
  1. Which of the following is NOT one of the three basic types of leaders?

    a. Autocratic
    b. Bureaucratic
    c. Democratic
    d. Free Rein
  2. What is a disadvantage of the Autocratic leader?

    a. Not effective during critical incidents
    b. Failure to maintain contact and control
    c. Subordinates are left out of the decision making process and their growth as potential leaders is reduced
    d. Not effective with unreliable employees
  3. What is NOT an advantage of the Democratic leader?

    a. Increases the feelings of responsibility
    b. Helps develop future leaders
    c. It lets employees get involved the decision-making process
    d. Effective during times of stress or emergency, when initiative and decisiveness is needed
  4. The leader who looks calmer and calmer as things get worse and worse is displaying what leadership quality?

    a. Technical skills
    b. Human Relations
    c. Command presence
    d. Leadership Ethics
  5. The greatest production in the shortest possible time with the minimum of energy and the maximum of satisfaction for the producers, is the objective of which of the following?

    a. Technical skills
    b. Human Relations
    c. Command presence
    d. Leadership Ethics
  6. Which of the following is NOT considered a true statement regarding the principles of praising and criticizing others?

    a. Too much praise will loose its effect as a motivator and will eventually be resented
    b. Reprimand in public, and praise in private
    c. Too much criticism will be eventually taken personally and moral will suffer along with performance
    d. Praising sincerely and given when merited is much more effective than criticism and punitive action
  7. What is one of the main reasons for failures in giving orders?

    a. the order is not understood
    b. the order is not in writing
    c. the order is too difficult to perform
    d. the order is given as a request
  8. Which of the following is NOT one of the four methods of giving orders?

    a. Direct command
    b. Requests
    c. Critical
    d. Requests for volunteers
  9. Which of the following is NOT one of steps in decision-making?

    a. obtain the facts
    b. think of multiple solutions and possible consequences to solutions
    c. analysis the facts
    d. make decision
    e. request an opinion from the chief
  10. What is NOT considered one of the pitfalls of over supervision?

    a. relies too much on employee initiative
    b. increases reliance on supervision
    c. impedes subordinate growth as decision makers and problem solvers
    d. gives the perception of lack of trust in the subordinate's ability to do the job
  11. By knowing and understanding the psychological factors that effect human behavior a supervisor can:

    a. increases reliance on supervision.
    b. gain subordinates willing support and cooperation
    c. help maintain a high level of discipline and morale
    d. both b and c
    e. all of the above
  12. What is considered a positive motivator?

    a. assignment preference
    b. coercion
    c. recognition
    d. both a and c
    e. all of the above
  13. What is NOT considered a negative motivator?

    a. reprimanding
    b. coercion
    c. counseling
    d. punishment
    e. all of the above
  14. Lowers moral, lower performance, absenteeism, increased discipline problems, are some of the symptoms of:

    a. authoritative leadership
    b. leadership failure
    c. positive motivator
    d. negative motivator
  15. What supervisory practice is NOT considered a barrier to motivation?

    a. over-supervision
    b. indecisiveness
    c. unfair treatment
    d. discipline
    e. favoritism
  16. The statement; a supervisor can never praise his subordinates enough, is:

    a. True - supervisor can never give to much praise be critical
    b. False - too much praise will loose effectiveness as a motivator and will eventually be resented
    c. False - a supervisor should never give praise
    d. None of the above
  17. What principle requires that every employee should be under the direct command of one person?

    a. span of control
    b. unity of commandd
    c. process of delegation
    d. coordinating of human effort
  18. What principle refers to the number of persons one individual can supervise effectively?

    a. span of control
    b. process of delegation
    c. coordinating of human effort
    d. none of the above
  19. Police officers have the discretion to give warnings instead of citations at traffic stops. Which of the following situations would a warning be more appropriate to give than a citation?

    a. A man runs through a stop sign because there's no other cars around.
    b. A woman is late for work and is caught driving 10 mph over the speed limit.
    c. A man has a heart attack and runs through a stop sign causing a minor accident.
    d. A woman unfamiliar with the area makes a left turn disregarding a no left turn sign.
  20. A witness observes an Armed Robber run out the door of a gas station. Which part of the witness's description would be most useful in identifying the suspect?

    a. The suspect was wearing a green jacket.
    b. The suspect had on a blue baseball cap.
    c. The suspect had a large nose and brown eyes.
    d. The suspect had a 2" inch scar on his left cheek.
    e. The suspect walked with a limp.
  21. Officer Miller is advised by his sergeant that a shopping Mall in her area had a rash of auto thefts reported in the last two weeks. Officer Miller indicates she will intensify patrol in the area. Regarding the auto thefts, what situation observed in the Mall by Miller should be investigated?

