Lesson 14

  1. adduce
    verb- to cite as an example or a means of proof in an argument
  2. confound
    • verb- to cause to become confused or perplexed
    • verb- to fail to distinguish; to mix up
    • verb- to make something bad even worse
  3. construe
    • verb- to interpret; to explain the meaning of
    • verb- to translate, especially to do so aloud
  4. conundrum
    • adjective- a difficult, unsolvable, or self-contradictory problem; a dilemma
    • adjective- a riddle which is answered by a pun
  5. cryptic
    • adjective- having hidden meaning; mysterious
    • adjective- using or based on code
  6. equivocate
    verb- to use language that is evasive or ambiguous, often in an attempt to mislead; to avoid making an explicit or straightforward statement
  7. paradox
    • noun- a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true
    • noun- something exhibiting inexplicable or contradictory aspects
  8. patent
    • adjective- obvious; plain; apparent
    • noun- a grant by the government that give the creator of an invention the sole right to his creation for a set time
  9. perspicacity
    noun- an acuteness of perception, observation, or understanding; a sharpness
  10. rudimentary
    • adjective- of or relating to basic facts or principles; elementary
    • adjective- in the earliest stages of development
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Lesson 14
Lesson 14