marine Corps?
    5.0 inch Zuni and the 2.75 inch Mighty Mouse
  25. 25. What is a missile and what is the difference between a missile and a rocket?
    Missile can change their trajectory after they are fired

    rockets once fired it cannot be altered
  26. 26. What does FOD stand for and what is the purposed of the FOD prevention program?
    Foreign Object Damage

    prevent damage to aircraft and lessen premature maintenance and wasted man-hours and money on unscheduled maintenance
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FMF - Chapter 128
Marine Corps Aviation Safety Fundamentals - Chapter 128