    a. Two juveniles sitting on a parked car smoking cigarettes
    b. A man walking in the parking lot pulling on the handles of several car doors
    c. A man and woman sitting in a parked car with the engine running
    d. A juvenile walking through the parking lot carrying a shopping bag
  22. Officer Maxwell and Timms respond to a domestic dispute. Neighbors called police and stated they heard a man and women arguing. They heard the man threaten his wife and thought he was going to beat her.
    The officers arrive at the scene, and notify the dispatcher of their location. They than exit their squad and approach the house. What should they do next?

    a. Talk to the neighbors who called to get more information
    b. Knock on the door and request entry
    c. Listen at the door to see if they can hear what's going on
    d. Call for an ambulance to stand by in case there's anybody injured
  23. Officer Jackson responds to a domestic dispute and approaches the residence. Officer Jackson should;

    a. approach the house with his gun drawn
    b. stand off to the side of the doorway before knocking
    c. knock on the side or rear door of the residence
    d. leave and return to patrol if all the lights are off in the residence and he doesn't hear a disturbance
  24. Officer Lukes and Daniels respond to a family trouble. Upon approaching the house they hear what sounds like breaking glass coming from inside the residence. What is the first thing the officers should do?

    a. run into the house
    b. listen at the door to see if they can tell what's happening
    c. advise the dispatcher that you have arrived at the scene and you hear the glass breaking inside
    d. call for a supervisor
  25. One of the responsibilities of the supervisor is to provide top administration with information about clients and their problems that will help in the evaluation of existing policies and indicate the need for modifications. In order to fulfill this responsibility, it would be MOST essential for the supervisor to:

    a. routinely forward, all regularly prepared and recurrent reports from subordinates to his immediate superior.
    b. note repeated instances of failure of staff to correctly administer a policy and schedule staff conferences for corrective training.
    c. regularly review agency rules, regulations and policies to make sure that be has sufficient knowledge to make appropriate analyses.
    d. analyze reports on cases submitted by subordinates; in order to select relevant trend material to be forwarded to his superiors.
  26. You find that your division has a serious problem because of unusually long delays in filing reports and overdue approvals to private agencies under contract for services. The most appropriate step to take FIRST in this situation would be to:

    a. request additional staff to work on reports and approvals
    b. order staff to work overtime until the backlog is eliminated
    c. impress staff with the importance of expeditious handling of reports and approvals
    d. analyze present procedures form handling reports and approvals
  27. When a supervisor finds that he must communicate orally, information that is significant enough to affect the entire staff, it would be MOST Important to:

    a. distribute a written summary of the information to his staff before discussing it orally
    b. tell his subordinate supervisors to discuss this information at individual conferences with their subordinates
    c. call a follow-up meeting of absentees as soon as they return
  28. Of the following, the BEST way for a supervisor to assist a subordinate who has unusually heavy work pressures is to:

    a. point out that such pressures go with the job and must be tolerated
    b. suggest to him that the pressures probably result from poor handling of his workload
    c. ask him to work overtime until the period of pressure is over
  29. Leadership is a basic responsibility of the supervisor. One of the following which would be the LEAST appropriate way to fulfill this role is for the supervisor to:

    a. help staff to work up to their capacities in every possible way
    b. encourage independent judgment and actions by staff members
    c. allow staff to participate in decisions within policy limits
    d. take over certain tasks in which he is more competent than his subordinates
  30. Assume that you have assigned a very difficult administrative task to one of your best subordinate suspervisors, but is reluctant to take it on because he fears that he will fail in it.

    It is your judgment, however, that he is quite capable of performing this task. The one of the following which is the MOST desirable way for you to handle this situation is to:

    a. reassure him that he has enough skill to perform the task and that he will not be penalized if he falls
    b. minimize the Importance of the task so that he will feel it is safe for him to attempt it
    c. reassign the task to another supervisor who is more achievement-oriented and more confident of his skills
    d. stress the Importance of the task and the dependence of the other staff members on his succeeding in it
  31. Assume that a member of your professional staff deliberately misinterprets a new state directive because he fears that its enforcement will have an adverse effect on clients. Although you consider him to be a good supervisor and basically agree with him, you should direct him to comply. Of the following, the MOST desirable way for you to handle this situation would be to:

    a. avoid a confrontation with him by transferring responsibility for carrying out the directive to another member of your staff
    b. explain to him that you are in a better position than he to assess the implications of the new directive
    c. discuss with him the basic reasons for his misinterpretation and explain why he must comply with the directive
    d. allow him to interpret the directive in his own way as long as he assumes full responsibility for his actions
  32. Of the following, it is MOST difficult to formulate policy in an organization where:

