Opioid Analgesics and Neuroleptanalgesia

  1. Opioid Analgesics (class) tx uses
    • analgesia
    • constipation
    • sedation
    • cough suppression
  2. Opioid Analgesics (class) side effects
    • resp depression
    • constipation
    • nausea and vomiting
    • sedation/excitation
    • intracranial pressure rise
  3. Opioid Analgesics (class) name drugs
    • morphine
    • heroin (diamorphine)
    • codeine
    • methadone
    • pethidine
    • pentazocine- mew antagonist/K agonist
    • etorphine
    • fentanyl
    • remifentanyl
    • butorphanol
    • buprenorphine- mew partial agonist/k antagonist
    • tramadol
    • (naloxone)- mew,d,k antagonist
    • (diprenorphine)- weak mew partial agonist
  4. morphine
    gold standard
  5. codeine
    like morphine but weaker analgesic
  6. methadone
    • long acting
    • orally active
  7. pentazocine
    • mew antagonist
    • k agonist so makes patient feel sick
  8. etorphine
    very potent, good for big animals
  9. buprenorphine
    • mew partial agonist
    • k antagonist
  10. tramadol
    • weak mew agonist
    • NA reuptake inhibitor so increases a2 receptor activation
  11. butorphanol
    short lasting
  12. naloxone
    mew,d,k antagonist, very useful in overdose
  13. diprenorphine
    • potent but weak mew partial agonist
    • reverses etorphine overdose
Card Set
Opioid Analgesics and Neuroleptanalgesia
Opioid Analgesics and Neuroleptanalgesia (mew, d , k meant as the greek letters for the 3 opioid receptors)