Sedative Drugs

  1. phenothiazine (class) name drugs
    • acepromazine
    • chlorpromazine
    • methotrimprazine
    • promethazine
  2. phenothiazine (class) name effects
    • sedative
    • anti-emetics (tx)
    • vasodilation (a1 adrenoR antagonist)
    • antipsychotic
    • lack of analgesic action
  3. acepromazine considerations for use
    • decreases seizure threshold
    • can cause penis prolapse/paralysis in stallions
    • vasodilation
  4. butyrophenones (class) name drugs
    • haloperidol
    • droperidol
    • fluanisone
    • azaperone (pigs only)
  5. butyrophenones (class) name effects
    • sedative
    • anti-emetic
  6. butyrophenones (class) name side effects
    • moderate hypotension (a1 blocker)
    • extrapyramidal effects at high doses
  7. a2 adrenoreceptor agonists (class) name drugs
    • xylazine
    • medetomidine
    • detomidine
  8. a2 adrenoreceptor agonists (class) name effects
    • (inhibit NA release)
    • sedation
    • analgesia
    • mm relaxation
    • rapid reversibility with antagonists
    • prevent CNS stim and mm rigidity assoc with ketamine and some opioids
  9. a2 adrenoreceptor agonists (class) name side effects
    • decreased CO, bradycardia
    • increase then decrease in BP
    • hyperglycaemia
    • diuresis (decrease ADH secretion)
  10. drugs to sedate horses
    • xylazine
    • detomidine
    • romifidine
  11. behavioural effects of xylazine/medetomidine in dogs and cats
    • heavy sedation but arousable
    • recumbancy
    • vomit (especially cats)
  12. a2 adrenoreceptor agonist CV effects
    • vasoC initially- hypertension then hypotension
    • severe bradycardia
    • decreased CO
  13. a2 adrenoreceptor agonists effects in large animals
    • mild resp acidosis
    • sweating
    • uterine contraction in cattle with xylazine (pregnant animals)
  14. a2 adrenoreceptor agonists effects in small animals
    • gums are white from vasoC
    • vomiting
  15. anatagonists to reverse sedation of xylazine
    • yohimbine in dogs
    • tolazoline in large animals
  16. anatgonist to reverse sedation of medetomidine/detomidine
    atipamezole in dogs and horses
  17. a2 adrenoreceptor agonists- considerations
    • CNS depressioon-overdose risk
    • HR/CO may worsen CV dz
    • vomiting
    • increases peeing. rupture if urethra obstruction
    • hyperglycaemia (diabetes, preg)
    • uterine contraction, abortion in last trimester of preg
  18. ketamine
    • NMDA R channel blocker
    • sedative
    • drug of abuse
    • dissociative analgesia
  19. tiletamine
    • gd analgesia
    • comes combined with others
    • used for sedating horses
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Sedative Drugs
sedative drugs