- The balloon became bigger.
- My older sister became thinner.
- (Become/turn")
요리를 잘하게 되었어요.
축구를 좋아하게되었어요.
- I became good at cooking
- I came to like soccer.
- (became, came to be/do)
- (has been decided)
재준 씨가 캐럴 씨에게 선물을줍니다
동생이 개한테밥을줘요.
- Jaejun gives a present to Carol.
- My little sister feeds the dog.
- (is the recipient of something)
- 주다, 선물하다, 던지다(to throw),
- 보내다(Send), 부치다(to ship/send),
- 붙이다(attach), 묻다(to ask),
- 가르치다(to teach), 말하다(speak)
- ,팔다(Sell), 가다(go), 오다(come).
아침에 빵이나 밥을 먹어요.
목이 말라요. 물이나 주스주세요.
- In the morning I eat bread or rice.
- I'm thirsty, Please give me some water or juice.
- (Or)
비행기가 기차보다빨라효.
동생이 언니보다더커요.
백화점이 시장보다더비싸요.
- Airplanes are faster than trains.
- My little sister is bigger than my older sister
- The department store is more expensive than the market.
(보다) Than
아침에 빵을 먹거나 우유를마셔요.
주말에 음악을듣거나 영화를 볼거예요.
- In the mornings I eat bread or drink milk.
- On the weekends, I plan to listen to music or watch a movie.
("Or" with to verbs and nouns.) Drink milk or Eat food
내가 집에 오자마자 잤어요.
- As soon as I arrived home, I slept.
- (As soon as)
컴퓨터를 많이 하면눈이 아파요.
나는 기분이 좋으면 춤을 춰요.
돈을 많이 벌면 집을 살거예요.
If you spend too much time on the computer, you'll hurt your eyes.
I dance when I'm in a good mood.
- If I make a lot of money, i'm going to buy a house.
- (If/when/once)(stating a condition about some fact, daily occurrence or something repetitive action mentioned later in the sentence. Or when something has not been realized yet.