    a. work assignments are narrowly specialized by units
    b. staff members have varied backgrounds and a wide range of competency
    c. units implementing the same policy are in the same geographic location
    d. staff is experienced and fully trained
  33. For a supervisor to feel that he is responsible for influencing the attitudes of his staff members is GENERALLY considered:

    a. undesirable: attitudes of adults are emotional factors which usually cannot be changed
    b. undesirable: the supervisor should be nonjudgmental and accepting of widely different attitudes and social patterns of staff members
    c. desirable: certain attitudes can be obstructive and should be modified in order to provide effective service to clients
    d. desirable: influencing attitudes is a teaching responsibility which the supervisor shares with the training specialist
  34. Of the following, a serious DISADVANTAGE of a performance evaluation system based on standardized evaluation factors is that such a system tends to:

    a. exacerbate the anxieties of those supervisors who are apprehensive about determining what happens to another person
    b. create organizational conflict by encouraging personnel who wish to enhance their standing to become too aggressive in the performance of their duties
    c. subject the supervisor to psychological stress by emphasizing the incompatibility of his dual role as both judge and counselor
    d. lead many staff members to concentrate on measuring up in terms of the evaluation factors and to disregard other aspects of their work
  35. Which of the following would contribute MOST to the achievement of conformity of staff activities and goals to the intent of agency policies and procedures?

    a. Changing nature of the underlying principles and desired purpose of the policies and procedures
    b. Formulation of specific criteria for implementing the policies and procedures
    c. Changing nature of the underlying principles and desired purpose of the policies and procedures
    d. Continuous monitoring of the essential effectiveness of agency operations
  36. Job enlargement, a management device used by large organizations to counteract the adverse effects of specialization on employee performance. Is LEAST likely to improve employee motivation if it is accomplished by:

    a. lengthening the job cycle and adding a large number of similar tasks
    b. allowing the employee to use a greater variety of skills
    c. increasing the scope and complexity of the employee's job
    d. giving the employee more opportunities to make decisions
  37. Although some kinds of instructions are best put in written form, a supervisor can give many instructions verbally. In which one of the following situations would verbal instructions be MOST suitable?

    a. Furnishing an employee with the details to be checked in doing a certain job
    b. Instructing an employee on the changes necessary to update the office manual used in your unit
    c. Informing a new employee where different kinds of supplies and equipment that he might need are kept
    d. Presenting an assignment to an employee who will be held accountable for following a series of steps is this division clearly understood by all employees
  38. The authority to carry out a job can be delegated to a subordinate, but the supervisor remains responsible for the work of the section as a whole. As a supervisor, which of the following rules would be the BEST one for you to follow in view of the above statement?

    a. Avoid assigning important tasks to your subordinates, because you will be blamed if anything goes wrong
    b. Be sure each subordinate understands the specific job he has been assigned, and check at intervals to make sure assignments are done properly
    c. Assign several people to every important job, so that responsibility will be spread out as much as possible
    d. Have an experienced subordinate check all work done by other employees, so that there will be little chance of anything going wrong
  39. The human tendency to resist change is often reflected in higher rates of turnover, absenteeism, and errors whenever an important change is made in an organization. Although psychologists do not fully understand the reasons why people resist change, they believe that the resistance stems from a threat to the individual's security, that it is a form of fear of the unknown. In light of this statement, which one of the following approaches would probably be MOST effective in preparing employees for a change in procedure in their unit?

    a. Avoid letting employees know anything about the change until the last possible moment
    c. Promise the employees that if the change turns out to be a poor one, you will allow them to suggest a beturn to the old system
    c. Sympathize with employees who resent the change and let them know you share their doubts and
    d. Make sure that employees know the reasons for the change and are aware of the benefits that are
    expected from it
  40. Of the following, the MOST important reason why a supervisor is given the authority to tell subordinates what work they should do, how they should do it, and when it should be done is that usually:

    a. most people will not work unless there is someone with authority standing over them
    b. work is accomplished more effectively if the supervisor plans and coordinates it
    c. when division of work is left up to subordinates, there is constant arguing, and very little work is
    d. subordinates are not familiar with the tasks to be performed
  41. After giving a new task to an employee, it is a good idea for a supervisor to ask specific questions to make sure that the employee grasps the essentials of the task and sees how it can be carried out. Questions which ask the employee what he thinks or how he feels about an important aspect of the task are particularly effective. Which one of the following questions is NOT the type of question which would be useful in the foregoing situation?

