History part 2

  1. Who were the Indo-Europeans?
    The group of ancient people who populated Greece
  2. Who were the Mysterious sea people?
    The Mycenaean greeks wrote of a group of people from the sea who destroyed their cities, and lead to the Greek "darkages"
  3. Who were the Minoans in Crete?
    They were the first known people in the area of Greece, but they themselves were not Greek, but they did have a profound influence on Greek culture. Art, indoor plumbing, and jewelry warehouses have been found. The art is what gives the best evidence of them being a distinct group of people.
  4. Who were the Mycenaean Greeks?
    They were a part of the Indo-European migration around 2,000 BCE who inhabited Greece. They also began what would later be known as Greek culture with the worshiping of gods such as Zeus, and the formation of city-states like Athens.
  5. what are linear A and B?
    Linear A was the dialect spoken/written by the Minoans, we have not deciphered it. The tablets that we have are for economic transactions, we know this because of context and some of the picutres made on them.

    Linear B was the dialect spoken/written by the Mycenaean Greeks. This was deciphered, but nearly all of the tablets that we have left are just to record economic transactions. This was a greek dialect, and it is clear that it was heavily influenced by the Minoans.
  6. Dactylic hexameter?
    this is the style of writing that poems, such as the Iliad, were written in. It had a rythmic flow to it.
  7. what is oral tradition?
    oral tradition is the passing of a story down by word of mouth. This is how the stories of the Iliad are believed to have been passed, until Homer put them into writing.
  8. Who was Homer?
    Homer was the author of the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. There is a great deal of debate over whether he was a single person, of if actually the stories were just a collection of works by different authors. Regardless, the works attributed to him are some of the earliest examples of human writing. They also served as a cultural guide for religion and moral actions for many Greeks, and give us a great deal of insight into who the gods/goddeses were and how they acted.
  9. what is the Iliad?
    the Iliad is an epic poem, considered to be one of the earliest works of human writing, that depicts a portion of the Trojan war. It shows the "glory days" of greece, the age of heroes. It serves as a form of history, and mythology by adding the gods and goddesses into the actions of men in war. It gives us a great deal of insight into the beliefs of the personalities of the different greek dieties. It also served as a kind of morality guide for the greeks who heard it, and it was a very commonly recited work with there being story tellers all over greece who could recite the whole story by memory.
  10. Who was Achilles?
    Achilles was the Hero of the Iliad, and he was contsantly in contest with Agamemnon, the leader of the Geeks. He eventually fought and killed hector.
  11. Who was Agamemnon?
    he was the leader of the greek army that was attacking Troy, and was in constant battle with Achilles. He took the woman that was given to Achilles as a prize, disgracing Achilles which caused him to stay out of the majority of the war.
  12. Who was Patroclus?
    he was Achilles' closest friend. he begged Achilles to go back into battle, but then ended up borrowing his armor to fight as if he was achilles. but he was killed by hector in battle.
  13. Who was Menelaus?
    He was the king of sparta, who has lost his wife Helen to Paris. The justification for the invasion was to regain his honor and his wife.
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History part 2
this is the first section on the general terms and names for the first exam