
  1. Describe laminar airflow
    Area of the boundary layer where air molecules flow within the streamline
  2. What force opposes and controls the adverse pressure gradient?
    The kinetic energy of the relative wind
  3. What is the definition of boundary layer separation?
    Point in the streamline where airflow seperates
  4. What is the point of stall on a CL curve
  5. What is the definition of a stall?
    when increase in AOA results in decrease in CL
  6. What is the key difference between an aircraft’s stall AOA and stall airspeed?
    Stall AOA remains constant – stall airspeed is variable
  7. What are the fators associated with increased thrust that impact stall ccharacteristics?
    Vertical thrust component and propeller acceleration factor
  8. Which type of stall will have the lowest stall airspeed?
    Power-on stall
  9. How do you think increased G loading will affect stall airspeed?
    Stall airspeed increases
  10. If maintaining level flight, what happens to stall airspeed as you increase bank angle?
    Stall airspeed increases because of the increase in load factor needed to maintain level flight
  11. What is the effect of increased weight on stall airspeed?
    Stall airspeed will increase
  12. Higher G loading and higher bank angle = ______ stall airspeed.
  13. What is the basic function of a boundary layer control (BLC) device?
    To suppress boundary layer separation
  14. What is the T-6A stall AOA?
    18 units
  15. What provides stall warning in the T-6?
    Stick shacker, AOA gage
  16. What does activation of the stick shaker indicate?
    acft is 5-10 knots above stall
  17. What effect does increasing AOA have on the kinetic energy of the relative wind?
    Decreases it
  18. What are the benefits provided by Boundary Layer Control (BLC) devices?
    Increased maneuvering capabilities, decreased landing speed and distance
  19. What is the only reason the T-6A will stall?
    Exceeding T-6A stall AOA (18 units)
  20. Can an aircraft that is not stalled be in a spin?
    No. Both stall and yaw must be present to spin.
  21. Define poststall gyration.
    Aerodynamic forces during stall that result in movement around the pitch, roll, and yaw axes
  22. What is the key factor affecting the intensity of poststall gyrations?
    The airspeed at the time of stall
  23. In a spin, which wing will have the higher AOA, up-going or down-going wing?
    Down-going (inside) wing
  24. What is the cause of autorotation in a spin?
    Unequal lift and drag forces acting on each wing
  25. If stalled and yawed, which aircraft would enter an inverted spin?
    Neither. An aircraft must be in a negative G stall and yaw to enter an inverted spin.
  26. How does anti-spin rudder aid in recovery?
    Slows rotation and decreases AOA
  27. Would an aircraft spinning with the stick other than full aft be in an accelerated or unaccelerated
    Anytime the aircraft is spinning with the stick other than full aft, the spin is accelerated.
  28. Higher pitch attitude at stall results in ________ spin entry and __________ oscillations.
    slower; less
  29. Will a left or right spin stabilize at a lower pitch attitude?
  30. What causes the variance in left and right spin characteristics?
    Gyroscopic effect of the propeller
  31. How does the introduction of yaw affect the lift and drag of a stalled wing?
    Causes asymmetrical lift and drag between the outside and inside wing
  32. What conditions must be present to enter an inverted spin?
    Negative G stall and yaw introduced
  33. What is the main aerodynamic factor affecting spins?
    Conservation of angular momentum
  34. How can a progressive spin be entered?
    By maintaining full aft stick while applying and holding anti-spin rudder
  35. Which aircraft will spin at a lower pitch attitude and higher rotation rate?acft spining left or right.
    • Right spin
    • a. Stabilizes at lower pitch
    • b. Stabilizes more slowly with increased oscillations
    • c. Rotation rate increased
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