
  1. acanth
    • thorn, spine
    • ex. acanthocytosis
  2. alg
    • pain
    • ex. myalgia
  3. alges
    • sensitivity to pain
    • ex. algesia
  4. all
    • other, divergence, difference from
    • ex. alloplasia
  5. angi-
    • (blood) vessel, duct
    • ex. angiocarditis
  6. arteri-
    • (air passage) artery
    • ex. arteriogram
  7. arthr-
    • joint
    • ex. arthritis
  8. bi-
    • life
    • ex. biology
  9. brady-
    • slow
    • ex. bradyrhythmia
  10. cardi-
    • heart
    • ex. cariogram
  11. cephal
    • head
    • ex. cephalalgia
  12. crani
    • skull
    • ex. epicranium
  13. cyt
    • (hollow container) cell
    • ex. leukocyte
  14. encephal
    • brain
    • ex. encephalitis
  15. erythr
    • red, red blood cell
    • ex. erythrocyte
  16. lept
    • thin, fine, slight
    • ex. leptomeninges
  17. leuk
    • white, white blood cell
    • ex. leukemia
  18. lith
    • stone, calculus
    • ex. angiolith
  19. log
    • word, study
    • ex. biology
  20. malac
    • soft
    • ex. malacosteon
  21. mes
    • middle, secondary, partial, mesentery
    • ex. mesoderm
  22. -meter; metr-
    • measure, measuring device
    • ex. biometry, cytometer
  23. nephr
    • kidney
    • ex. nephrectomy
  24. neur
    • nerve, nervous system
    • ex. neurology
  25. oste-
    • bone
    • ex. osteoporosis
  26. prosop-
    • face
    • ex. prosopospasm
  27. prot
    • first, primitive, early
    • ex. protoneuron
  28. scler-
    • hard
    • ex. scleroderma
  29. sten-
    • narrow
    • ex. stenocephaly
  30. stere-
    • solid, having three dimensions
    • ex. stereotropism
  31. tachy
    • rapid
    • ex. tachycardia
  32. tox(i)-
    • poison
    • ex.toxin
  33. logy
    • suffix form
    • study, science, the study or science of
    • ex. cardiology
  34. logist
    • suffix form
    • one who specializes in a certain study or science
    • ex. neurologist
  35. malacia
    • suffix form
    • the softening (of tissues) of
    • ex. nephromalacia
  36. sclerosis
    • suffix form
    • the hardening (of tissues) of
    • ex. arteriosclerosis
  37. stenosis
    • suffix form
    • the narrowing (of a part of the body)
    • ex. angiostenosis
  38. toxic
    • suffix form
    • poisonous (to an organ)
    • ex. cardiotoxic
  39. toxin
    • suffix form
    • a substance poisonous to (a part of the body)
    • ex. neurotoxin
Card Set
Greek combining forms and suffix forms