    a. "Do you feel there will be any trouble meeting the 4:30 deadline?"
    b. "How do you feel about the kind of work we do here?"
    c. "Do you think that combining those two steps will work all right?"
    d. "Can you think of any additional equipment you may need for this process?"
  42. Of the following, the LEAST important reason for having a continuous training program is that:

    a. employees may forget procedures that they have already learned
    b. employees may develop short cuts on the job that result in inaccurate work
    c. the job continues to change because of new procedures and equipment
    d. training is one means of measuring effectiveness and productivity on the job
  43. In training a new employee, it is usually advisable to break down the job into meaningful parts and have the new employee master one part before going on to the next. Of the following, the BEST reason for using this technique is to:

    a. let the new employee know the reason for what he is doing and thus encourage him to remain in
    the unit
    b. show the employee that the work is easy so that he will be encouraged to work faster
    c. make the employee aware of the importance of the work and encourage him to work harder
    d. make it more likely that the employee will experience success and will be encouraged to continue learning the job
  44. You may occasionally find a serious error in the work of one of your subordinates. Of the following, the BEST time to discuss such an error with an employee usually is:

    a. immediately after the error is found
    b. when you have discovered a pattern of errors on the part of this employee so that he will not be able to
    c. after about two weeks, since you will also be able to point out some good things that the employee has accomplished
    d. after the error results in a complaint by your own supervisor
  45. For very important announcements to the staff, a supervisor should usually use both written and oral communications. For example, when a new procedure is to be introduced, the supervisor can more easily obtain the group's acceptance by giving his subordinates a rough draft of the new procedure "and calling a meeting of all his subordinates. The LEAST important benefit of this technique is that it will better enable the supervisor to:

    a. explain why the change is necessary
    b. make adjustments in the new procedure to meet valid staff objections
    c. assign someone to carry out the new procedure
    d. answer questions about the new procedure
  46. What cannot be delegated?

    a. authority to complete the task
    b. total responsibility
    c. tasks that can be handled by subordinates
    d. all of the above
  47. What should be delegated?

    a. authority to complete the task
    b. total responsibility
    c. all possible tasks that can be handled by subordinates
    d. both a and c
  48. What is the relationship of the supervisor in regards to the officers and upper management ?

    a. The supervisor acts as a buffer between officers and upper management
    b. The supervisor acts as an information source between officers and upper management
    c. The supervisor acts as an arbitrator between officers and upper management
  49. Where does a supervisor get his authority?

    a. Official authority comes from government
    b. Official authority comes from management but real authority comes from his subordinates
    c. Official authority comes from his subordinates but real authority comes from management
  50. How should someone prepare to be a supervisor?

    a. By becoming knowledgeable about management communications, and the underlying tactical direction
    b. By becoming knowledgeable about the rules, policies, practices and functions and goals of his organization
    c. By becoming knowledgeable about the responsibility for providing a cohesive force
  51. What are the basic supervisory responsibilities?

    a. Planner, training, decision making and communication, personnel officer, as a controller, a leader
    b. An information source between officers and upper management
    c. Keep abreast of the problems placed on him in his work environment
  52. When is Miranda warnings required?

    a. when the investigation has moved from the investigatory to custodial stage
    b. where an officers stops a speeding auto
    c. when a person enters a police station and confesses to a crime
  53. Any estimates of police patrol-force staffing requirements must include:

    a. consultation with personnel experts
    b. analysis of police records
    c. community participation or, at least, community involvement
    d. several alternate proposals and counter-proposals
  54. That quantum of evidence which would lead a reasonable police officer to believe the defendant has committed a crime is called:

    a. an arrest
    b. a stop and frisk
    c. probable cause
    d. warrant
    ANSWER: C Quantum of evidence is the key phrase.
  55. Supervisor feels that he is about to lose his temper while reprimanding a subordinate. Of the following, the BEST action for the supervisor to take is to:

    a. postpone the reprimand for a short time until his self-control is assured
    b. continue the reprimand because failure to do so will show that the supervisor does not have complete self-control
    c. continue the reprimand because a loss of temper by the supervisor will show the subordinate
    d. postpone the reprimand until the subordinate is capable of understanding the reason for the supervisor's loss of temper
  56. At the first meeting with your staff after appointment as a supervisor, you find considerable indifference and some hostility among the participants. Of the following, the most appropriate way to handle this situation is to:

