FMF - Chapter 127

  1. 1. What is the mission of MWSG?
    Provide all essential ground support requirements to aid designated fixed/rotary components
  2. 2. What is the standard breakdown of a MWSG?
    • -1-H&HS;
    • -2 MWSS fixed wing;
    • -2 MWSS rotary wing
  3. 3. What is the mission of the H&HS Squadron?
    Provide administrative support for the group and squadron HQ
  4. 4. What are the two tasks of an H&HS Squadron?
    • -a. Provide command, control, administrative, and ecclesiastical (religious) support
    • -b. Provide routine and emergency sick call functions
  5. 5. What is the mission of a MWSS?
    Provide all essential aviation ground support for designated component and elements of the MACG
  6. 3. Name seven tasks of an MWSS?
    • -1. Provide internal airfield communications
    • -2. Provide weather services
    • -3. Provide airfield services, to include M-21 aircraft recovery equipment, Fresnel lens, and airfield lighting
    • -4. Supply crash, fire, rescue and structural firefighting equipment
    • -5. Provide aircraft and ground refueling
    • -6. Provide engineering services, to include: construction, utilities, road/runway repair and construction, and combat engineer services
    • -7. Provide Motor transport
    • -8. Provide messing facilities
    • -9. Provide routine and emergency sick call and aviation medical functions
    • -10. Provide individual and unit training -11. Organic NBC defense
    • -12. Security to include traffic investigators/control/enforcement and criminal investigation
    • -13. Provide air base commandant functions
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FMF - Chapter 127
Marine Wing Support Group (MWSG) - Chapter 127