
  1. Coxa Valga
    inward turning of hip
  2. Coxa Varus
    outward turning of hip
  3. Hallux valgus
    deviation of big toe away from midline
  4. Hallus varus
    deviation of big toe towards midline of body
  5. Hammer toe
    - toes are bent at middle joint
  6. Claw toe
    • - contraction of toe at PIP and DIP
    • - doesn't occur in big toe
  7. Bunions
    • - bump on inside of big toe
    • - can be swollen bursal sac or bone deformity
  8. Talipes
    • - clubfoot
    • - abnormal development of bone in the feet
  9. Ganglion cysts
    • - benign filled fluid cyst in hand and wrist
    • - develops from jt. capsule or tendon sheath
  10. Ewings family of tumors (EFT)
    • - malignant tumors that affect mostly kids
    • - usually in long bones or pelvis and chest
    • - genetic mutation
  11. Multiple Myeloma
    • - plasma cell myeloma - cancer of plasma cells
    • - found in bone marrow and result in bone distruction
  12. Osteosarcoma
    • - bone cancer in under 20 yr. olds
    • - most frequent in bones of knee and upper arm
  13. Chondroma
    - non cancerous tumor formed of cartilage
  14. Osteoma
    • - nonmalignant mass of new bone
    • - mostly in bones of skull and face
  15. Giant cell tumor
    • - fast growing benign bone tumor which develops in long bones
    • - occurs b/w 20-40 yrs. old
  16. Synovial osteochondromatosis
    • - jt. is filled with multiple loose fragments made of cartilage or bone
    • - loose fragments are called jt. mice
  17. Knee jt. internal derangement
    - chronic condition involving a disruption in the inner structure of jt. - like ACL, MCL, etc.
  18. Bucket handle tear
    • - rim tear of meniscus
    • - middle is torn and may become wedged in jt.
  19. Dupuytren's Disease
    • - involves the shrinking and thickening of the fascia under the skin of the palm of hand
    • - forces finger flexion
  20. Rheumatoid arthritis
    • - autoimmune disease
    • - body produces rheumatoid factors to fight the normal antibodies
  21. Psoriatic arthritis
    • - autoimmune disease
    • - inflamm arthritis assoc. with psoriasis
    • - sx of arthritis and psoriasis
  22. Ankylosing spondylitis
    • - arthritis of verteral column
    • - affects SI jt.
Card Set
Injuries and Deformities