    a. disregard the attitudes displayed and continue to make your presentation until you have completed it
    b. warm up your audience with some good natured statements and anecdotes and then proceed with your presentation
    c. discontinue your presentation but continue the meeting and attempt to find out the reasons for their attitudes
    d. discontinue the meeting and set up personal interviews with the staff members to try to find out the reason for their attitude
  57. Use a written rather than oral communication to amend any previous written communication. Of the following, the BEST justification for this statement is that:

    a. oral changes will be considered more impersonal and thus less important
    b. oral changes will be forgotten or recalled indifferently
    c. written communications are clearer and shorter
    d. written communications are better able to convey feeling tone
  58. Assume that a certain supervisor, when writing important communications to his subordinates, often repeats certain points in different words. This technique is generally:

    a. ineffective; it tends to confuse rather than help
    b. effective; it tends to improve understanding by the subordinates
    c. Ineffective; it unnecessarily increases the length of the communication and may annoy the subordinates
    d. effective; repetition is always an advantage in communications
  59. Effective communications, a basic necessity for successful supervision is a two-way street. A good supervisor needs to listen to, as well as disseminate, information and he must be able to encourage his subordinates to communicate with him. Which of the following suggestions will contribute LEAST to; improving the "listening power" of a supervisor?

    a. Don't assume anything; don't anticipate, and don't let a subordinate think you know what he is going to say
    b. Don't interrupt; let him have his full say even if it requires a second session that day to get the full story
    c. React quickly to his statements so that he knows you are interested, even if you must draw some conclusions prematurely
    d. Try to understand the real need for his talking to you even if it is quite different from the subject under discussion
  60. Of the following, the MOST useful approach for the supervisor to take toward the informal employee communications network know as the "grapevine" is to:

    a. remain isolated from it, but not take any active steps to eliminate it
    b. listen to it, but not depend on it for accurate information
    c. use it to disseminate confidential information
    d. eliminate it as diplomatically as possible
  61. If a supervisor is asked to estimate the number of employees that he believes he will need in his unit in the coming fiscal year, the supervisor should FIRST attempt to learn the:

    a. nature and size of the workload his unit will have during that time
    b. cost of hiring and training new employees
    c. average number of employee absences per year
    d. number of employees needed to indirectly support or assist his unit
  62. Assume that a supervisor calls a meeting with the staff under his supervision in order to discuss several proposals. After some discussion, he realizes that he strongly disagrees with one proposal that four of the staff have rather firmly favored. At this point, he could BEST handle the situation by saying:

    a. "I have the responsibility for this decision, and I must disagree."
    b. "I am just reminding you that I have had a great deal more experience in these matters."
    c. "You have presented some good points, but perhaps we could look at it another way."
    d. "The only way that this proposal can be disposed of is to defer it for further discussion."
  63. If a subordinate asks you, his supervisor, for advice in planning his career in the department you should:

    a. encourage him to feel that he can easily reach the top of his occupational ladder
    b. discourage him from setting his hopes too high
    c. discuss career opportunities realistically with him
    d. explain that you have no control over his opportunities for advancement
  64. Assume that a supervisor gives his subordinate instructions which are appropriate and clear. The subordinate there upon refuses to follow these instructions. Of the following, it would then be MOST appropriate for the supervisor to:

    a. attempt to find out what it is that the employee objects to
    b. take disciplinary action that same day
    c. remind the subordinate about supervisory authority and threaten him with discipline
    d. insist that the subordinate carry out the order immediately
  65. Assume that you, as a supervisor, have had a new employee assigned to you. If the duties of his position can be broken into independent parts, which of the following is usually the BEST way to train this new employee? Start with:

    a. the easiest duties and progressively proceed to the most difficult
    b. something easy; move to something difficult; then back to something easy
    c. something difficult; move to something easy; then to something difficult
    d. the most difficult duties and progressively proceed to the easiest
  66. The oldest and most commonly used training technique is on-the-job training. Instruction is given to the worker by his supervisor or by another employee. Such training is essential in most jobs, although it is not always effective when used alone. This technique, however, can be effectively used alone if:

    a. a large number of people are to be trained at one time
    b. the skills involved can be learned quickly
    c. other forms of training have not been previously used with the people involved
    d. the skills to be taught are mental rather than manual
  67. Of the following, the BEST way for a supervisor to increase employees' interest in their work is to:

    a. allow them to make as many decisions as possible
    b. demonstrate to them that he is as technically competent as they are
    c. give each employee a difficult assignment
    d. promptly convey to them instructions from higher management
  68. Of the following, the MAJOR advantage of group problem solving, as compared to individual problem-solving, is that groups will more readily:

    a. agree with agency management
    b. devise new policies and procedures
    c. reach conclusions sooner
    d. abide by their own decisions
  69. Assume that as a supervisor you must discipline a subordinate, but all of the pertinent facts necessary for a full determination of the appropriate disciplinary action to take are not yet available. However, you fear that a delay in disciplinary action may damage the morale of other employees. The MOST appropriate for you to do in this matter, is to:

    a. take immediate disciplinary action as if all the pertinent facts were available
    b. wait until all the pertinent facts are available before reaching a decision
    c. inform the subordinate that you know he is guilty, issue a stern warning, and then let him wait
    for your further action
    d. reduce the severity of the discipline appropriate for the violation
  70. When a supervisor is asked for his opinion of the suitability for promotion of a subordinate, the supervisor is actually being asked to predict the subordinate's future behavior in a new role. Such a prediction is most likely to be accurate if the:

    a. higher position is similar to the subordinate's current one
    b. higher position requires intangible personal qualities
    c. new position requires a high intellectual level of performance
    d. supervisor has had little personal association with the subordinate away from the job
  71. In establishing rules for his subordinates, a superior should be PRIMARILY concerned with:

    a. creating sufficient flexibility to allow for exceptions
    b. making employees aware of the reasons for the rules and the penalties for infractions
    c. establishing the strength of his own position in relation to his subordinates
    d. having his subordinates know that such rules will be imposed in a personal manner
  72. A factor considered to be a major obstacle to good communication is:

    a. a failure to listen
    b. mental preoccupation
    c. inability to concentrate
    d. apathy
  73. Generally it is felt that most orders should take the form of:

    a. commands
    b. persuasion
    c. implied suggestions
    d. requests
    e. strong recommendations
  74. Calling for volunteers to perform assignments is:

    a. a good procedure
    b. not to be encouraged
    c. never to be done
    d. a sign of poor supervision
    e. often interpreted by subordinates as a sign of weakness
  75. The autocratic-type leader usually:

    a. goes by the book
    b. seeks suggestions and ideas
    c. uses as little authority as possible
    d. permits a great deal of self-expression
    e. supervises according to the situation at hand
  76. A newly-appointed sergeant is put in charge of a group of personnel who are his friends, some of whom joined the force with him. Under the circumstances, the sergeant should:

    a. slowly reduce his friendships until his relationship is the same with each of his personnel
    b. maintain his friendships, but not allow them to influence his actions
    c. explain in a tactful manner why he can no longer maintain the same relationships
    d. treat his friends as he would the other personnel and make no reference to their past friendship
    e. transfer to another unit where he knows no one
  77. A supervisor having to correct an employee would be wise to do so:

    a. the day after the incident
    b. when he/she and the employee are alone
    c. exactly when the infraction occurs
    d. at a time agreeable to both parties
    e. as soon as the incident is over
  78. Decision-making conclusions are best made from:

    a. intuition based on hypothesis
    b. prior experiences in the same general area
    c. facts at hand
    d. value judgments of subordinate personnel
    e. studying the issue and requesting superiors' input
  79. When a supervisor looks calmer as a situation gets worse, we have an excellent example of:

    a. quiet self-appraisal
    b. controlled human relations
    c. psychological stress
    d. command presence
    e. overcontrolled emotions
  80. One effective way a supervisor can relieve a subordinate of some of his frustrations when he has been subjected to the castigations of an errant motorist who has received a summons is to:

    a. explain the functions of police officers
    b. indicate all police are subject to the same abuse
    c. have him put him/herself in the motorist's place
    d. ride with the officer and reassure him/her of his/her value
    e. let the officer vent his/her frustrations on you
  81. Police receive a radio call indicating a burglary in progress at a certain gun shop. Upon responding, they find several men are inside the shop and they have the owner and his wife as hostages. Several shots are fired at police and their cars. The type of supervisor most desirable and effective in a situation such as this is the:

    a. free-rein
    b. instructional
    c. democratic
    d. contingent
    e. autocratic
  82. Captain Jones orders Lieutenant Smith to prepare the work schedule for the next week. Lieutenant Smith then orders Sergeant O'Beny to prepare the schedule and he in turn assigns it to Officer Harmon. Who is responsible for the completion of the work schedule.

    a. Captain Jones
    b. Lieutenant Smith
    c. Sergeant O'Beny
    d. Officer Harmon
    e. all of the above
  83. The last step of the decision-making process should be:

    a. to have alternate solutions
    b. appropriate follow-up
    c. to weigh the consequences
    d. the collection of relevant data
    e. to document your actions
  84. Most people learn in accordance with:

    a. how they react to instruction
    b. intangible, established factors
    c. well-established rules
    d. repetitive association with immediate goals
    e. the instructor's pace
  85. Which of the following is the least effective positive motivator?

    a. recognition
    b. praise
    c. money
    d. advancement
    e. all are equally positive
  86. Negative motivators should be avoided except when:

    a. positive means have failed
    b. positive means obviously won't work
    c. the supervisor has previously learned that they work better on certain subordinates
    d. the commanding officer recommends them
  87. Employees can be stimulated to produce best:

    a. by providing complete and concise training
    b. through "hands on" supervision
    c. with positive incentives
    d. all of the above
    e. b and c
  88. Assume that it is necessary for you to give an unpleasant assignment to one of your subordinates. You expect this employee to raise some objections to this assignment. The most appropriate of the following actions for you to take FIRST is to issue the assignment:

    a. orally, with the further statement that you will not listen to any complaints
    b. in writing, to forestall any complaints by the employee
    c. orally, permitting the employee to express his feelings
    d. in writing, with a note that any comments should be submitted in writing
  89. When an officer makes a lawful arrest, what may be searched without a warrant?

    a. The suspect's auto, parked in his garage
    b. The person's immediate surroundings (lunge area) and items in possession of the person
    c. The suspect's entire residence
    d. None of the above
  90. "The officer investigating a crime should bear in mind that the duty of clearing an innocent person who may be suspected is as important as convicting the guilty, and it pays equal human dividends." The most valid deduction is:

    a. questioning should be made without bias; objective rather than subjective
    b. questioning should be intensive so as to obtain all possible items
    c. questioning should be humanistic rather than objective
    d. questioning should be varied based on the degree of culpability
  91. It would be correct to state that the number of persons who handle evidence:

    a. should be maximized to obtain greatest efficiency
    b. should vary in direct ratio to the length of the investigation
    c. should vary in inverse ratio to the length of the investigation
    d. should be held to a minimum
  92. The critical element that constitutes entrapment is whether:

    a. the defendant was predisposed to commit the crime in question
    b. the opportunity to commit a crime was arranged by the police
    c. deception was used to gain evidence
    d. participation on the part of the officer in order to gain evidence occurred
    e. the degree of cooperation by the officer destroys the essential element of the crime

    The key word is predisposed. Entrapment occurs when the officer plants the idea of committing the crime into the person who had no intention to commit the crime before hand.
  93. Entrapment occurs when:

    a. Officers arrange the opportunity for the commission of a crime
    b. Officers encourage the commission of the crime by a person who had no intent to commit a crime until persuaded to do so by the officers
    c. Officers participate in criminal activity to gain criminal's confidence
    d. None all the above
  94. Which of the following would constitute exigent circumstances?

    a. immediate threat of escape
    b. immediate threat of destruction of evidence
    c. immediate threat of death of a great bodily harm
    d. all the above
  95. What are the needs of punishment?

    a. to be careful, firm and positive
    b. to be certain, swift and impartial
    c. to be constructive, proactive and partial
    d. none of the above
  96. What are some of the forms of positive discipline?

    a. punishment
    b. criticism
    c. training
    d. counseling
    e. both c and d
  97. What is NOT a form of negative discipline?

    a. informal punishment
    b. admonishment
    c. suspension
    d. counseling
  98. The most successful managers recognize the value of:

    a. the attitude of the administration
    b. organizational skills
    c. getting things done through people
    d. the political climate of their community
  99. Research indicates that the performance of workers is more affected by factors in the:

    a. physical environment
    b. psychological environment
    c. biological environment
    d. recreational environment
  100. The individual who cannot adjust to his problems, develops a sense of failure, which causes:

    a. anger
    b. apathy
    c. frustration
    d. elation
  101. The rule of punishment should be just that amount of punishment applied which will:
    a. prevent further derelictions of minor misconduct
    b. prevent further derelictions of duty
    c. prevent further derelictions of the same nature
    d. prevent further derelictions of serious misconduct
  102. The supervisor who ignores the employees drive to attain certain goals is often:

    a. frustrated himself
    b. concerned with organizational matters
    c. staying impartial
    d. part of the cause of frustration
  103. The best way of preventing employee frustration is to:

    a. open lines of communications
    b. improve the physical enviornment
    c. increase employee benefits
    d. discover and remove the underlying causes
  104. Officer stop a motorists for a traffic stop. He's very rude and indicates he has friends in high places. He demands the officer's name and badge number. What should he do?

    a. Inform him that he wants will be in the citation
    b. Give him your name and bagde number
    c. Tell him you'll give him your name but not your badge number
    d. Ignore his request
  105. Entrapment occurs when:

    a. Officers arrange the opportunity for the commision of a crime
    b. Officers participate in criminal activity to gain criminal's confidence
    c. None of the above

  106. A suspect wanted for a traffic offense resist arrest, lunging at the officer with a knife. Regarding this statement which of the following is true:

    a. Officer's cannot use deadly force becuase the suspect is not wanted for a serious crime
    b. Officer can use deadly force because the suspect is resisting arrest
    c. Officer cannot use deadly force because a knife is not considered a deadly weapon
    d. The officer can use deadly force because even though the suspect is wanted for a minor crime; the suspect is resisting and using deadly force against the officer
  107. Of the following, the MOST important reason why employees resist change is that:

    a. they have not received adequate training in preparation for the change
    c. new ideas and methods almost always represent a threat to the security of the individuals involved
    b. experience has shown that when new ideas don't work, employees get blamed and not the individuals responsible for the new ideas
    d. new ideas often are not practical and disrupt operations unnecessarily
  108. Decision-making can be defined as the:

    a. delegation of authority and responsibility to persons capable of performing their assigned duties with moderate or little supervision
    b. imposition of a supervisor's decision upon a work group
    c. technique of selecting the course of action with the most desired consequences, and the least undesired or unexpected consequences
    d. process principally concerned with improvement of procedures
  109. A supervisor who is not well-motivated and has no desire to accept basic responsibilities' will:

    a. compromise to the extent of permitting poor performance for lengthy periods-without correction
    b. not have marginal workers in his work group if the work is interesting
    c. get good performance from his work group if the employees are satisfied with their pay and other
    working conditions
    d. perform adequately as long as the work of his group consists of routine operations
  110. Planning is part of the decision-making process, the key to effective planning is:

    a. careful research to determine whether a tentative plan has been tried at some time in the past
    b. careful research to determine whether a tentative plan has been tried at some time in the past
    c. speed; poor plans can be discarded after they are put into effect while good plans usually are not put into effect because of delays
    d. writing the plan up in considerable detail and then forwarding the plan, through channels, to the executive officer having final approval of the plan
  111. The FIRST step in planning a program is to:

    a. estimate the costs
    b. clearly define the objectives
    c. hire a program director
    d. solicit funds
  112. The PRIMARY purpose of control in an organization is to:

    a. punish those who do not do their job well
    b. get people to do what is necessary to achieve an objective
    c. develop clearly stated rules and regulations
    d. regulate expenditures
  113. The UNDERLYING principle of sound administration is to:

    a. base administration on investigation of facts
    b. have plenty of resources available
    c. hire a strong administrator
    d. establish a broad policy
  114. Implementation of accountability requires:

    a. a leader who will not hesitate to take punitive action
    b. an established system of communication from the bottom to the top
    c. explicit directives from leaders
    d. too much expense to justify it
  115. In considering the functions of a supervisor, it is clear that the FIRST step in building a quality work force is the manager's need to:

    a. design jobs to meet the goals of the organization
    b. examine the qualification requirements for his positions and eliminate those, which appear to be controversial
    c. determine the methods to be used in reaching that special public deemed most suitable for the agency
    d. establish controls so that there is reasonable assurance that the plans established to staff the agency will be properly consummated
  116. When the span of control of a manager or administrator is widened or increased, a MOST likely result is:

    a. greater specificity of operational procedures
    b. a decrease in total worker-administrator contacts
    c. a blurring of objectives and goals
    d. an increase in responsibility of subordinates
  117. Which of the following interview styles is MOST appropriate for use in a problem solving situation?

    a. Directed
    b. Stress
    c. Non-directive
    d. Authoritarian
  118. Which of the following is a COMMONLY used measure of morale in an organization?

    a. Turnover rate
    b. Specialized division of labor
    c. Espirit de corps
    d. Job satisfaction
  119. A District Commander has three subordinate supervisors, each responsible for a major program in his division. He finds that one supervisor is much weaker than the other two, both in his planning of work and in his follow-through to achieve timely completion of tasks. To bolster the weak supervisor, the District Commander reassigns his best supervisor to this unit. This decision is POOR primarily because:

    a. the performance of the competent supervisor is likely to suffer eventually
    b. the assigned supervisor will be expected to make more decisions herself
    c. the ineffective supervisor might have done better by assignment elsewhere
    d. indicated disciplinary action was not taken
  120. What must an officer do to be immune from civil and criminal liability in Domestic Violence cases?

    a. arrest suspect and file departmental reports
    b. arrest suspect if victim lives with suspect or has children in common and is an adult and a battery has been committed
    c. follow state law and act in good faith
    d. order in suspect if battery has occurred and the officer is unable to arrest
    e. officers don't have immunity from liability
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police exam study material